A Vast Fortress
A brief presentation of the levels of spiritual supervision of Earth and all thereon. Now, as our planet is being repaired and tuned for a different Age, but as we and all are suffering during present crises, diseases, fear and daily dark run media lies, look: A realistic survey reveals more joy than gloom, and it may change some fear into hope and confidence, not least by means of the facts about a mighty superstructure consisting of Masters and planetary and interplanetary Beings, Who follow a divine Plan.
“God does not exist” science decrees, but let us see. There are very many levels of consciousness and existence.
On this planet the Hierarchy was founded 18 million years ago, and for a long time Its members were adepts from Venus and maybe a few other planets. The primitive animal men were guided by teachers from the Hierarchy. Halfway through the Lemurian Age, animal man became individualized, and various races came and went. For details, read f.ex. Initiation, Human and Solar, by A.A. Bailey.
Only in the midst of the next, the Atlantean Age, some humans developed the ability to think, and dualities like spirit/matter, and good/evil, came into the mind. This was necessary in order to develop power of discrimination. So as man had to learn by experience the Hierarchy withdrew from the outer world, and for many thousand years the masses of people have been flung into tyranny and battles between power groups, inflicting great pain and disasters, often orchestrated by alien intelligences. Now it is time for a realistic statement, on this planet where the principle of contrast is useful still for a long while. Both from the Masters of Light, and from the Masters of Dark, a demand has issued, that also the dark side is defined and understood.
For long, the Dark had the upper hand, easily, as It is materialistic, reactionary and static, using military power and money, to buy governments. Especially during the World Wars, the elements of Air, Sea and Land, plus the mineral Kingdom, were used against the Light and against Humanity. But generally, during the last 2000 years the “fight” has been demanding, also to the Dark Masters, and some balance is now achieved. The interplay between the Two and their modes of working, is being upgraded, caused by the overall pressure of evolution. For example, there is now an agreement, that too many people use their intelligence too selfishly destructive, so it is decided at a high Council, that gradually a large part of these souls will be moved to a world where it is the norm to be very mental and selfish.
The dark main tool of working, is psychology, mobilizing it to stimulate unscrupulous
tendencies, all that makes up the “not-self”, or what is named “the guardian of the threshold”, in individuals, in religions and in nations. This wields heaps of sticky glamour on the astral plane, and illusions on the mental plane. This gradually develops responsibility and power of discrimination, through suffering. The Masters of Darkness are not cruel. They are pledged to do Their God-given task. Cruelty is being done beneath Their Level of working.
After the World Wars, humanity recovered rather well, and now goodwill and righteousness would reign. But the old Global Elite renegades decided for a final and permanent global control and suppression of minds, souls and spirits. Using all manner of advanced technology and alien back-up, this cabal has become so evil and haughty, that both Light and Dark Masters disapprove. The crimes and the lies about 9/11, Afghanistan, Irak, Katrina the nuke in the Sumatran Trench, lab-made viruses, the chemtrails, are so monstrous that only small parts thereof, being proved, can become publicly comprehensible now in 2008.
So, more intervention and monitoring by the Space Commands, was granted, and series of planned 9/11 type “disasters” have been avoided. After this outline, we can go on to the levels of planetary and human achievements, which, never the less, are unceasing.
”The Path of Earth Service”
Painted by Peter Fich Christiansen
Levels of Inner Government and Groups
1. The local Creator, The Planetary Logos.
2. Sanat Kumara, the fountainhead and personality of the Pl. Logos, and special Helpers.
3. The Centre where the Will of God is known; the Council of Sanat Kumara, Shamballa.
4. Divine, inspired, meditating intermediaries (In Sanskrit): Nirmanakayas.
5. The Hierarchy of Which 7 x 9 Masters are in charge of the Human Kingdom.
6. The New Group of World Servers.
7. The average Humanity.
To enter the subject more smoothly, we begin with group seven, Humanity.
Man, (meaning human beings of both sexes) is the thinker, the battleground, the turning point, in the midst of the earthly Kingdoms. All beings either approach the human stage, are in it, or have been in it earlier. A long lasting battle is fought between the lower and the higher self. On planet Earth, mankind is very much in a key position, in a great scientific experiment of planetary redemption, which is most painful on the human level, for as long as there is so little understanding. Fortunately, the entire spiritual superstructure we are going to consider, is integrated in the project which now is standing unshakable.
Humanity is to-day a foundation which delivers more and more developed individuals like inventors, philosophers and humanists, into the higher degrees of creative thinking etc. Their lower desires and materialistic cravings and striving gradually weaken, and the focus moves onto creation of social and spiritual values.
The New Group of World Servers
This Group is not that new, as it formed gradually during 1930’es. Inspirational writings were distributed, and next the Arcane School emerged, together with World Goodwill. Now the World Servers has developed into a large centre of planetary thinking and meditation. Much of the thinking is based upon solving the many problems in our world. The Servers are a mix of initiates and disciples who are conscious parts of the Lodge of Masters, but also of aspirants who do not have “Hierarchy” on their minds all the time, plus beginners on trial, and a growing number of people who respond to the more integrated idealists.
The Group of World Servers in an experiment in starting energy foci in the human field, and of introducing new methods of communication. Some virtues to be developed and used in the work, are: Telepathy. Breaking up collective illusions. Healing. Right meditation. Political renewal. Universal religion. Dialogue, physical/metaphysical. Psychology in esoteric astrology. Finance, sharing.
