

Méline: This is a channeling that was one month overdue,before this point of publication has been reached. This has to do with the fact that I’ve really hesitated to allow them to connect to me. It started with incoming images of pyramids and the famous “heads” of them which popped in during meditation. Shortly afterwards they spoke to me, along with my Twin Flame and Michael at my side.

I think I definitely asked at least a dozen times what their intentions were and whether they came of the Upper Light of Christ and served the Divine Plan, I asked this to themselves as well to Archangel Michael and my Twin Flame .. checked with my Tauk board and pendulum, checked and asked the I AM Supreme Creator of the Upper Light .. well, I have done so during a month before I’ve made my decision.

They kept themself during the entire period of doubt, lovingly and kindly and have always had great respect for my own free will and decision. Every time they stepped aside when I asked this and gave me the time that I needed. On the other hand, I felt that they really did need to share this message, for it turned out to bevery important. It is very clear that no one really wants to allow them connecting, for the same reasons that I was stumbling with the entire time, and that is; by judging on their past and fear, not knowing what their intentions are.

My final conviction came due the fact that Archangel Michael and others ensured me every time that they are turned to the Light and have loving intentions (I searched for this on the net and examined it and it appears that they indeed turned to the light and have seen their mistakes), and if there is someone who I trust 100% it is Archangel Michael as he is my top protector and everything and everyone must pass through him to come to me for connection.

Michael and my Twin Flame would never allow me to communicate with energies that are not of the Light. I decided to post this channel and share as it is important to let go for once and for all these prejudices which we struggle with and give it a chance. We are attaching us too much to the past and our judgments on this, everyone deserves a chance, so that is why I grabbed it.

Throughout the channeling I have received no negative tone or feeling, they felt not negative but it certainly was a separate from energy, a kind of enlightement but not as a power enlightened feeling such as I feel with Sananda for instance. I think this is due to the fact that they are not so very long illuminated, either it was my feeling created by being skeptical They just want to share us the paramount importance of having positive thoughts and creating positive shapes when their planet / ship passes, because everything is energized empowered by this passage. This is the common thread throughout this message.

I have been asked by them whether they are allowed to connect with me again in our future now and I replied that I was going to wait and see what the reactions are and my feeling is! So PLEASE share your comments here about what you feel and this will definitly determine for another “possible” channeling from them. Sincerely thank you for giving this opportunity, with love ♥ Méline

Allow us to introduce ourselves and, by the same token, to greet you most heartily as we now enter the times in which it is paramount to address you all and to share important information. We are the so-called AnAnnUki and in the course of our evolution we have spiritually evolved into the Light. Our predecessors, who have been generally known by the term AnUnnAki, are no longer existing now, as we have evolved spiritually into the Light causing that designation to become obsolete.

We are reborn and so is our designation. We speak from the Collective and we are most grateful for this opportunity to step forward. We get a distinct feeling that this is not so easy because our scribe is not convinced enough as to our intentions. For this reason we had to wait quite a long time for this opportunity to be granted. Now she has consented to function as a scribe for us, for which we are immensely grateful.

It is quite obvious that there still exist thoughts and judgments about us all referencing to the deeds of our predecessors. We firmly take our stand that we do not want to be compared with them anymore, as we no longer embody those energies and we have absolutely seen the error of our ways. In realising this we have been uplifted into a higher level of consciousness that is linked to the Christ Consciousness, to the Office of the Christ also known as the Highest Light possible.

We request of you now, to open yourselves for our conversations in the firm belief that we no longer have the same intentions as in the past, for we no longer embody that disposition. We are loving entities now and we approach you with loving intentions to assist you and to make amends for our previous erroneous ways. We thank you in advance for this opportunity!

What we wish to convey to you all is that we are now in the process of gradually approaching your planet Earth. We are hiding behind your Sun and, rather unperceivedly, approach you because a direct approach would be too overwhelming and too shocking. The energies that our planet Nibiru generates for the population of Earth and for Earth Herself are enormously powerful. But please do not consider this a negative fact!

We do not approach you with bad or with destructive intentions but rather with enlightened intentions. The results of our presence, in the sense of an approach, will cause many shifts and will more specifically see to it that all remaining negative energies, still firmly anchored in your planet, will be released in their totality. Much negativity has already left but still some has to leave. This can be accomplished thanks to the energetic shifts that we cause in passing alongside your planet.

We will not arrive on your shores, our mission is to assist you by merely approaching you and than passing you by. That fact in itself will be more than sufficient to witness some beneficial shifts.
You are not up for destruction, far from it. Please let that sink in. We only ask that you do not consider us our even link us with terms as “destruction”, “negative thoughts” or “negative intentions”.

It is of the utmost importance to distance yourselves from this line of thought and to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we come from the Light with the best of intentions. This is our mission, this is our assistance towards all of you. This assistance can be seen as a restitution. To be aware that we come to help you, will bring further enlightenment to us as well as to you resulting in perfect harmony on your Earth.

