A New Civilization

Our civilization stands at the crossroads of our future destiny. On the one hand is inevitable destruction, with everything that has been achieved by this civilization consigned to oblivion and the immense suffering that goes with that scenario. The other way is the transformation of our society into an age of Love, Peace, happiness and harmony with the greater Universe.We must change and we must change now. It is past time that we do this. Yet although changes should have been made a long time ago, there is still hope that we can turn the tide of fate and avoid a regrettable and nasty demise.The evils of our present materialistic, greed and avarice filled world hang like a great weight pulling this civilization down to drown in the seething ocean of our corrupt and unjust world. Those cabals and rulers who like a great dragon have enslaved the mass of humanity to a deathly servitude must be cast off. Their games and their lies, the politics and their wars rejected. They keep us divided and confused. We must turn away as a people from the direction these financiers and money men are guiding the world, which is towards an abyss of utter destruction and turn instead to serve Love and come together in understanding and peace.Love is the guiding principle and the purpose underlying all things. Our Universe is sustained and upheld by Love. Any civilization that is to last must reflect that Love and hold it as it's core principle. We must create a civilization based on Love where Love is the meaning and purpose for living. Not the love of money, but the Love for each other. Our entire system of ethics, moral code and justice system must be based on Love which is the ultimate spiritual attainment. Through Love we should then emphasise spiritual development as the evolutionary imperative for humanity. Our Love for each other should transcend religion, culture, race and all other boundaries. It should transcend the existence or non existence of God. It is only through Love that we can attain our highest destiny and enlightenment as a race.Once we as a people commit to serve the purposes of Love, not only in word but in deed, then like magic the forces that underlie and govern our spiritual and material existence will align to provide us with the best possible avenues for the development of our civilization. In addition to Love our new civilization should be committed to peace and to the nurturing of all inhabitants. The needs of children should be made paramount and their care and development an essential priority. as well as caring for the elderly, learning impaired and disabled. The use of money should be completely eradicated as well as bartering systems. These should be replaced by a civilization that shares all resources.Technologies currently exist that could completely free the citizens from monotonous and laborious work. Through the application of these technologies currently suppressed by those who cannot profit from them we will eradicate poverty across the globe. We will create comfortable and suitable habitation for all and provide food in abundance for all to have with no exceptions. We will stop the terrible abuse of the animal world which is a great crime committed by the current civilization, and animals will be able to exist without fear from human slaughter, yet their populations controlled through scientific means.Transportation and communication technologies will mean all are free to traverse and explore the globe. We will be freed to develop the mind and spirit in pursuits of learning, science, the true history of the planet, art, music, the spiritual mysteries. The doors will be opened to much more, where we will truly come face to face with the wonder, awe, beauty, and profound mystery of the Universe. There will be a great coming together of peoples and learning and knowledge will be magnified beyond anything our current civilization can imagine.Once we have created a global society based on Love and Peace, the keys to the secrets of the galaxy will be opened to us. We will discover the countless civilizations, human and otherwise that exist in the stars. We will learn the technologies that bridge the distances between these interstellar and galactic worlds, and be welcomed to a great community of star-faring peoples.We have the opportunity to create a paradise, a heaven on Earth. Where suffering is not the norm and where the negative powers do not have the upper hand. That is not to say that we underestimate the powers of the negative. We will have the record of this current civilization that details all the pitfalls and disastrous consequences of living within a world ruled by materialism, greed, avarice and the lust for power, where the goodness and love of the ordinary person is prostituted for slavery and money.May we all find the courage to stand up as a people who Love above all else and through the power of Love change the fate of our world to embrace a destiny that celebrates the human spirit, the goodness that is the real nature of men and women, for we are all at heart, the essence of divine Love.

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  • yes it is time to get rid of those deeply unconscious beings called the -cabal-

    below is a video about the oversoul and how time is created and how -reality- is created >>

    there are 12 parts
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