A Peak into the Fifth Dimension: Progressing the Soul, Knowing Multidimensional Earth, Connecting to the Planetary Soul, Laughing Into Higher Realms, Manifesting Immediately, Timing Dimensional Jumps
                  (mind-blowing channeling below from Sananda)



Project: Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity)
** Channeled, Current, Cosmic, Charging the Grids! **
(Scroll down for information about what we do, and the grids we work with!)

More information about Ashtar's Trinity:

Email Janisel at janisel@sanandaseagles.com to get started!


By Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ Ascended)
channeled through the body of Debbie Wright of Sananda's Eagles


You see, there are many dimensions, yes?   And as time goes by, in a soul's progression, the soul will traverse through MANY dimensions. Your soul is a very ancient soul. It has traversed many dimensions before.  Now, may I ask you a question?  Do you 'contain' your soul?  Do you 'restrict' it? Do you wish for it to just 'stay' in here... in this 'container'?   As those who are going through the awakening processes learn, the soul requires 'freedom'.  Once the soul starts attaining this freedom it, in essence, means that it is attaining freedom from your body.  So therefore, you travel.  It does not LEAVE your body, however, it 'travels'.  And then there are times that it will take your body with it.  Now... some experience as what they refer to as 'out-of-body experience'.  This is when the soul travels OUT of the body.  

This planet right now is in a moment of stasis. It's not actually in what you would refer to as the third dimension, yet it's not actually in what you would term the fourth dimension.  And yet, there are parts of it that are actually in what you would call the fifth dimension.  There are also parts of it that are even higher than that. Now, your soul, when it entered into its mission to come here, attained a portion of itself from the planet's soul.  So therefore, a part of your soul is connected to a part of the planet's soul.... so they can commune with each other and exist with each other. Now...when the planet itself travels between those many dimensions, then part of your soul feels that. Now, also, when a part of your soul travels those many dimensions, a part of the planet's soul travels parts of those dimensions.  This is where we come up with what you refer to as the term "mass consciousness", or "critical mass". If you have enough Beings on this planet who has allowed their soul their freedom to traverse in those different dimensions, and a certain number of them traverse to the same dimension at the same time, then that is enough pull on the planetary soul to take the planet with them... literally.  The more that hit a certain dimension at a time, the more of YOUR soul goes into that dimension the more that all the OTHER souls that are in that dimension go in to that dimension. Can you understand the connection of that? (continued below graphic)


Now...let's say those of you that are in this room right now decided that you wanted to go peek around in the fifth. Yes?  Do you know what would happen?  There is enough 'soul connection' in this room that you would take not only your souls, you might also even take your bodies.  You see, it takes a LOT of energy to transverse the body from one dimension to the next.  However, if you put enough energy from enough souls in one place at one time, you can take your body... ALL of you, because you generate that much energy NOW.

Let's say one of your major cities, such as just south of here (Phoenix)... all the Beings in that city decided that they wanted to go to the fifth dimension. And they all decided to do it at the same time.  That would be enough energy to take the whole planet.  Now, there have been some that have been saying that you have to have a certain percentage of the human population on the face of this planet to cause critical mass to kick in.  That is true...if they are very widespread.  However, if you were to take one whole city, and the entire population did this at one time, that would generate enough energy in that one spot to transplant this entire planet.  Now...shall we bend the laws of physics just a wee bit more?  If the entire population of one of your continents decided to do this at the same time, this entire galaxy could jump in dimension.  (continued below graphic)


Now...is it fair?  You see, there ARE no rules!  There's a few "Laws" here and there (Universal Laws), however, if you could convince that entire city just south of here.... that ALL of them on the same day, at the same time, at the same minute, LAUGHED....just really laughed, all the problems on this planet that generate from the third dimension would leave.  Now what would happen to all those Beings on this planet that decided they wanted to stay in that third dimensional reality?  Well, their body would probably die and they would go elsewhere and experience that third dimensional reality.  However, BEFORE that happened, they would enter in to that higher dimension, and they might like it and change their mind. Far be it from anyone to deny them their third dimensional reality if that's really and truly what they want!  However, most want it because they do not understand that there is better. Yes? 

You see, your soul recognizes that its origins are definitely not in this dimension.  This planet's soul recognizes that it's origins are not of this dimension.  The soul just wants to, shall we say, 'go Home'.  Oh, once in a while your soul goes Home to visit, however, your consciousness and your body, at this time, cannot go for the visit also.  This is what has been termed the 'veiling'...which you AGREED upon, so therefore, what you are feeling is, for now, just exactly what you planned on feeling. However, that is only for now. There are very easy steps to allow yourself the opportunity to change your mind.  And that is all I can SAY on THAT subject!  <grin>

I would like to know how we can practice to go to the fifth dimension.

(Looking at Janisel) Would YOU like to answer this one?

Well... Debbie and I DID go to the fifth dimension. However, I suppose you could consider going to the ships as going to the fifth dimension.

But you went to the fifth physically, ‘in your body’.

Well, when we found out our website had been banned by [major country], we were so ecstatic and recognized that our work had some worth to it... and we just.... 'went' [into the 5th Dimension].

