A Letter To Galactic Federation

I’m very hesitate to write to you all again , but I feel I should explain my views clearly in order not to be regretful one day.And all the views here are only mine. There must be many incorrectness and mistakes.In fact ,I do not exactly know what you want to do to earthlings.So ignore any view that you do not agree.If you are confused again about my saying, I’m sorry, but I feel I can no longer explain my views more clearly .I do believe there are communication barricades even we use the same language!And I do admit my English is poor.I’ m only an ignorant person, so please be not angry at me if you disagree with any of my views.I only express my views here .I do not intend to interfere with any of your universal affairs !Thanks very much!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Letter To Galactic Federation ,I’m sorry for your misunderstanding of my last posting.The outside I mean Dark Forces(I always feel ridiculous when I say this word ,really like a drama: Light Forces versus Dark Forces. And ,in fact, I always doubt your existence . How could the myth finally comes into true one day ? I always doubt whether you are making an awesome joke to me!!!), outside this Universe.The correctness I mean mistakes made by Dark Forces.Happiness I mean sorrow for separation .I say can you resonate with ,understand me---the you is Galactic Federation ,not for earthlings.All that posting is all say to you(not earthlings in this website).I do have indicated my views to you.The hidden meaning is : you grieve for losing your parts in the battle with Dark Forces(Dark Forces produces sorrow for separation for you, right?). And due to Dark Forces ‘ reason , you began to cleanse the whole Universe to filter beings ,right? And produce sorrow for separation to earthlings , and maybe later on other planets. I know Angels’ sorrow when they have to fall, to separate with each other .Do they feel sorrowful?And even a god grieved when one of his god fellow is destroyed because of considered to be corrupted(Although, it seems to be recreated later on).So you can see ,even you think some of us(earthlings) are corrupted ,but all of us still enjoy with each other together. We will feel sorrowful when we have to be separated . So I say do not do what you don’t want(sorrow for separation ) to others (make others feel sorrowful for separation). Do not punish(separate people ) ourselves( you all and earthlings) due to the Dark forces’ mistakes(reside in this Universe, cool down beings ‘s love vibrations) . I mean you(you all ) may unconsciously repeatedly punish , torture ourselves(you all and earthlings) to experience sorrow for separation due to Dark Forces’ mistakes. (Of course ,it’s my own understanding of the whole situation, it may be incorrect. The information I grasp is very limited. And I never mean any of you are incorrect. The decisions you make must be from your own considerations that I may not understand now. In fact, how can I exactly know what is correct or not, I ‘m only a common person.)Indeed , I’m very tired of such cleansing. In the history of human beings., there are always such kinds of cleansing(ways maybe different from you ,but all is filtering people) after each war. My country has already endured one ,and just enjoys only a 20-years democracy(you may say it’s not, but it is already much better than before), peace and prosperity. Then you suddenly come and want to give us another cleansing. How could it not be tiresome?(Of course , maybe in your view ,it is a must. Well ,I don’t exactly know such universal affairs. So ignore it ,if you disagree .)What’s more important I feel, is many many people don’t know your existence and can’t Ascend in such a hasty healing. You give earthlings only a few years for healing ,while the kingdom of Shambhala has prepared for thousands of years. And you give earthlings such a few years to believe in you ,while Jesus raised his believers for 2000 years. I mean is it too hasty to establish a new world immediately?Why not establish a heaven on current Earth DIRECTLY(you know what I mean ,right?). You can establish your belief system in earthlings’ school, educate them gradually over generations. And I believe people can be educated . I feel what they are now is not for the reason that is corrupted…by such as virus, but is due to the environment, such as belief system in a society , education they received at school, parents’ education when they still are children and their fellows around them . I don’t exactly understand what you mean corrupted. If it is a virus, you mean I’m insane now?!And I feel there is no perfection at least in this world. There is only a state which is limitlessly closing to it. Though I may want to go after perfection myself , but I never want people around to be perfect . I love them because I could always see their strong points in some aspect. So could you be tolerant to them to give them much time ? Why not forgive ALL earthlings? They are also the victims of Dark. ARE THEY UNWORTHY of COMPASSION? I just very wonder why you are in such a hurry?? Will the Creator agree to give much enough time if we request??If you do want to establish new world immediately ,could you please establish directly here ,on the current earth, to educate people and give them more opportunities to Ascend? I love this current earth , many friends here and many books I want to read that haven’t read here . And I believe my country has such power to restore and guard peace on this Earth..Bless you all sincerely!Ashley

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  • Yes we are the ones who have to do it, we humans i do not stand behind the concept of being saved. From my humble beginnings of learning about love, spirituality, ascention and other uplifting things i have understood one thing, i have done it by myself. I do have the feeling that we are shown the way but we are not being carried on hands here at any moment. If i have gone into trouble(and trust me i have) it was because i asked for the push when i was not ready. I do not believe spirituality or ascention and so are nice wonderfull things where we float on, singing songs and so. I believe it is hard work, i believe we like smal kids have to go trough the experience if we want to asimilate it within us. Never have i learned anything from getting it in words or pictures or hear saying. The only way i have learned is by getting involved in it as deep as i can go at that moment and with the consciousness i have at hand at that moment. Numerous times i had to fall on my face and do it again untill i finally grasped it and asimilated the lesson inside of me so it would become a second nature. And every second of the day i learn more and more untill it starts to live trough me, and it is happening now in my life where i do walk the talk like they say. where finally fear has stepped aside and has given understanding and forgivness a green light to manifest itself. I agree with the fact that we are so far from being on the spot right now, the masses are totally oblivious to what is going on, i test people everyday with litlle nodges of information about everything from light beings to ufo's to where the world is going, and the majority of people look at me like i am a nut case. Good thing i know i am not, or i would just join them in there ignorance. Ashley i liked your posting and it shows wisdom, and i do, like you ask for the same things, and i am shure they are working with us because i am a verry dificult person to convince on any subject untill i have my own inner proof that it is so without any posible doubt. I can feel them next to me pushing and helping, i do not see them and have no need to becuase i will do the stuff i need to do anyways when i am ready to and not when i have proof. I am sorry if i did ratlle away here and lost myself, and like Ashley i do write a load of mistakes but i am shure most brains here will decifer it. Now last but not least, i have no cleu who is helping me or others, i do not even know if Ashtar command is real or not, i just know we seem to be going in the same direction and that is good enough for me. So hang on there Ashley you are not alone, everyone with a inner knowing is with you always, even if your five senses can not detect it.
  • Heaven is the space which you explore more Earth one fold planets. This is the deception of Our faith.
    "...no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age...and in the age to come, eternal life"

