Just wished to share this update....Since replying about the 'crazy headache' post .. the following morning I woke up with extreme pain in my right eye....I'm thinkin "oh NOooo, really don't need one of these today, & has the energy of discussing it brought it back (shut up head!)". The sun was glorious in the sky & I got to do some grounding (gardening) - Always a pleasure, never a chore! Later I was invited to go see a horse who had been struggling a bit & to share some Reiki with him. He got REAL sleepy during it &, as always, the energy was GOOD. It was a real priviledge to work with such a gentle giant. The pain stayed with me the whole day but fortunately didn't turn into a migraine.
Soon as I got home I was overwhelmed with tiredness & had to go to bed immediately, even though I'd forgotten to eat all day. Pre-sleep state - there were MANY images presented to me. Something like circut boards ??? faces of many different beings from different dimensions, images of different space crafts of light. I then travelled to 'source' (followed the light) & don't remember a thing after that. Woke up a couple of hours later - pain gone & feeling hungry. Yay!!!
Since the full moon & this latest upgrade, further awakening, enlightenment or whatever one chooses to call it, I can hear & feel the energy even more clearly now. IT'S ALL GOOOOOD....
It's another glorious day again, after what seemed an eternity of rain (washing away the cra*) so I'm off to do more grounding again (gardening).
Here's to hearts & minds being open to a new way of being...
Blessings & Love you ALL dearest family
Earwigs uuh, gotta love all creatures regardless of what they inflict -bites, stings etc sigh!
Findhorn has changed over the years, not sure if it's still got the same ethos. It's still a beautiful part of Scotland.
For real splendour, the West is Best (the Highlands). Dramatic landscapes, slightly warmer, wetter, delicious water & golden sands further North (sadly the midges love it too & they breed & bite bigger!). Lived there for a couple of years, worked with healing the history of the past.
Islands of Mull & Iona are of great significance (in healing terms).
Scottish Borders (Lived there too) are flowing & gentle & has it's own Buddhist retreat...
There's something about the energy of the East Coast...it seems to struggle (could be something to do with the properties of granite). Aberdeen is also known as granite city & oil industry capital. Hmmm!!!
Love driving & doing grid work but REALLY looking forward to new forms of transport... Hee hee
Sending Pure Divine Unconditional Love & Light to you & ALL around you. :-D
Hi Hi Anita,
Ain't it Simply Wonderfully Joyous to share ALL of this... & thank you for being you. :-D
Hi Hi Lea'Shorina,
Hee hee, not heard the word scone for a long time :-) Here's to the GLORIOUS future & beyond for us ALL. If I could always remember to put protection up, I'd even say thanks to the Scottish Midges! :-D
Happy happy ONE-ness :-D