Yes...exactly!   The quickest method of accomplishing that feat is finding and keeping JOY.  Laughter helps too!  You see, when one speaks of your 'words'... your words have a lot of power, and they have a lot of meaning.  For example, the term that you use..."enlightened".  What would you say that the definition for 'enlightened' is?

You see, some consider the energy from God as ‘Light’. Some consider it ‘Love’. Some consider it ‘Energy’.   It is all the same.  It is just a different point of view of the same thing.  For instance... take your word "levity", which means having fun, enjoying, lightening a situation, and in some circumstances, laughter!  Enlightenment just means something along the lines of "within the Light", or "lightening up".  Is this not the same thing as raising one's vibration?  Rising in Love?  Maybe even 'levitation'... or 'ascension'.  They're all tied in. You see, they are just words.  It's the 'concept' that resonates in your soul… the concept behind the words.  It's the ‘soul-food’ that your soul craves. More Light!  You see, this body that you have "agreed" to contain yourself in, is very dense. If you hold your hand in front of a light, very little of that light can you see through your hand.  This body blocks Light.

As we have been suggesting to these two over the course of...however many years it has been now... centuries now?... there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what will actually happen to you when you take your body from the third to the fifth dimension. Technically, your body allows more Light to work through it. Some might say your body becomes less dense, some might say your body becomes more transparent.  Those that are looking to be in a completely perfected body may have that once they enter into the fifth dimension. However, only if that is what they have 'contracted' to have in the fifth dimension.  You see, since your body is able to allow more Light through it in the fifth dimension, you can integrate changes into it much more easily than you can now.  However, we know of those who have said that one morning they will wake up and decide to be a redhead. And thus it will be. It is that simple.  However, once you go on higher in dimension... let's say twelfth.... there IS no 'set' physical form for the twelfth dimension.  You are pure energy... pure Light.  So, therefore, if you decide you wish to have red hair, you can IMMEDIATELY have red hair, as long as you remember to manifest a head to put the hair on!  Yes?  Therefore, when you are pure energy, you can manifest any form you wish to take.  Some of you in this room will NOT go to the fifth.... you are not 'contracted' to stay that dense.  You will continue to 'perfect energy'.  I will not say WHO! as I might get in trouble!  My brother Ashtar tries to keep me in tow. <grin>

Then the next thing we would want to know is "when".

How soon do you wish it?  The perfect time is...when it happens. When is YOUR perfect time?  You see, you are climbing something I believe we referred to as 'Jacob's Ladder'.  How many rungs do YOU feel *need* to be on your ladder?  


Project: Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity)
** Channeled, Current, Cosmic, Charging the Grids! **

We welcome you to the Ashtar's Trinity family with open Starship hatches! Come aboard to work on a project that encompasses both Ascension and the Space Brotherhood. Joining Ashtar's Trinity means being a member of a growing global spiritual family. Simultaneously, it consists of connecting with two other individuals, together forming a *Trinity* (i.e.; a team of three). Those of all Spiritual Paths are welcome! The involvement consists of doing three 5-minute meditations each day. Every Sunday, the meditations are sent out -- via our yahoo list -- for the following week. Currently, these are written in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French. Italian is coming soon! The instructions for our meditations are channeled -- through the body of Rev. Janisel -- from Sananda, Ashtar, Archangels, St. Germain, and others of the Higher Realms who are assisting us in this endeavor.

More information about Ashtar's Trinity:

Email Janisel at janisel@sanandaseagles.com to get started!


Here are just some of the grids ASHTAR'S TRINITY "charges up" through our weekly *channeled-instruction* meditations:

The Eagle Grid, consisting of all members working within the Trinity Project.

The Lightworker Grid, consisting of all that are following the path of being 'Lightworkers'.

The Eagle/Earth Grid, which connects each Eagle to the Heart of our Mother Earth.

The Crystal Grid, which runs between all the specially-charged water crystals that were planted within the Earth -- the large elestial crystal in Sedona that is anchoring this grid -- plus the father and brother crystals that are located at the North Pole and South Pole of our planet.

The Clean Air Crystal Grid, running between all the Clean Air Crystals and the large crystals located in Sedona and the North and South Poles.

The Crystal/Eagle Grid connects the Eagles of Project: Eagle Triad with all the various water and clean air crystals which have been placed within the Earth or in the oceans, etc., and ALSO those Eagles who are drinking one of the crystal-charged waters.

The Solar/Eagle Grid connects all Eagles to the core of our Sun.

The Diamond Heart Core Grid that connects the Hearts/Minds of the Eagles to the Hearts/Minds of all other humans upon Earth, and then proceeding into the mass consciousness grid that surrounds the planet.

Some other grids we work on daily -- through our channeled meditation instructions -- include: the God / Source Grid, the Animal Grid, the Water Grid, the Crystal Grid and more! We also send ENERGIES OF LOVE to our sun, our moon, the heart of Mother Earth, and to the tectonic plates and many parts/aspects of our planet, including the beings who live here.

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  • Me'sa say only those who deserve go to 5-th dimension or in High Realm

    The rest of them Return to lean more

  • love you all

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