As the Servers reflect upon the Plan, and choose a service to do, it shows which of the seven Rays, Master and Ashram, each one may go to. But nothing personal enters the Ashram.
The Hierarchy
Three planets in our Solar System have got a system of evolutionary stimulation, the hierarchical system. Earth is one of the three. The section of our Hierarchy which takes care of the Human Kingdom, consists of 7 x 9 Masters and Their many helpers, human and devic. The Chief of the entire Hierarchy is One Who in various peoples and religions is called: Messiah, Christ, Maitreya, Imam Madhi, or simply the World Teacher. Confusing, maybe, but it was this Chief Who sent forth into the World, disciples with teachings, at various times, to peoples of the day. In most cases, the teaching was made into a religion, more or less distorted, and religions are powerful tools for making terrible wars, for as long as the masses can be fooled into a fanatical rage.
Having been in the background, the Hierarchy began a move towards externalization, and you may regard the World Servers and some esoteric schools and books, as steps along this line. The Masters chiefly use the Law of Attraction in Their work of stimulating developments in the mental, the astral and the physical world. They work fairly much through the Ashrams of the seven Rays, where many initiates and disciples are being trained. An Ashram is more like a conception, an energy, an aura, and Its members are in or out of incarnation, and at diverse locations on the planet. One Master is the chief of the Ashram, and is granted direct communication with the Council called Shamballa, for knowledge about the next step in any
matter. Often one or two other Masters work in an Ashram. These seven Ashrams are an outpost of the Hierarchy, Which itself is under supervision and guidance by the great Lodge on Sirius.
Portraits of Masters can be viewed at: www.birgittefich.dk
The Divine Contemplatives
Planetary purpose, issuing from Shamballa, is being received and massively supported by this Group. It has been growing and developing during millions of years and consists primarily of Existences Who have risen above the level of offices in the Hierarchy. Practically all of Them have taken six or seven initiations. It is a very great and merciful sacrifice They have made, staying on Earth for ages, as a vast reservoir of spiritual power. They concentrate on planetary creative purpose, and on the Atmic plane, within the seven Rays, They carry instructions from Shamballa, chiefly from three Kumaras of Activity, on to the Hierarchy and further on. Invocational appeal from the Hierarchy, goes via the Nirmanakayas, up to Shamballa, with a “flavor” added.
These Divine Contemplatives make up a force field or aura which blends with that of the planet. It is through a steady, intense, dynamic meditation during millions of years of planetary service, that the great Path is being built. This shows that the predominant tools in our World are meditation and creative work by the Builders on all levels.
This is the Centre where the Will of God is known and executed. Its life and purpose is concentrated around the Lord of the World. This chief, Sanat Kumara, is the fountainhead, molded into an etheric human form, a sort of personality of the Planetary Logos. The wheel of life, with its passing manifestations, all is directed by the Kumaras, the Group, and by four Lords of Karma. All is brought forth by impressing the inspirations as a breath of life, onto the Nirmanakayas and on. The collective karma of the planet is regulated from this high Council.
There is a vital connection between all groups and Kingdoms within the planetary aura, especially because the Human Kingdom, the fourth, is the focal point and the turning point. The main initiations are decided upon and executed in Shamballa. This is very scientific and complicated, but is described to some extent in the book, “Initiation Human and Solar”, by Alice A. Bailey.
Shamballa receives a first Ray power from a star in the constellation “Great Bear”.
Sanat Kumara’s Group of Special Helpers
Above Shamballa there is a small Group, like a higher version of the Nirmanakayas. This Group is called “The Thoughtful Lights” and “The Helpers of the Lord of the World”. It has 12 members, chiefly interplanetary. It is connected with Shamballa and with the Planetary Logos. By the power of their meditations they attract energies needed for the continuously running Plan and Goodwill, that exists on the Cosmic Mental Plane, but effected and adapted by a lofty Group of Ray Lords Who sustain the connection between Earth and Venus.
The Planetary Logos
(The Silent Watcher)
In brevity, “Logos” signifies “Creator God”. A Solar Logos is having the Planetary Logoi with planets, as centers and as disciples. These “Heavenly People” take Their initiations on cosmic planes, while They have for example a solar system or a planet as Their physical body. This is not paganism. The entire Cosmos is informed by One Great Spirit. The multitude of Creator Gods, of diverse magnitudes and levels, may be regarded as co-workers, helpers to the One Great Spirit.
The speedy development of all on this planet is caused by the Planetary Logos taking an initiation, which demands an etheric “incarnation” into the densest planet in the scheme of Earth globes, namely this One. This is an enormous sacrifice which, together with the appearance of the Hierarchy, and exchange of energies with planet Venus, plus the individualization of animal man, was and is stimulating all evolution on Earth.
And in spite of all obstacles, human beings are developing even more quickly than calculated.
The entire superstructure of Light, Love and Power, by this august assembly lined up, ought to be known to the public, to create confidence in the fact that our future is placed in the very best Hands.
Yes, there will be shaking and waking and changes, and the Solar System is being repaired and upgraded. Earlier, other planets too, suffered damage, caused by wars, incl. space wars, but everything in the System is being healed. High energy transfers penetrate the planes, and solar radiation tends to melt the ice caps on the planets. The physical life on the surface of Earth is going to be made more healthy and pleasant, with larger areas of subtropical climate. Towards this and other matters, we get help from experienced crews of space fleets. It is only the simpler parts of their technology and other knowhow that are needed for this project. The degree of assistance, and its timing, depends chiefly on dispensation from the Divine, and of acceptance and application by the people of Earth.
Peter Fich Chistiansen April 13, 2008