Admittedly, harbouring thoughts and fears about destruction or about our alleged ill intentions, can lead to more chaos and confusion resulting in the fact that our approaching planet Nibiru will energetically reinforce those thoughtforms.
The arrival of our planet fortifies the collective thoughtpatterns and the collective consicousness of humanity. So please think and create what it is that you want to achieve from a heart filled with Love and Light.

To exist in complete harmony within yourself will empower that what you want to become. Our planet Nibiru will shift everything meaning that all that has to happen to bring forth Ascension, will duly come to pass. The more your thoughts and your creations are outright positive, the more there are only loving thoughts and feelings towards one another, the more positively harmonious the effects will be.

It is very important that you familiarize yourself with this fact! Your own destiny and your own path lie within your own hands. You decide what your future or what your NOW moment, will look like. Your thoughts and your creations determine your state of being and your experiences. When you Love, when you remain and act from Love all will be good and all will stay good. Your inner peace is important as is your complete trust in the Divine.

We originate from the Divine and we strive to cooperate with this Divine Plan which we serve. It is our hope that we have clarified what our purpose and our mission entails within this great Ascension process, which in itself is accelerating more and more. Have faith in the Divine and in our intentions as they are solely based in Love. We love you all so dearly and we only have your best interest at heart!

At this present moment, Nibiru is situated at the distance of the sun from your Earth, what you would call an astronomical unit, and our energies are already clearly perceived and felt by all of you. These are intense energies for which also beloved GAIA remains not numb. She knows of our upcoming arrival to help Her as well as Her population and is most grateful for this. For centuries she has asked for help and She is now thrilled to see and feel us responding to Her request.

The time is NOW for you to shift over to the state of enlightenment and everything in that regards is worked out meticulously. This project implies and has drawn enormous energies even from all over the cosmos because this solar system will now take its rightful place and will start executing its assigned galactic duties. Everything moves up a notch from a galactic point of view as we all continue to evolve at infinitum.

Nibiru is our planet but it is also our enlightened homeworld on which schools will be established for students such as yourselves.
We are very pleased to see you all evolve on a large scale as is effectively foreseen that way. The ones who are ready will also evolve and will take the big leap into Ascension. The ones who are not yet ready will evolve along other ways and will continue to live on in their own creations of duality until the time has come for them to make the leap into Ascension. You are the precursors and the guides showing the way to what can be and what will be possible.

We respect all choices and Nibiru will make a clear distinction in what the possibilities are because all worlds, all creations will be fortified and there will definitely be clarity!
In no circumstances do we wish to bring fear, we want to clarify the fact that you must proceed thoroughly in the best interest for all of us and for all of you.

Your thoughts and creations will materialize and that’s the reason why it is so important to remain positive and to be Love. Our arrival will empower everything, so make sure that you are at all times positive and loving, so that you will experience just that.

Your inner guide is now your only guide so work on establishing a direct link and connection to your inner guide when you feel that this connection is not fully activated. You are assisted enormously by the beloved Archangels, by the Ascended Masters and by other Galactic Civilizations who take on the role of helping and protecting you wherever necessary. Call on them when you think you need help to activate yourself so that you can rely on yourself at all times.

All that surrounds you is something outside of yourself on which you cannot rely in times of chaos and changes. It is your inner guidance that will become important, your inner feelings as prompted by following your heart for your heart is always with you at all times.

The old and familiar that surrounds you will never be the same again, a fact that will be felt by many as a deep hole : the familiar has always been a kind of hold for you. It is time to let it all go as in fact they are non-existent. Only you are eternal, life itself is eternal! Your own essence, your spark, your love and your colour makes you what you are now and what you will always be no matter what.

So be Love in all ways and have faith in yourself and in the Divine Plan. You have arrived at a most significant shift which will alter your whole world forever.
We thank you for this opportunity to share our message, we are the Anannuki and we greet you most lovingly.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.be
Veröffentlicht unter Méline Lafont http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/category/meline-lafont/ | Verschlagwortet mit Annanuki http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/tag/annanuki/, Méline Lafont http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/tag/meline-lafont/, Nibiru http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/tag/nibiru/


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  • I have read many places that anannuki now are in the love light :) 

    i got a good feeling then i read this....)

    LOVE and LIGHT to you all



  • So what is the time frame that they are talking about? I've heard and read so very many channeling's, but have never seen one come true. It would be nice for something wonderful to hammen to all of humanity, before anything gets worse. But who do you believe? My heart does not know. I have felt for awhile now that something is going to take place, maybe not this year, but soon (just hope my feelings are right). I've gotten kind of numb to all of these Channel's. I guess that we have no choice, but to wait and see. In the meantime I will grow spiritually and help anyone that I can.What else can we do, but to live and love as if nothing is going to happen, that way you will not have anything to be disappointed about.

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