Second Level of Learning: The Orion Empire

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Table of Contents:

Paper #1: The Feminine Universe (Posted on July 4, 2012)

  • 1. Abstract: 2011-2012 — Two Very Challenging Years!
  • 2. A Fascination Story
  • 3. Is the Universe Feminine, Created by a Mother Goddess?
  • 4. Matriarchs versus Patriarchs — ‘As Above, So Below’
  • 5. A Balance Between Male and Female Energies
  • 6. How ‘Mother Goddess’ in Ancient Times was Suppressed and Replaced by a ‘Father God’
  • 7. Elohim as Feminine Life Designers
  • 8. The War on Females in Earth History
  • 9. Definition of ‘Witch’
  • 10. Cosmogony According to the Orion Empire
  • 11. The Cosmic Orgasm
  • 12. Inanna, the Female Rebel
  • 13. The Great Suppressed Powers of the Divine Feminine
  • 14. The Rites of Sacred Ecstasy
  • 15. The Mainstream Scientific Society and their Pseudo-Science

Paper #2: Creation of Universes (Posted on July 4, 2012)

  • 1. The Great Architect of the Universe and the Purpose of Different Creator Gods
  • 2. A New Way of Looking at the Structure of the Omniverse from an Interdimensional Perspective
  • 3. The Founders — Life Designers of the Multiverse
  • 4. The Manifestation of the Creator in the Physical Universe
  • 5. Creation as the Perfect Symphony
  • 6. The Pyramid Builders
  • 7. The Ethereal Composite and the DRAP (Death-Recycling-Amnesia-Trap)
  • 7.1. The Fire and the Avatar
  • 8. Dimensions and Densities Revisited
  • 9. Shapeshifting Explained
  • 10. Nano-Travel and Manmade UFOs
  • 11. The Dying Race Analogy
  • 12. A Personal Story
  • 13. Law of One Out of Proportions
  • 14. The Soul is a Loan
  • 15. The Endless Cycles of Creation — Wheels Within Wheels

Paper #3: Our Metaphysical Multiverse (Posted on July 4, 2012)

  • 1. The Unconscious Mind and Causative Dreaming
  • 2. The Differences Between Interdimensional, Multidimensional, and Omnidimensional
  • 3. Different Types of Metaphysical Entities and Entity Possession
  • 3.1. The ‘Earthbound’ or the ‘Unquiet Dead’
  • 3.2. The Mischief-Makers and the Djinns
  • 3.3. The Dark Forces, or Demons
  • 3.4. Afterlife and Entity Possession
  • 4. The Dangers of Only Embracing Love and Light
  • 5. Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project in a New ‘Dark’
  • 6. Channeled: The Dark Entities of Love and Light

Paper #4: The Orion Empire (Posted on July 7, 2012)

  • 1. Who’s the Friend and Who’s the Enemy?
  • 2. A Reptilian ‘Bee Hive’ Society?
  • 3. The Structure of the Orion Empire
  • 4. Conclusions About the Queendom of Orion

 Paper #5: The Sirian Overlords (Posted on July 16, 2012)

  • 1. A Review of the ‘Sirius C Theory’
  • 2. The Early History of the Sirian People
  • 3. The Sirians Become a Space-Faring Species
  • 4. The Sirian Overlords Today
  • 5. A Closer Look at Nibiru

Paper #6: The Great Galactic Wars (Posted on July 20, 2012)

  • 1. Queendoms and Kingdoms in Orion
  • 2. The First Great Galactic War
  • 3. The Second Great Galactic War
  • 4. From Kingdom to Queendom
  • 5. The Third Great Galactic War
  • 6. Peace in Orion
  • 7. The Aryan Founders, the Tree of Life and the Elixir of the Gods
  • 8. The Sirian–Orion War
  • 8.1 The First Attacks on the Orion Empire
  • 8.2 The Second Attacks
  • 8.3 The Peace Treaty
  • 9. The Seven Sisters
  • 10. Peace in Orion Again — Sort of…
  • 11. Some Thoughts and some other Thoughts Aside

Paper #7: What NASA Found on the Moon (Not released)

  • 1. What are we Really Seeing in the Skies?
  • 2. Why did the Lunar Missions stop?
  • 3. Were the Apollo Missions Really Fake or was Something Else Going on?
  • 4. Ret. Col. From Apollo 20 Mission: “This Is What We Found On the Moon.”
  • 5.Mona Lisa on the Moon
  • 6. The William Rutledge Story
  • 7. Conclusions Regarding the Apollo 20 Mission

 Paper #8: The Ancient Guardians of the Living Library (Posted on July 24, 2012)

  • 1. Abstract: An Introduction to the Living Library
  • 2. The Seeding of the Living Library
  • 3. Namlú’u — The Creation of an Androgynous Race
  • 4. The Namlú’u and the Titans in History, Mythology, and Tradition
  • 5. The Golden Age