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  • do they all view this as a hierarchy, or is it just been translated down at our level like this?

    what I mean is, is this "hierarchy" really the base form/design of this organization of beings, or is it perhaps not a hierarchy at all, and rather a different design or form all together?

    really, when, (or if) humans have a chance to bring in new designs into the world after the big hurrah is over, this topic will come up, hehe

    "hierarchy" or. . .     something else!

    what, unheard of you say

    Nah, humans aren't just lower frequency, they are also different. . . . too


    (for some reason I missed this posted article, so hence my posting now, hehe)
  • We need to greatly respect the Spiritual Hierarchy....do not need to bow to them but greatly respect them as they are the ones that kept the flame burning for this Planet Earth otherwise we would not be here and now they are giving us a chance to unite with them and in this way brighten the flame and keep the flame burning, The Galactic Federation of Light and the Inner Earth Beings follow the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Divine Plan is that we will unite with them in the near future and awaken to the reality that we are multi-dimension beings.

    There is no need to bow to Ascended Masters as they are humble as a blade of grass and as tolerant as a tree and see the God Spirit in all. Sanat Kamura the King of the World can read all souls so he can zoom into any living entity and know the entity inside out.

    • I feel that "respect" is the key word.  There is a great difference between respect and worship.  These beings deserve respect, however, they neither desire nor seek worship.  Thank you for the informative post, Ravinder.
      • True as these Ascended Beings do not like to be worshipped nor do they like anyone bowing to them as they see God in all and become humble as the dust under your feet yet they are highly advanced spiritual beings of love and light.
  • Great post Ravinder.  I did not understand the whole heirarchy structure and this has helped.  I see that we have many on our side, which to me is a relief.  Thanks for this....helped me to calm down.  Where does this information come from? I need to do some serious reading..... 
    • please forgive me i was not trying to be insulting, it just seemed so contradictory to have such a name and make that statement.  I do as well suggest keeping your power, acknowledge those who have made life possible so that combined effort to that effect might be carried on with a sense of purpose and integrity instead of it seeming like no one cares that people like all of us are trying to build a world which can support our higher spiritual essence and source/soul eternal purpose. But in regards to humbling one self, i think you are missing out if you dont humble yourself before those teachers and masters who understand the path you are on better than you.  For they can offer insight that otherwise might require much more heartache to discover for oneself "alone"  I do not mean squash yourself or relegate all greater matters to that teacher/master themselves but instead recognize their authority while still being curious and seeking, willing to step outside the box a little persay.
      • Depends on where you are at spiritually as well.  Perhaps earth is a way of teaching you to learn to not give up the little bit of power you are given here on earth, to not give it away blindly.  However, if we are to excel through a planetary consciousness shift, it seems like that is going to be a big change.  Perhaps we are moving into a change from learning to protect what we have, into learning how to let go of that which we no longer need, lions for lambs.  If you have a pre-determined idea of always one way or another its not going to get us anywhere(@ Apis).  Odds are on earth that some one is trying to screw you over if they ask for your power, however if an alien entity comes to you and says look I can create an entire planet in an instant or blow it up in an instant, your power means nothing to me.  Should you be able to release what you have(which in practicality in insignificant) and in exchange you will gain something extraordinary it should be discerned in the moment when you know all of the information rather then a blanket statement of nope not going to happen no matter who it is or how they present the information, I do what I want!
    • Alice Bailey, Janet McClure, CW Leadbeater, Benjamin Creme, Annie Besant... I could go on.  This is theosophy. 

      I highly recommend Alice's Treatise on Cosmic Fire, as Ravinder states; it really explains everything that is happening, why it is happening and how it is occuring. 

      Check out http://www.ngsm.org/aabdk/bk/toc.html  the answers are there for those who seek. 

      • Thanks you kelly, I see I am going to be doing some serious reading....Thanks so much for the link.  It will be all new material for me.  It has piqued my interest.
  • refuse to bow down or humble yourself before anyone or anything......
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