Together, We Have Done This: A Personal Message from GrandFather 
by GrandFather though Kathryn
Photo Credit: Unknown
My dearest ones, I believe it is time for me to greet you all directly.  You have been carrying this banner of Prosperity and Light, some of you for many years, and I wish to honor you and offer you gratitude and thanks for your brilliant service to the Light, and to the project that we all designed together when you were with me in Higher Dimensions.
It has been a challenge for all of you to remain positive, gracious and calm for so many months and years even in the face of detractors, setbacks, unexpected delays and for some, economic distress even as you plan for great prosperity.  You are truly the children of my heart, and you have opened your hearts to offer your help to so many others over the years, without personal benefit or glory - to say the least.  Your perseverance has made it possible for us to continue climbing the intricate path to the mountaintop, gathering momentum as we go. 
We are Co-Creating This Triumph
There are many, many separate individuals and groups who have taken pieces of this great puzzle and worked through each challenge as it arose, whether they played their role in governments around the world, in finance, in institutions of power, in the global courts, in preparing the new infrastructures, or completely behind the scenes, all carried their part of the work with the faith that they were making a worthwhile and honorable contribution even when they were not aware of the greater picture or how it would eventually unfold.  It is truly a miraculous achievement, a triumph of cooperation that has engaged millions of souls here on Earth and billions in Higher Dimensions who are focused on bringing this first wave of Ascension to Planet Earth and her beleaguered humankind.

