I wanted to share this with you all. I have no idea what category I should put this in but wanted to make sure everybody knew this. It could save your life.
Posted on snopes. Here is the link: http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/bottlebomb.asp
Please read this, it could save your life and limbs..
brief recap...Terrorists are making bombs using draino, tinfoil and other stuff and putting it in plastic soda bottles and leaving them in peoples yards and in public places. The minute the bottle is moved it blows up doing terrible terrible damage to a person like blowing off their face, hands, legs etc. It looks like a regular plastic soda bottle with a little soda left in it. So people think it is trash and pick it up to throw it away and boom! Huge Explosion. These bombs were found in many different states and towns in the US within the last few weeks. A threat was made to the government that the terrorists were going to start doing something small that could affect many.
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