The following email message (Wed, 14 July, 2010 1:52:09 PM) from Patricia Diane Cota-Robles was transcribed verbatim:


July 17 - 18, 2010

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles 

We have just emerged from the unprecedented influence of several very powerful planetary alignments, an exceptionally powerful Solstice, and greatly amplified Lunar and Solar Eclipses. The influx of Light associated with these celestial events helped Humanity to break down the crystallized negative patterns from our pasts. This empowered each of us to release and let go of obsolete behavior patterns and belief systems that do not serve our highest good.

One of those belief systems, actually the most destructive of them all, is Humanity’s belief in separation and duality. Fortunately, the celestial events of the past few weeks have paved the way for a vitally important next step in the amazing Divine Plan that is unfolding this summer. The next facet of the Divine Plan is designed to help Humanity remember that we are One with all Life, and that there is no separation. This event will establish a template for Unity Consciousness that will assist Humanity to move forward in the Light in new and profound ways.

Once we develop Unity Consciousness we will know that there is no such thing as “us and them.” We will remember that all Life is interconnected, interdependent, and interrelated. What this means very practically in our lives is that every single thought, word, feeling, or action we express effects every facet of Life on this planet. Just think, with every thought, word, feeling, or action we are either adding to the Light of the world or to the shadows. Moment by moment, we are either positively or negatively affecting every person, place, condition, or thing on Earth. That is quite a responsibility!

The Global activity of Light being orchestrated by Lightworkers around the world to cocreate the template for Unity Consciousness is being called “The Conscious Convergence...A Wave of Unity.” This event will take advantage of the influx of Divine Light that will be expanding through the Cosmos on July 17th & 18th, 2010. This activity of Light is being initiated by Dr. Carl Johan Calleman who is a scholar of the Mayan Calendar and prophesies. This is the Mission Statement and Purpose for The Conscious Convergence event.

“The Conscious Convergence mission is to bring people together with the shared intention of cultivating a critical mass of harmonious energy that supports inner and outer reconciliation. We come together in the spirit of unity to heal wounds that separate us, to reconcile conflicts that divide us, to inspire ideas and actions that express our Oneness, and to join together in heart and mind to welcome the birth of our New World.

“The Conscious Convergence is a global collaborative of individuals and organizations whose purpose is to set the intention for, and to demonstrate the fulfillment of, Unity Consciousness, both individually and within communities around the world. All wisdom and faith traditions are invited to join and help express how we, as an evolving species, can transcend age-old boundaries and ideologies to fulfill a greater destiny than our history may imply.

“This Global collaborative prepares us for the evolution of consciousness as indicated by the Mayan Calendar. Mayan elders invite us to align with the Divine Plan for Humanity’s greater fulfillment, to recognize that ‘we are One like the fingers of one hand’ --Grand Elder Don Alejandro.

“Local and global intention-setting activities, meditations, and prayers will be synchronized throughout the months leading up to and following the main program on July 17th & 18th, 2010.”

The Conscious Convergence movement is assuring people everywhere that the time has arrived for all of us to move beyond the consciousness of separation and duality. It is time for us to join together as one breath, one heartbeat, one voice, and one consciousness of pure Divine Love. We must acknowledge the Divinity within every heart and celebrate our diversities, thus moving past the illusion of things that separate us.

Beginning today and continuing through July 17th & 18th and far beyond, let’s begin the healing process of Unity Consciousness by invoking the Light of God and expanding that Light through ourselves, our relationships, families, communities, countries, and the world. Let’s bathe the earth, air, water, and fire elements, the Nature Kingdom and ALL Life evolving on this precious planet in this healing unguent from our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven. Together we will cocreate a template for Unity Consciousness that will transform Humanity and lift this planet and all her Life into the next phase of the unfolding Divine Plan.

Please join with me now as we invoke the Light of God on behalf of Humanity and all Life.

To prepare our hearts and minds to receive this influx of Light, let’s join together in one-pointed consciousness.

I will lead you through this guided visualization in the first person, so that we will all experience this activity of Light individually, but KNOW that the invocations we make this sacred day for ourselves, we make for ALL Humanity and every particle of Life evolving on this sweet Earth. And we begin.

I AM going within to the deepest recesses of my heart, the secret place of the Most High Living God. There I kneel before the altar of Love and surrender my lower human ego to the perfection of my I AM Presence, my true God Reality.    (pause)

My I AM Presence takes full dominion of my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, and I AM lifted up in consciousness. The Light of God fills my Being, and I ascend into the Realms of Illumined Truth.

Within this octave of Light, Unity Consciousness flows into my Heart Flame and floods the Earth to bless all Life. As Humanity is consecrated with the Light of Unity Consciousness, specific genetic codings are activated within every person's RNA/DNA structures. These codings contain the Immaculate Concept of each one's Divine Potential. This activity of Light empowers every Beloved Son and Daughter of God to fulfill their Divine Purpose and reason for being.

Through this activation the mind and emotions of every person are purified and realigned with the Harmony of their True Being. This purification paves the way for the conscious mind and the super-conscious mind within every Human Being to merge and become One.

In this state of at-one-ment, Humanity's I AM Presence takes command and the life, body, mind, and soul of every person is quickened and lifted into a state of enlightenment that clears the way for Unity Consciousness and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan.

Unity Consciousness contains a clarity and frequency of Divine Love that transcends ALL obstacles. Held in the embrace of this Divine Intelligence, we comprehend the Truth that we are One with all Life, and we are One with our Father-Mother God. Unity Consciousness contains within its essence our full potential to rise above all human conditions and all self-inflicted pain and suffering, for when we join together as One we become a force of unlimited and unspeakable power.

With Unity Consciousness, I recognize and revere the Divinity within every Human Being. I peer into the heart of every man, woman, and child, and I see a radiant Being of Light abiding within every Heart Flame. As I acknowledge each person’s Divinity, the I AM Presence within their heart begins to expand.

As the I AM Presence of each person increases in power and dominion, the obsolete beliefs and behavior patterns associated with fear and separation, or lack and limitation, begin dropping away. Regardless of the depths of negativity the Human Being has fallen to, his or her I AM Presence now takes control and corrects their course of direction.

I now breathe in deeply and assimilate the Light of Unity Consciousness into my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. For a sublime moment, I revel in the wonder of this magnificent Light.

Through my I AM Presence I consecrate my Life to be the Open Door for Unity Consciousness until the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are manifest, and all Life belonging to or serving the Earth at this time is experiencing the Divine Qualities of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, and Victory in the Light. And so it is, Beloved I AM.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization 
FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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