A personal learning experience

Some of you reading this may know of my history and work with regard to the Ascended star beings, whom i used to refer to as the Ascended Galactic Controllers.

Briefly i came to learn about the Ascended Masters and The Galactic Federation of varoius Star Families through a thread i composed over the course of a year on the project avalon forum in the attempt to debunk the myth around St Germaine.

It was a long story that had other implications and agenda which turned the whole episode into a big old mind dance,, but nevertheless lead me to where i am now......

What i have compilied is an attempt to remind us to consider avenues of thought that have a tendency to get lost in the current climate of big energy....

I apologise now for my outrageous Ego getting in the way of this material, and seek balance daily on this...........

i have drawn the insight for this perspective from a lot of Ascended chanelings and regular science materials combined,,

Through learning and being open enough to consider avenues of thought energy  that opposed my old instinct for ego infused logic and old earth rationals i found the route to understanding my fears and insecurities...

i found the personal path to knowledge i had previously denied mySELF (through negative human conditioning) access to and in such opened up new doorways to learning about mySELF

My position is totally behind the star people whom we might recognize as the Ascended Masters and the various inter galactic agencies we might also know as the Galactic Federation ( light inc)..

My intent is to continue the conversation about star people in general and further develop understanding of beings that exist at a higher vibrational level and what that means to the interdimensional beings that is us.......

I hope this will clear the confusion that i have created in not properly clarifying my stance in some quarters regarding the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation of Star People.for me this has and continues to be a voyage of discovery...

All this has been said before, far more eloquently than i could ever express it...

THIS IS HOW I SEE IT...........

We are ENERGY....................


The Universe is like a very big egg filled with energy...

As i have said before ..

The expression "war for souls" is a mis-conception and should in my opinion be described as " the war to dis-connect your body (vehicle) from your"SELF"  (soul)...simple/END OF..

It appears plainly obvious to me that The Ascended Masters are beings like "US from this and other planets - earthlings/human beings and star people who have increased their light quotient  and their frequency  (LOVE) ENERGY to such a high degree that they "ascended"  to a higher state of BEING...

Makes sense then that if these higher vibrating beings deceive or contrive in any way they would cease to BE in an ascended higher state and it is therefore also likely they would end up with less DNA being activated in their 3d vehicle and end up becoming mortal like us with 3% DNA activated, in this 3d moment, or even lower still..

Now although that piece of information may look a bit supernatural or god like, it would appear to be absolutely pure in rational and as simple and straightforward as you like,,,,,,because although it is so plainly  and painfully obvious that this wee notion is complete and unified in all aspects, it would also appear that it defies and defiles all forms of human logic and ego,

We were raised being told and often believing there is no other intelligent life in the Universe, this is a blatant lie and a huge deception and is still being generated by the PTB to this day.

The Ego creates FEAR  and paranoia throughout the general population surrounding the discussions of becoming a lightbeing or indeed having anything whatsoever to do with lightbeings or even that they exist at all........

Why ? because the ego wants to run the show.........Why ? .. Because the show is run up till now by the male dominated lower thinking energies which soothe and nourish the Ego,, their ego's and our ego's,,,,,.and the comfort zone is total low frequency...

One can say,,,,,,,, Low frequency does damage - higher frequencies are for nourishment and repair...

You begin to vibrate at a higher energy because you are basically good in intent, you are loving and are recognized as a "GOOD GUY",, your right side (female/love) of the brain works not quite as it should in balancing out the negative attributes of the EGO..but the signals from the heart, the LOVE ,,compassion, THE FEMALE counterpart and ONE NESS and the cosmic environment are kind of pulling the disparate aspects of you back into a unified consciousness............

in creating the vessel for the soul (self) you are then by virtue vibrating at a higher frequency.......

What on earth can be wrong with that simple analogy ?

making ourselves something more than what we were........

Sounds like a good evolutionary idea to me.........

Sounds grounded and a highly plausible way to exist to me........

Christ apparently said - " The meek shall inherit the Earth".

Which indeed can be viewed in many ways, but for me when i view the activating of the DNA and the re-convergence of the right side of our brains as a form of up-liftment into a higher state of being i also by consequence see my light quotient increasing and bringing 3dme into line with my SELF and thereby Ascending.

for the MEEK are minus the EGO, the dominating male thinking oppressor which to the controller is the nectar of his negative life.....