Some have asked why the Revaluation (RV) of currencies has anything to do with spirituality.  They see a need - the relief of debt slavery and all it causes - and want it fixed as quickly as possible.  For them it appears to be simply a financial arrangement, an improvement in economic conditions for the many.  Yes, it certainly is that, but let me explain what my aim for all this has been, and why it is first, foremost and ultimately a Cosmic Spiritual Event.
Who Am I?  Who Are We?
I am called Grandfather by the ancient Chinese families and their counterparts around the world who were charged with protecting and preserving great stores of wealth.  These treasures have been entrusted to their care for many generations.  Although they were mostly families who had become prominent in their own right, they did not earn the Prosperity funds on their own.  They were chosen as custodians by Father and Mother God and the Company of Heaven, and they were contacted directly by St. Germain and Kwan Yin when they incarnated here on Earth for the purposeof accruing and keeping safe the Freedom Funds. 
The families have been overseen and guided by our beloved Master St. Germain and Lady Kwan Yin for many generations, as Earth humanity prepared against great odds for a time when it would be safe to release this enormous wealth to the people of Earth.  It is your birthright as the rightful inhabitants of your beautiful Blue Planet to be a recipient of these funds - whether you are aware of them or not and whether you agree with this plan or not.
To encourage the families along the way, I incarnated with them to oversee the governance of the funds and to encourage them in their humanitarian mission.  It is said that I have lived for 500 years and that I am now inhabiting the body of a small boy.  That is true.  I have presented myself over the centuries as various ages and identities, but those close to me always recognize my energy and know that it is I.  As we in the Company of Heaven have been showing you, reality is far more flexible than the inhabitants of surface Earth currently recall.  In fact, there are quite a few of you who have met me on the road.  
Whenever I embody, I do not bring my entire energy into the body, for it would short-circuit the nervous system of a dense human body, but I can choose to appear in any form, any body, depending on the need.  I have chosen the body of a young boy in this time because it is possible for me to present more Love and Light energy in that form without causing discomfort to those around me.  I asked Yosef, who has come as an intel provider, to show you my photograph in hopes you would recognize me.
You see, my true identity is the one you know as God, or more accurately, Father God.  Mother God has also incarnated to do her part in this great Project, but that is another story...
As many of you know, this plan for economic abundance is just a stepping stone to something far more glorious.  It was to be the initial crack in the fortress that had become the oppressive control by dark races and their minions over all humankind.  Even before Earth had become, by cosmic terms, a locked-down prison planet, we devised the plan to intervene by striking at the center of the corrupted power -  money.  We(and this includes you!) had to develop and execute our strategy in such a way that not only would the prosperity funds be disseminated to the people without being stolen by the criminal families and their tight web of financial organizations.  The plan would also serve as an invitation - for every member of those very families along with their minions - to return to the Light and into the awaiting arms of Mother God and me.   
Each of You Has a Personal Stake in This Game
You will soon learn, through public announcements and individual mentoring programs, of the extent of the abuse of power and the way it was wielded against you personally and against humanity.  For the time being, I present this abbreviated picture to help you understand the giant web of darkness and deceit we were faced with unraveling.  Much information has already been released in print and across the internet through our courageous Lightworkers who are revealing more every day about those who masterminded and carried out these travesties.  There will be much more to come.
Our wish was to not only to free humankind from the iron fist of the Anunnaki, and the human cabal, who took over from the Anunnaki after they signed a peace agreement with us and vacated the planet, but that each and every soul may free themselves in turn. Each of you has a personal stake in the game too.  You are each using this experience as a chance to ascend in your soul development, and at the same time, help to raise the human race from this lower dimensional duality experience to a higher plane.  It was our promise to Terra, as we call the soul of your planet, that she would be able to ascend at this time.  She has long served with great care and is more than ready to ascend, but she has agreed to slow her process of ascension in order to help all her human children ascend with her.
Let's Get Down
Now, it is important for us to have an understanding so that we may continue to work together effectively and companionably.  I am your Father God.  I am the Creator, with Mother God, of all planets, stars, beings and consciousness in this Universe and far beyond, but the state of your planet is not my doing; it is our doing.  It has evolved this way as a result of the creativity, imagination and free will we granted you, our children, and what you have done with that gift of free will and co-creation.  Let's put it this way:  A parent is not the driving force behind the event every time a child spills their milk or even experiments with pouring it on the floor, but the parent who took part in creating that child does need and want to help clean up the mess.
It has been heart-breaking for us to see how far some of our children were willing to go under the influence of evil, and how eagerly they invested their precious life force in the delusions of the Matrix.  The Matrix is not made of our essence.  It contains no Love, is not made of Light and therefore is not real.  It is a construct that was designed and put into place by the dark races who intervened on your planet.  Over time, their concoction has been openly accepted, and its proponents frequently elected as overlords, by a large enough group of humans to create the problems we see now.
We did not simply stand by and watch your planet "go to hell," as you may describe it, yet we did work strictly within the agreements we had with you, to only intervene from the ground up, not by edict or force from Above.  Thus, we work with you, inch by inch, as you extract yourselves from the contracts and consequences of your past agreements.  However, there are many agreements in play - many of which you have little or no recollection yet - that are also influencing events.  An important example is that it was agreed from the beginning that Earth would be raised up.  Again, you will shortly receive the details of this astounding story, but today I come to tell you directly that the time in now.