Paper #9: War of the Titans and the Destruction of Original Terra (July 29, 2012)

  • 1. The End of the Golden Age
  • 2. What Are These Beings Doing on My Planet?
  • 3. The Titanomachy
  • 4. The Destruction of Terra

Paper #10: Mechanics around Entrapment of Souls in Third Dimension (August 12, 2012)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. The Untold Tale of Two Brothers  
  • 3. Depiction of the Gods
  • 4. More on Ša.AM.e, aka ‘Nibiru’
  • 5. The Third Dimension
  • 6. The Grid, the Frequency Fence, the Quarantine and the Veil of Amnesia — How it all Works!
  • 6.1. The Influence from the Artificial Moon
  • 6.2. The Time Lock
  • 6.3. Civilizations Inserted Through Time Portals

Paper #11: The Beginning of a Tyranny (August 18, 2012)

  • 1. Terra Nova
  • 2. ENKI’s Encounter in the Forest    
  • 3. Pact Between ENKI and ENLIL
  • 4. Lady of the Lake
  • 5. Integrating ‘Project Elohim’ with Earlier Experiments
  • 6. The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life
  • 7. The Departure of a Divine Species
  • 8. The Cain and Abel Bloodlines

 Paper #12: Lord Enki — The Cosmic Vampire (August 25, 2012)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. Old Souls Trapped with Younger Souls
  • 3. The Creation of Elitism on Terra Nova
  • 4. The Kings of the Void

Paper #13: The Shamans of Mu, the Fallen Ones, and Corruption of Wisdom (September 2, 2012)

  • 1. Some Initial Hidden History behind the Continent of Mu
  • 2. The Religion of Mu
  • 3. The Multidimensional Lemurians
  • 4. The Citizens of Mu — Great Healers in Harmony with Mother Earth
  • 5. Aryan Symbolism in Mu
  • 6. The Return of the Titans
  • 7. Proof of Giants in Ancient Times
  • 8. A Gigantic Visit from the Pleiades
  • 9. The Children of the ‘Dark Angels’
  • 10. The Destruction of Mu
  • 11. In the Aftermath of the Lemurian Cataclysm

Paper #14: The Atlanteans and the Misuse of Energy (September 9, 2012)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. Atlantis and the Orion Heritage
  • 3. Elitism in Atlantis
  • 4. Atlantean Shamanism
  • 5. Atlantean Technology
  • 6. Lucifer’s Rebellion and his Pleiadian Angels
  • 7. Genetic Experiments Out of Mind
  • 8. Misuse of Energy
  • 9. The Wars of Gods and Men
  • 10. Experiment Contaminated
  • 11. Atlantean Technology at its Peak and the Atlantean Resistance
  • 12. ENLIL’s Final Solution

Paper #15: In the Hands of Interdimensional Star Beings (September 13, 2012)

  • 1. A Serious Sirius Talk
  • 2. The Creation of Homo Sapiens Sapiens
  • 3. The Ruling Human Hybrid Bloodlines
  • 4. The Schizophrenic God of the Bible
  • 5. Jesus of Nazareth, Mary Magdalene and the Knights Templar
  • 6. Keeping us in the Dark

Paper #16The Year 2012 Looking Forward — A Deep Dive Into Current ET Situation (Part I) (September 24, 2012)

  • 1. Billions of Star Beings in Near Earth Space
  • 2. The Sirian Alliance
  • 3. The Allies of Mankind
  • 4. Latest News: ‘Nibiru’ Coming in Early! LPG-C Wants Us to Prepare Now!
  • 5. Humanity — A Species With Reptilian Traits
  • 6. From a Patriarchal Regime to a Matriarchal Regime — Both Sides Covered
  • 7. The Earthbound Against the Home Planet — More ‘Divide and Conquer’?

Paper #17The Year 2012 Looking Forward — A Deep Dive Into Current ET Situation (Part II) (September 27, 2012)

  • 1. The Machine World Goes to War — The Creation of Super Soldiers
  • 2. The Purpose of Technology Transfer Programs and Alien-Human Abductions
  • 3. Cloning
  • 4. Springboard into a New Era

Paper #18: The Obsession with Fulfilling Prophecy (October 6, 2012)

  • 1. The Energy Grids and the Cycles of Time
  • 1.1 Haven’t We Lived This Life Before?
  • 2. The Mechanics Around Prophecies
  • 3. The Hysteria Around the Mayan Calendar
  • 4. Primary Events
  • 5. The 3% Rule Revisited
  • 6. What to Expect
  • 7. The ‘High Council’ from Sirius B
  • 8. The Cover-Up of the Results from the Technology Transfer Programs
  • 9. Portals and Stargates
  • 10. Last Notes on Crop Circles

Paper #19: The Closing of the Nano-Second (October 13, 2012)