    Mark 10:29~30
  • i believe the cleansing refered to will be at the hands of the very ones being cleansed and as a result of the actions of those refered to as corrupt. As a result there will also be losses of those who deserve to have time to grow and would do so given time, this is just a natural result of such cleansing. However dont be sorrowful, if my understanding is correct they will still be alive but traveling a life path which doesnt fit with the world path we are moving into instead they will remain on a world path more appropriate to them. As our total evolution advances there is no reason why in a future point on our personal time line we cant meet with them agian with experiences unique to share with one another. And in a sense this is what some holy texts describe in a manner which is appropriate to the capacity of the people of those time periods to understand. As for those who have no respect for holy texts i can only say they havent got the capacity of reasoning which gives room for the unknown which will one day become known and in some instances conveyed.
  • I personally believe that the true galactic community or ascended beings in there communications would be limited to a level which our understanding is already capable of. Ideas of how to use what we already know to over come our problems, and motivation to question our own choices to allow us to ensure for ourselves if we are getting and going to get the most out of the situations we submit ourselves to. As for mass evacs, by my direct understanding of the directives concerning inter planetary/ sentient species interaction they would not interfere unless we already had the capacity to institute a functional and sufficient evacuation measure. Short comings such as not having enough time to get such a measure prepared and ready for initiation or shortage of skilled manpower and/or resources would not prevent a rescue. If we didnt already have the know how for our own salvation then they would likely let things unfold naturally. Being that the basics for interplanetary/interstellar growth are available, even though infantile, we are at a level where the greater galactic community can accept us a significant factor in galactic matters and interact with us in limited manners though the sanctity of our identity and stellar youth and innocence must be maintained until we can develop our own unique galactic identity and our societies personality in regards to the galactic community.
    • As well those who have been feeling for some time now that they arent in their element or arent on the life path they feel they should be on but can not approach or enter into I tell you many opportunities that have never before been available will over time in the near future become available for all of us, its a statistical fact considering the level of advancement in the various arts and the shear number of individuals free to further those arts. All this time is a period of preperation for what is to come. Many of you have been recieving tidbits of learning and skill that seem fruitless towards your dreams however the time will come when enough of those tidbits are in place that a keystone of your life path will come and you will realize the importance of all those tidbits and see that at that moment you are ready to grasp that path and live your dreams. Do note that trying to fight this preperation and seeking those things you arent ready for only delays your readiness to fulfill your dreams.
  • In my experience all the communications claiming to be the Galactic Federation are bogus. The real Galactic Community of Worlds probably attempted communication on the Internet back in the late 90s but their words were distorted or the sites with the real information were removed. Most of the channelers these days are also bogus. So whatever information you are gatting from the "Galactic Federation" is most probably wrong, so I wouldn't worry too much about what they are doing since you won't know until it's done if ever. The internet is censored, information that is real is removed and what is left is disinfo and half truths. So unless you have an inner connection to those of the Galactic Worlds through direct contactee experience, it's not wise to start questioning them about stuff that they have no intention of doing or in any way reflect their agenda.
  • Dear Ashley, you communicated with great depth and meaning so do not criticize your writing ability for openers. I think this is a wonderful letter full of your soul's truth, presented poignantly and with respect. So do not feel at all bad about this. You are not alone in the sentiments I can assure you. I myself have a hard time with belief about the Ashtar Federation (not the members of this forum, just the entities that are presented as the Ashtar Federation, and I am not fearful of saying so.) I am one of those who have never met ascended masters or benevolent aliens as some talk about here, and often wonder what is wrong with me, haha.....but I know that we all experience what we need to at the soul level and that is enough for me. I am a strong skeptic in life because I have so often been decieved. So you are not alone in the questioning. I use discernment at all times. Maybe the concept of Ashtar Command or Ashtar Federation to the rescue is a plotline but I do not forsee it. I think it is up to we humans to get ourselves out of the mess we have been entangled in. I do not see in the future any mass evacuations or any intervention from outer space, I think that advanced civilizations would follow a non involvement rule. It is a comforting concept being rescued, but to me a fairy tale, nice, but just the masses longing for someone to step in and SAVE us. I guess if I had contacts with these ascended masters and such I would feel differently, but such experiences have not happened for me so I question. Just as others here question me becasue of my experiences with a different set of aliens and abduction. So I can fully understand that we each have our own beliefs and understandings and will not all be the same. I do not fear for the future, because we can never die. We are all interconnnected parts of the whole. And we are never alone becasue we have each other. So do not fear, all will be well. Our destiny is in our hands. Do not let fear and negative feelings get the better of you. All will be fine.
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