We do have sympathy and great affection for those of you who question everything and wish to pin down explanations about how evil came to be, and why we permitted any of this in the first place, and why we don't just throw a Lightening bolt and make it all go away.  I assure you, it isn't because we can't or because we are cavalier; it is because we will not break our vows to you and to all harmony, justice and stability in the Universe.  All of Creation is our responsibility, an extension of our Love.  Since human vocabulary and thinking capacity does not, by design, allow for us to truly explain all the variables, I must ask you to take this part on faith:  We love you and we want to see you free.
I ask you to raise yourselves up on your elbows far enough to see the mind-control you have been subjected to.  My dear children, leave behind the jaded quality of cynicism and judgmental disapproval you have taken such pride in learning and applying wholesale.  It is not true discernment, because it does not engage your loving heart.  It no longer serves you, and even worse, it stands directly in the way of your own happiness and blocks the flow of abundance of every wondrous kind, including the HoneyLove we have waiting to bestow on you.
It pangs us to see the automatic disdain and suspicion many heaped on our beloved Yosef when he brought you the first revelations of how our work behind the scenes was coming along. And how many berated our messengers and channels when they recognized his extra shiny Light and supported his mission!  It is high time our Lightworkers strive to see the similarities in each others' Missions and hearts.  
I ask you to look closely and bravely within now, to discover the reflex that encourages you to recoil in fear or dislike for someone who brings forth an idea that seems unfathomable to you.  What program is working in your mind that urges you to attack rather than respond with curiosity?  What "A leads to B" is grooved into your responses so deeply that you become upset when new information does not match what you already know, expect to happen, or reminds you of something you feared in the past?  Remember: new information presented to you for consideration is not an attack.  It is just information.
No Consequence Outside Your Own Previously-Agreed-Upon Contracts Will Be Permitted
I am here to offer Love to replace your fears.  You are under our absolute protection.  Mother God and I, the Company of Heaven - all your Galactic friends - are devoted to making sure that no disaster will befall you.  There will be no invasion by evil forces; that happened long ago and is now forbidden by Heavenly decree.  Your planet will not shake you off the way a dog shakes off water.  She is helping you, and she is being assisted by the Galactic Federation of Light, your benevolent Star Brothers and Sisters. 
You are safe.  This new condition is possible now because of the work you and your fellow humans have completed.  We support you to the maximum allowed by our agreements with you (and then some - what you call a dispensation), and that has increased day by day.  As you have incrementally increased your Light, we have increased our programs to help you and shore up your successes, as we agreed to do long ago.
I now bring to the Council table an option that you, Humankind, could manifest in a millisecond if you wish.  Let us picture this as an American thriller movie.  We, as your higher dimensional allies, have the technology, the Light energy and the wherewithal to walk with you through this open door to peace, prosperity and freedom, but if you want it to happen, you will have to put down the gun.
Come forward, our beloved, treasured ones.  Let us embrace you and ease your fears.  We created the "We Have Your Backs" program just as you requested.  This program continues to ensure that any and all progress you make personally and collectively to restore the Light, we shore up.  We do not allow your efforts to be thwarted by the formerly overwhelming dark spirals of energetic thoughts, behaviors and patterns which previously sabotaged all your brave advances.  We will not leave you alone to be overwhelmed or defeated.  We are with you, planning and executing every small detail, down to the locks on the bank vaults, the computer fixes, the introduction of new technologies, the granting of duties to those (previously undercover) Masters who have long prepared for their assignments, and the designation of legions of bright angels to help with every detail of your personal lives.  
You only need to raise your faces to us, allow us to touch your sore hearts with Love, and give permission within yourself to be at ease and to walk with us in faith and joy, knowing you are loved.
Easy Does It, Partner
There is no need now for an itchy trigger finger or a defensive or suspicious stance.  Would we bring you this far to offer you dregs, or worse yet, a repeat of what you have already suffered?  Do not anticipate or prejudge what we will do or have already done for you. Remember, you too are bound by the Universal Law:  You create what you envision.  If you kvetch and moan, you will bring about the disappointments you anticipate, rather than the delights we have in store for you. 
Aim high.  Raise your sights.  I promise you, you cannot overestimate what we can do together.  Anticipate the glory that is awaiting you and it is yours.  Remember:  you cannot out-give God.  We have presents for you that are beyond your wildest imaginings.  Of course, they will all fit perfectly because they are actually all the things you asked for and planned for with us before you came here.  In this case, the Veil guarantees this will be a real surprise party.
Think of this as a three-legged race, Partner.  We have run and will finish strong, this race together, and the more we synchronize our rhythm and our pace, the faster we can go.  Match your high vibration to ours.  Leap with us into your unknown - it is known and easy for us.  We can see beyond the horizon of your Earthly experience.  Let us show you how glorious it can be. 
You are our Love, created in the image of Light.  We are your Love, eternally.
I am your GrandFather, with Mother God at my side.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May 3/12/16)


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  • ...Good To See You Here....Jason.....Miss Some Of The Old Members.....:).......x.....

  • ...Hmm....He Started Off With......My Dearest Ones.......Then I Zoned Out......:)..................Nice

  • grandfather-lol-he's really God-lol-

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