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The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"
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Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled…
Here's an excerpt from Barbara Marciniak's book 'Path of Empowerment: Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos':
'The more you choose the staple of spiritual power, the greater your contribution is toward stabilizing the planet.. The purpose of your intersection with your reality is to direct you toward your own internal power, a force that has been overshadowed, ignored, distrusted, imprisoned, and even faulted for being evil. Your inner power exists as an inalienable right of consciousness; it is a tool for living and affecting the world you encounter. Any spiritual awakening is challenging because a reinterpretation of reality is always involved. You must summon your courage in order to emerge from denial, for only then will you know and realize how inner-connected you are. As you take charge of your life energies, consider the following proclamation with great care, for these words exemplify the concept of conditioning your life with an attitude of cultivated trust:
"I am a creator. I am here to create a safe and bountiful life. By vibration and frequency, I choose to be healthy, productive, and wise. I have great gratitude for my abilities to recognize that thoughts produce frequencies, and I can create a frequency that supports the safe, probable world I live in by directing my energy toward what I want to experience. I walk through life with clear, conscious intent to weave my energy, like a gossamer thread in a large and beautiful tapestry, throughout the world I encounter. I fully realize that a multitude of probabilities and belief systems exist side by side with mine. And in mine I am safe. In mine I am guided. In mine I love and trust my body. In mine I know my cells are precognitive and that I am a co-creator of the multiverse. I know I am a valuable being. I know that I will receive the impulses, the signs and signals and guidance that I require to always be in the right place at the right time, for my highest good and that of all those around me. All this I know, and for this I am most grateful."
By availing yourself of a greater sense of personal power, you will discover the exalted state of all power, which is the power to heal...'
According to several channelings I'm aware of, the Pleiadians' advice to us humans is to 'always find joy in our earthly existence', i.e. Let's all enjoy ourselves while we're here.
I uprooted my children moved from town to town, changed my name constantly thinking the government was somehow involved in all this and that I could somehow hide, but no matter where I ran, they still found me and took me. This went on for years. Then as my kids got older there was not a day that I did not live in fear that they would start taking my children too, which petrified me. My kids never slept well at night fearing my being taken away from them, (when they were really little I disappeared for four hours leaving them all alone in the house and when I came back they were cowering in the corner crying their eyes out because Mama had left them all alone). Does anyone understand how that felt? And my children had fears of abandonment for so long and nightmares about being taken themsleves. Not a wholesome way to live for any of us, we all are scarred.
The zetas say that I (an abductee) has agreed to all this at the soul level. How to hell do we know that that is true? I guess it must be because I have always felt that you choose your life script before you are born, but it would have been nice if they could have showed me a signed affidavit signed by myself saying, I Marique, wish to experience being a lab rat for genetic experiments that will leave me paralyzed and crippled, that I agree to making alien halfbreed babies that will be taken away from me that may or may not live, and that I am not allowed to bond with or take home with me to love and that these hybrids formed in MY womb must have a dreadfully lonely life living with a race of emotionless guardians who have no idea how to love a child and nurture them. If I had been shown or proven to me that I agreed to that......No, I am still not sure it would have made a difference to me because I find it almost impossible to believe I chose this. It is time for me to heal but it is hard for me to be proud that I helped them in their plans. I am sure that makes me a bad person in peoples eyes, but it is how I feel. Maybe some day I will be as they are, without feelings and emotions, and then it will be easier to understand. I guess it is my job now to work through it all. I am trying. It is so easy for people who have not experienced all this to say it is all for the good and just don't think about it. Not as easy to do.
I am sorry for the ramble but soemtimes it helps to say how I feel, right or wrong, uplifiting or not. I feel safe here to do so, the rocks thrown at me are not as large as some I have ducked.
I agree with what you said about the Zetas should use different tactics for sure. I do feel great empathy for the Zetas as a species though and do not hate them. To me NOT having emotions is such a tragedy, and the fact they know we humans have them and the Zetas want that for themselves means they know something is alack in themselves. Maybe if they could come to people and ask them nicely, would you help us with this on a (conscious level), and give a person the CHOICE, they would have far better results for the people helping them. Survival instinct seems to be a universal thing so I do not blame them for wanting to do the scientific studying and trying to perpetuate their race, but there has to be a more humane way to go about it. They are like little kids at the sandbox that are bullies, they see something they want and just take it away with not so much as a please and thank you. They have so much to learn, but humans too have so much to learn too, so I guess I can't judge them as a species, just their methods. They do make people feel like lab rats...When they snapped my vertibraes it would have been nice if they would have healed me after. I know they did not mean to, I just put up too much of a struggle and got violent toward them, and they could not wait to dump me off back at my house. They do not understand violence toward them and they are very leary of us because we are larger with much more strength. I am glad it is all over for me. They have not taken me since I got older because I no longer serve a purpose for them that I know of. Used and discarded thank goodness for me. (KNOCKING ON WOOD HERE, HAVE NOT HAD MUCH TROUBLE WITH THEM LATELY....). Now I am off to read the Visitor Within.
The old soul is being a dick..
Why do you assume that I am completely fucked in the head?