Online chat has been talked about a lot lately. Not because of how advanced it but rather because how backward it is technologically in comparison with the typewriter. And I´ve also discovered that today´s internet chat has not reached the extent of allowing large text like poetry or short stories. You´ll see text but you´ll not be able to pm large texts to your friends.
Bottom line is that tells me that modern chat is 300 years behind the 1800´s short story although you can technically share stories on Reddit.
So basically modern chat is so politically correct it can´t catch up with short stories. Sounding like an adult is not allowed. Quoting authors is barely allowed and some admins are so retarded they can´t watch a 6 hour video on English. Seems that the modern admin is a slower learner than people were in the 1800´s. And that would probably explain why they lack vocabulary so much. Resolve the problem by introducing modern text writing into online chat by allowing more room for a larger text and maybe you might increase peoples´interest in chatting.Modernize chat so it´ll catch up with the short story and do realize that people want to read mroe than 300 page alchemy texts. They also want to be able to publish their own stories.