  • 1. Sirian Preparation in Modern Time for the Return of the Gods, and their Primary Message That They Come As Liberators
  • 2. A Pleiadian Perspective on the Return of the Sirians
  • 3. One on One with Prince Utu Shamash
  • 4. Attack from the Nano World
  • 5. Satan and the Anti-Christ
  • 6. The Building of Alternative Timelines, Changing the Course of the Entire Universe
  • 7. The Very Importance of Understand the Real Meaning Behind ‘Service to Self’ and ‘Service to Others’
  • 7.1 The Term ‘Unconditional Love’ Misunderstood
  • 7.2. The Term ‘Catalyst’ Misunderstood
  • 7.3. The Important of ‘Love of Self’ (STO vs. STS Revisited for the Last Time)
  • 8. The Atlantic Karma, Triple Helix DNA, and the Cleansing of the Planet
  • 9. The Silent Invasion
  • 10. The Superwave as a Positive Even

Paper #20: Life After the Nano-Second, Part 1 — The Dark Road Towards Extinction (October 21, 2012)

  • 1. Abstract. Walking Down the Darkest of Paths
  • 2. Lifting the Veil
  • 3. Leave me Alone and Let Somebody Else do my Thinking!
  • 4. Concerned Star Races Watch Us Deplete Other Parts of the Universe from Energy. How Long Will They Let Us?
  • 4.1. Zero-Point Energy, or so-called ‘Negative Energy’
  • 4.2. Another, Even More Serious Misuse of Energy
  • 5. The Real Reason Females Possess More Fire Than Males
  • 6. The Debt Now Must Be Paid In Full7. The Destruction of Souls — the Ultimate Loss of Personality
  • 7.1. The Power of the Human Template
  • 7.2. Can the Fire Burn out? The Difference Between the Real Heaven and Hell, and What does ‘Guardians of the Living Library’ ReallyMean?
  • 7.3. The 4% Universe + The 96% Universe = The 100% Universe
  • 8. The ‘Second Coming’ is Happening NOW!!!
  • 9. Breaking the Endless Cycle of Reincarnation

Paper #21: Life After the Nano-Second, Part 2 — The Dawn of a New Species: A Humanity Without Chains (October 28, 2012)

  • 1. The Gods and the Love Vibrations
  • 2. But Wait…Are We Really Evolving?
  • 3. Investing In What We’ve Learnt
  • 4. Microcosm and Macrocosm — The Nano-World versus the Material World
  • 5. The Aryan/Sirian Peace Agreement Revisited
  • 5.1. Update on the Aryan/Sirian Peace Agreement (Nov. 20, 2012) 

Paper #22Life After the Nano-Second, Part 3 — The New Mind (November 3, 2012)

  • 1. Healing Body and Mind
  • 1.1. Blocked Energy and the Mechanics of ‘Healing Along the Lines of Time”
  • 1.2 Clearing Your Energy Field
  • 1.3. Toning
  • 2. Traveling Back In Time: What Happened 5,125 – 5,000 Years Ago?
  • 3. Blood and Sex, and how to Integrate the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ with the ‘Tree of Life’
  • 3.1. Menopause
  • 3.2 Blood (and Menstrual Blood in particular) as the Genetic Code
  • 4. Sex Magick and the ‘War of the Genders’ Revisited
  • 5. The New Cosmic Mind
  • 5.1 Gods in the Making — Humans as Creator Gods
  • 6. A New Earth for the New Mind
  • 6.1. New Communities
  • 6.2. Loose Ends and Imperative Bits and Pieces
  • 7. Energy Exercises
  • 8. The Omega

Appendix A: Updates on ‘The Remarkable Michael Lee Hill Case’, Part 1: ‘Proof of UFOs over Lake Erie’ (November 9, 2012)

  • 1. Abstract. An Introduction to this Extraordinary Story
  • 2. How Michael Lee Hill’s Projects Got Sabotaged
  • 3. The Timeline of UFO Sightings over Lake Erie, Starting in the 1800s

Appendix B: Updates on ‘The Remarkable Michael Lee Hill Case’, Part 2: The World Teacher of the New Era  (November 15, 2012)

  • 1. How Much Does the Government Know?
  • 2. The Portal — The Hessdalen Lights Phenomenon
  • 3. The Bigelow Investigator
  • 4. Michael Lee Hill Being Severely Beaten Up Not to Talk, and CBS Interview Being Tampered With During Broadcast!
  • 5. Michael’s Story is Taking Off… 
  • 6. Giant UFO Base Under Lake Erie?
  • 7. They Were Beings of Huge Stature…
  • 8. Maitreya, the World Teacher, and the Water of Life
  • 9. Michael Lee Hill, LPG-C, S.A.A.L.M. and the Death of 4 Billion — What is Actually Going On?
  • 10. Some End Words for the End Times

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