A Vision for Joy and Delight
The following Vision comes to us from David Diamond in New Jersey and it is one of the most beautiful Visions we've ever received. Thanks to you David for sharing your heart with us!
David says:
I create reality with my Thoughts, my Images, and, perhaps most potently, with my Feelings. I envision a world of Joy and Happiness. I feel the freshness and vitality of the moist, green grasses. My spirit is elevated by the colors and fragrances of rolling hills of brilliant flowers, shimmering in the sunlight. I feel warmth and love from the sun, and refreshing energy freely given to me by the trees. I feel as if I, and all of the beings on this planet, are an energy bridge connecting the Earth and the Heavens in sacred marriage.
I feel the delight of children singing and dancing in scintillating rainbow sprays of water and mist. I feel the love of my fellow humans, and the love of all beings, freely giving to each other, filled with awe and gratitude for the endless abundance of everything that we could possibly need. There is so much Joy, Delight and Love, that I can barely contain it. So I just let it wash over me and flow through me.
People are nurturing people. People are caring for the animals, plants, minerals and waters of the Earth. They, in turn, are returning the love, many times over.
There is a natural flow in this World of Joy and Delight, and we all flow with it, accomplishing whatever we want, effortlessly.