Hi All

We commend you on your choice of location. [They had gone on a walk tofind a quiet spot to receive messages …..] We rejoice when we are ableto connect with you in this natural setting of Nature. We see how itclears your energy bringing you into an open state where receivingbecomes easy.

We wish you to know that there is a flurry of activity taking place atthis time with ships and our craft. There has been a rearranging ofcraft both large and small in all sectors that surround your planet.Ongoing projects and activity are not hindered or interrupted as newcoordinates are added. Some coordinates are changed and craft arerepositioned. New craft are coming into position.

There are new ones entering who participate on a stronger level with theascension of planet Earth and humanity. These ones come from far andwide and are delighted to be included. As most of our craft changetheir position, new craft take their place. This means not only thatmore are joining to participate with the transition taking place butthat there is an effect that we are working toward that is taking place.There is soon to come a specific alignment among the planetarysystems, not just of the planetary system that Earth belongs to but manyother systems in your universe.

One of the reasons for this rearrangement of craft and the welcoming ofthe new is to form a specific configuration in the shape of the Star ofDavid. It begins with our craft and included in this formation areplanets, moons, stars and other celestial bodies. This formation of theStar of David as you know it, is in preparation for an alignment eventwhich will create new changes. The effects will be felt far and wide onplanet Earth and on all other heavenly bodies which carry life; andthey all do.

There is a pause as Zoltair swats at mosquitoes around my head.

Mosquitoes! As you know, there are no 5th dimensional mosquitoes.There are tiny life forms that are as small as your mosquito. They donot interfere with sentient life, they only add to it. So know that thetime of the 3rd dimensional mosquito’s effect on all of your sentientbeings will come to a close at the right time. [during ‘stasis’according to Commander Soltec - Milson]

This new configuration that we speak of will be concluded at a certaintime. This configuration is in the process and will last forapproximately 3 of your weeks. At the end of this time, whenconfiguration is complete, it will begin a new stage of your transition.

Planet Earth will be at the center of this new configuration.

As astronomers view through their high powered telescopes, they will seesomething different in the heavens. Whether this will be broadcastpublicly is unknown at this time but we wish you to know that it isoccurring and will conclude in the time frame that we speak of. We willbe even closer to you than ever before as the new configuration willallow for more closeness and on a new energetic level there will be morewaking up. There will be more who change their mindset to one of beingmore open than they ever have been. Those who are astrologers willsoon be writing of this event and will explain in their astrologicalways.

By the next Solstice you will be aware of the changes that this willbring about for you. One thing that you can look forward to from thischange will be more sightings for you and more opportunities for you tomake contact with us, not just by sighting us in the skies but by actualconnections that we will attempt to make with you. So, be forewarnedand be prepared that if anything occurs for you within your intuitionlike never before, be open to the fact that it is our attempting tocommunicate with you. When you feel this way, do not ignore it, openyour awareness to the fact that someone is attempting to communicate.Relax, become at peace and listen, for we will be coming in a new waythat has not been done before, which will give you an opportunity todevelop or to strengthen your telepathic abilities.

We wish to make contact before Amiable Contact [“Stage II of FirstContact” – Milson}. If you are open to it, so be it. We delight inknowing that there are so many of you who are excited to meet us, justas we are excited to meet you.

It is important that each of you understand fully that contact hasalready occurred. When this project resonated within you and you reactedby following your intuition, it was our guidance that resonated, whichyou recognized as your intuition. We come to you in this way on manyoccasions. It is time for you to be aware of this.

I now step aside as another message is forthcoming. We ask that this beshared and wish you to know that you are all special because of yourchoice to participate with our esteemed and sacred Amiable Contactproject.

(2) through Zoltair

Greetings one and all. It is our honor and privilege to carry thisprecious energy to the group. We are with you in every moment. We aregathered here for this auspicious occasion to lend our energy and ourdelight to the group.

Some of you are overwhelmed with the possibility of this gathering ofold souls and new souls. We would like to share with you this thought:Consider that your life is of the highest integrity, of the utmostimportance and of the greatest accomplishment that a sentient beingcould experience.

Consider that what you do is expressed for the holy all knowing One;sharing his/her deepest thoughts, spreading her/his love, reaching outand making contact; the type of contact that can only be facilitated byones as precious as you. In this deepest attempt to manifest, truth isabout to happen for each one participating in Amiable Contact, therewill never be a greater moment.

An astrological spiritual alignment is now being orchestrated. Everyoneis taking their place. There will be a focus of energy unlike any thathas ever come to pass. In all that is, you are now the focal point.You are the apex of understanding, love and grace. You are now what youcame here to be.

You have moved from the mastery of limitation and are about to takeanother step into the co-creation of Heaven on Earth. There will be nolooking back; it will be a newer and greater expression. Thisexperience, I promise you, will resonate on the highest level that youhave experienced, not only here but in all your soldiering and in allyour times as emissaries of the Light. This will touch you on thedeepest levels. This will go wherever you are for all eternity forthere is no greater endeavor than to facilitate the expansion of ourLord Almighty.

Thank you all for your dedication. Thank you all for the work that youhave done over the many incarnations that you have had. Know that youare all divinely designed and handpicked for your ability to facilitatethis happening. Go in confidence. Go in joy. Go in love and go inpeace for we walk forth with you.

Be aware that one name constricts one to a limited perception and cannotallow for your entirety. Recognize the energy and the name slips away.We come to you on an energetic level and we communicate to you on acellular level. This is where wisdom truly lies.

We are the Oneness, known to many as All That Is. We exist in allaspects of the All Mighty. We are eternity, we are Mother Mary , we arethe egg, the nucleus where all DNA is connected. As you expand intoyour Wholeness you will recognize that we are there in every thought; inevery expression on a cellular basis are we connected. Our lineage isthe same as are all sentient beings of the same lineage. Go forth, inGrace and all will be revealed

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  • Ben arion you told me to put this on another area when yet you did the same thing with other channellings you stuck it on here....so why you are doing that with me...
  • This post is moved to the category "Channeled messages" Be Sure to post in the right category. Thanks.
  • Great. Thanks!! I feel that you are already trying to get in touch with me. I just am not doing enough to quieten my mind to receive. Loved the part about Mosquitoes.LOL!!
This reply was deleted.

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