Meek = none dominating and non ego, inheriting the Earth means moving our 3d vehicles with Gaia into a higher dimensional state

You could say, X a million years ago "someone" had a conversation with Gaia that went something like this ;

" Hi Gaia err,,would you mind if we changed some of your energy grids for a couple of million years, we want to try something out ?"

" Oh and by the way, if it works to plan you might just be the first planet to ascend in this universe which could then trigger a knock on effect that could "up-lift" the whole Universe"

Gaia thinks for a moment then says,,,,,"ok"

The ENERGY grids were THOUGHT energy and were arranged in such a manner so that they could be developed and utilized by anyone, any earth bound being, for GOOD use and BAD use, and in order to influence and maintain a high level of positivity in the newly arranged Earth matrix, many souls of the highest experience and light quotient were invited in to partake of experience in the university of Earth

Bob Dean would probably have been one such soul and during his recent coma his soul (self) state apparently met up with various Ascended "SELF" Beings ( those "self's"who brought their "self" to the newly vibrating higher energy body) and was thus duly invited to return back to his body and continue his work on Earth..

Key part here is the out of body (self) experience  with beings who are allready in that same self or soul state,, in the "Ascended" state, vibrating at a higher frequency.....

Anyway,,, somewhere along the way a few thousand years ago the Earth Matrix energy grid became swamped with very dark elitist negative energy which overcame the lightened souls energies and quickly established a system of extreme persecution and hatred on Earth.

The MAIN agenda of the elites ( war soul strategy)  is to permanently dis-connect you from your SOUL/SELF and also thereby from SOURCE. (GOD) ( for those who just can't drop this godhead business) and the whole ascension process,and maintain you in a state of slave zombeeness for their bidding....simple........it works and they have been doing this successfully for quite a long time now...

( I know we allready know this stuff but it seems to just get totally lost, like it's a set of keys we put down somewhere when it comes to addressing certain attitudes of discernment and pure fantasy).......

We are brainwashed by deception that our logic/ego - male THINKING  dominated  self is the REAL self and it encourages us to just merely let go of the Soul Self, and forget altogether about that weirdo right hand side of your brain,,,,,"you don't need it ! " screams the left",,, "and take no notice if they call you a slave"..........

We have been totally psy-opted by the use of outrageously advanced technology  into accepting SELF is FEAR,,the,," out there somewhere type of Fear",, is what your EGO tells you. "Fear Fear fear"........Fear of the unknown..and also what you really personally don't know.........your real Soul state Self.

( We use our brains to select certain thought frequencies from the now almost totally negative "thought" matrix and tune into them,,,,,,,,,,,for our current 3d slave expression)..

"Meanwhile", ( back at the cosmic ranch) your Real SELF was invited here on Earth as a SOUL of immense gravity and compassion and LOVE in order to help address that very same deception ........

FEAR is the name of the game, it is their main weapon and their weapon of choice......

Fear gives them the option for slavery, they create the theater of fear for your Corporate Persona ( act of registration in the uk) viewed alternatively as Anti Sovereignty act world wide...

To understand our slave condition we need look no further than this excellent presentation by the wonderful John Harris

Link here:- http://www.bbc5.tv/video/john-harris-its-illusion

We live with fear,,, We vibrate at a lower frequency because of it...,simple...... By increasing our vibrational state we are beginning to defeat the agenda of the dark energy..

it's not rocket science,,,, eat well, love and respect our surroundings and be anti the ruling slavery establishment... it's simple

just goes to demonstrate the hold the elites have on us that they can defeat this simple "science" so seemingly easily

Watching Trance-Formation by Max Igan gives us an idea of how close they came to winning their war on souls and how complete their game plan was.....even without touching on the hitherto unknown technology tptb had access to.

link here ....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0PykgS42wo

To me it is plainly obvious that someone (star being)has stepped in to prevent this war becoming a complete human tragedy.....(GOOD GUYS)

Those same Ascended star beings (Good Guys) it appears are doing some good things to our sun, and for me there is sense in the HOPI Star People Indian Prophecies here with regard to  Blue Star (kachina) which is what i have come to see as our own sun SOL being induced to vibrate at a higher frequency in order to support the new dimensional existence of us and Gaia and indeed our entire solar system and possibly entire milky way galaxy and maybe much more....

