A Vision For Love Overflowing

Intenders of the Highest Good present The Vision Alignment Project


A Vision for Love Overflowing


Here is another wonderful Vision from Carol Peacock, our friend at Sweetbriars Retreat Center in Springfield, Missouri. Carol says:

We envision a world where love is the answer to all questions.  Now that each and every one of us know in our hearts that love is the feeling that supports the highest good of all mankind, we allow ourselves to give it without hesitation.  We see that when we give love we trust and respect everyone, we are unselfish in our desires, we treat everyone as we wish to be treated, and we speak and act with gentle hearts.

Because we understand how important love is we always consider the feelings of others by being aware of the impact of our actions and words.  No one is lonely in this world because we all freely express our love and gratitude to each other for our co-existence on this planet.  We love each other, we love the animals, we love the plant life, and we love God.  No one is jealous of another as they are overflowing with the love that is sent to them each moment of their lives.  

There is nothing that we cannot handle now that we are sure that we are supported by the love of the Universe and all of Its inhabitants. Now that we know that all beings are motivated by loving kindness we feel safe, secure and peaceful in each other's company.  Our love which is for the highest good of mankind knows no boundaries and everyone is aware of that.  

There are no questions, no doubts, no fears, only LOVE and ONENESS.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
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We encourage you to Forward This Message to your friends directly from your Inbox. If this vision was sent to you from a friend, you can go to www.visionalignmentproject.com to sign up for The Vision Alignment Project. It's Free!

The Vision Alignment Project is sponsored by The Intenders of the Highest Good. If you have a Vision you would like to share with the world, please email it to [office@intenders.com]. Your Vision may be published here!
The Intenders Vision Alignment Project is funded by your donations.
To Tithe/Donate to the Vision Alignment Project, Click Here.
Thank You Very Much!

When people come together
peace must be at the core of their intentions,
and then it can be built upon
and something really amazing can be done
that will be an example for the world
~ Lee Ching

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Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley,
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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
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