Greetings Beloveds,
We come to you today to discuss that you will be seeing more of our ships in your skies very soon.
Pay no attention to things that are of a low vibration or do not "feel" Good. Feeling is what this is all about. The positive military has arrested a three headed lizard that lives underground named slazback.
This three headed lizard and his co horts have been prevented from reaking havoc on your world. All we can say is soon beloveds "soon". All your problems will go away and the clouds will open up and rain skittles on everyone. The snazburkels and there inner moon cousins are beaming you with waves of distraction to send you waves of good promises. "soon" and any day now.
We of the skorken council forsee no problems with the changes. Money will go away and all the rich people will empty out there bank accounts to end poverty and a gigantic theme park will be built in the honor of all the lightworkers. This theme park will be built "soon" don't give up I know you want dates but all we can say is soon.
If soon isn't good enough and we decide we have to push back the timeline another 3 or 4 years you can be sure it will be shortly after we decide at that time. so at the most it may be within the 37- 346 year range before skittles rain down and our ships drop good feelings down and we all go to skorkens home planet of dunkeldorfen. All we can say is if something doesent feel good its a lie.
If the truth seems negative its not the truth. You see we have a saying If it doesent make you feel good ignore it and it will go away. If it is negative or feels dark it can't be true. Just deny everything that doesent feel good and bury your heads in the sand and we will keep feeding you stories to distract you from your daily lives.
So just know soon very soon you will be walking in the sky and dancing on the water while you spend you Nesara money and the slazbaks will be gone and you will shoot lightning from your eyes and richard prior will come back from the dead and do the thriller dance on the white house lawn.
Haha, It took me a few seconds of reading to realize :D But funny indeed!
One of the best laughs I've had in a long time. Yadkin, I salute you.
You can make it ridiculous as much as you want - but the core message remains still much more credible as your polemic.
Funny stuff! Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.
I really love the humor lol what a great way to start my day.. I am so excited for things to come.. I have been riding on the leading edge of universal expansion and boy life is so great to me.. Get ready for the big ride folks :D
LOL, those damn Skorkens. love it!
ever heard of a black russian other than a drink before lol
Make mine A white Russian I hear they are really hot ,Love Bob