While the red star is more than likely the brown dwarf that the channeled messages have been talking of with it's accompanying planet and various satellites and star nations and which is being ushered in by the Ascended hierarchy to join our solar system and also therefore end up going through the ascension process as well..

link to hopi prophecy........http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/peterr/annex/HopiSpeaks.html and here at crystal links ..... http://www.crystalinks.com/hopi2.html

Among all else that is unfolding and by that i mean with us and our star families alike there is the unmistakable certainties of the closing and starting of the CYCLES....

In December we come to the end of the Great Year, the processional equinox............

The 26,000 (roughly) thousand year zodiac cycle.

The next 2,000 thousand years will be the Christ/Christo/Crystal/Crystalline period, the age of Aquarius the fish the sign of Christ.

As we come to the end of the great year (26k of them) we find ourselves with 3% of our DNA activated and only one side of our brains working at any measure (albeit some 10% of capacity, which is a joke by any standard of measurement)

The dominant left side, the male EGO and FEAR side, runs your show as far as your fear is concerned. it is the seat of ALL fear ...........

As we enter the age of Aquarius we will see our DNA become more vastly activated or switched on and both sides of our brains beginning to work together and we will also start to experience far less fear and an ego that is more balanced by the feminine side of us .

When we view the capacity of growth by activating more DNA and our brains potential for growth it becomes obvious we were plainly designed to exist in a higher dimensional frequency of crystalline performance and we are merely just awaiting the activation process for this, and while we wait we hopefully do the groundwork to lessen the impact of our negativities created through our incarnations on earth...(KARMA)

We are therefore hugely potential interdimensional beings,, who will ourselves fulfill our potential to become Ascended Beings and more.........

We will be existing in many ascended dimensions just as the Ascended Masters and many members of the Galactic Star family allready do.........

There are so many instances where Jesus Christ,, the Ascended Master Sananda is shown pointing to his heart,,,,,,,,our hearts, the source of intuition, self, trust in our SELFS...

Internalise and we grow,, externalise and we lose colour we vibrate slower and we shrink.....

Grow and we naturally increase our frequency and Ascend interdimensionally, which is what we were created to be able to do....

Star people vibrate on all levels just as the universe is multi dimensional and these dimensions also exist at differing frequencies, we are created to visit these dimensions,,,,,,,,,

The Ascended Masters are one such group from dimensions we are about to enter.....

What is there to fear, we are going to exist at their level of vibrational frequency hopefully very soon anyway..

If one uses a model of logic to establish the existence and positivity of the Ascended Masters and our Galactic Star Families as Ascended Dimensional Beings we need only look at the model that demonstrates to us how to evolve our energies into LOVE energy by increasing the vibrational frequency of our 3d bodies and thereby Ascending interdimensionally..

We are the good guys,,,,,,,,all of us,,, our star families and the people inside and outside Earth.

Our Soul Self's allready know about these higher dimensions, Bob Dean and many others demonstrate this admirably..

Big yourself's UP we are energy........ and we are all vibrating at much higher frequencies today than we were yesterday.

New energy being channeled to us invites us to step up to the podium and dive straight on into the cosmic waters ..

in short:-

In my opinion.......

Many many Gifted BEINGS are acting as conduits and channeling information from various ascended star beings that appears to me to be very informative interesting and UP lifting and i totally fail to recognise any threat from or by them in any way whatsoever....

The litmus test is ,does the material resonate with me ? well, your dam right it does...........

In fact it would seem to me that denying mySELF access to this material is equal to my EGO denying the existence of my real Soul/Self,,,,,,,,,and totally giving in to the dark agenda..

And we can demonstrate quite easily to ourSELF'S how committed we are to the Ascension program by answering one simple question.

Do i own and sit there night after night watching a tv ?          because if i do i am totally buying into the ego slavery matrix of control and domination...........which kind of makes all this a bit immaterial i guess.

Not much point in saving a dolphin and going home to kill a spider.

If the material of the Ascended beings does not resonate with you then how can you sit there and say you resonate with your soul and spirit, when they both come from the same higher dimensional state of being. and if there was any possibility of there being deception involved with this paradigm then just ask yourself how an evil entity can vibrate at a higher frequency and still be evil and an Ascended Being ?

It doesn't equate................

Cosmic Love We are positively crystalline human beings of energy, just ask Royal Raymond Rife.........

link here:-   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEt5zd3YYHw&feature=player_embedded

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