Sunday Call 4/24/2023 (A.A. Michael, OWS, Shoshanna)

James & JoAnna McConnell


Brace for impact


AA Michael and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Shoshanna – Joanna’s Higher Self


These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on April 24, 2023. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

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ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, in these times of continuing great change.


And yes, indeed, those three words that were given for this discussion this morning: brace for impact. What does that mean? Well, it meant many different things to all of you.


Brace for impact. For those times are coming, where you have been preparing for this for some time now. Not only this lifetime, but you have been preparing for this for many lifetimes here. From the time you first volunteered to come here to this planet and be a part of this evolution, you have been preparing for these moments, these moments that are upon you now. Lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime you have moved through the planet creating the 3-D evolution that was here. But now, all of you are here to create the new evolution of the fourth- and fifth-dimensional experience.


But what does it take to do that? It takes intention. It takes your intention. More intention to bring about these changes, or allow the changes to happen. Embrace the changes as they come. So it is not only bracing for impact, for as some of you realize, it is also embracing the impact, embracing that changes that are coming, embracing one another through the process. Preparing one another for the process. The process of ascension. These are those times you have all been waiting for, all been readying for.


It is up to each and every one of you to continue to hold the line here, hold the understanding of what is to come, and what is happening right now. The truth coming forward from so many different directions and so many different sources, you being able to discern that truth. Is it truth, or is it mistruth? Or misunderstanding? Or Mistrust?


For you have heard so many times, “trust the plan;” but not only trust the plan, trust in yourselves to understand the plan. The plan is for all of you. The plan is for all of you that are moving through this ascension. So be ready for it.


Be ready for the impact that is coming. Just as if you were on one of your airplanes and we’ve been telling you for some time to fasten your seat-belts. Well, why do you fasten your seat-belts? You fasten them so just in case there is any rocky movement, you would be safe. Well, there has been rocky movement, and you have had your seat-belts fastened.


But as you come closer to impact, you do need to brace yourself for that. Brace yourself for what is coming. But for some, for many it will be tumultuous. They will see and feel in many cases the negativity, the fear, the agony, the suffering.


But those of you that have been preparing for this, and ready to embrace the changes that are coming, you will do exactly that. You will see the beauty in all of this. The beauty in the great universal plan. Many of you are already seeing this, already prepared to accept this as it comes forward. The truth can cut both ways. The sword can cut both ways. It can cut for those that are not ready for this and will not be ready for this, and it can cut them down to the bottom of their being, or it can show the truth. The truth, the Sword of Truth.


And that is what all of you are preparing yourselves for: to receive the truth, and to know the truth as it comers forward. And to be the ones that are bringing it forward. You are the ones that are collapsing this 3-D evolution, or this 3-D illusion.


You are the ones that are bringing this down: you, the Boots on the Ground, and all of the Alliance, and what you call the ‘White Hats,’ working together. But you have to understand that the Alliance is not only here on the Earth, the Alliance is all of your galactic friends. Your brothers and sisters are here to help the entire process to bring you through this. So you have a great many working together to bring these changes, and very, very few comparatively working against it. You are many, they are few. You are the truth. They are the mistruths.


I am Archangel Michael. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you hold my Mighty Sword of Truth, and continue to sever any psychic ties that may try to hold you down to this Earth, hold you down to the third-dimensional Earth.


For you are no longer a part of the third-dimensional Earth, and the third-dimensional illusion. You are already all in the fourth dimension, and rising higher and higher with every moment that you continue to move through and live life.


Trust, my brothers and sisters, trust in yourself. And indeed, trust in the great universal plan.





ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)


Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. And Shoshanna is here.


And we are ready to continue with this understanding, this helping you to understand who you are, and what this is all about, and to prepare you for these great changes that are in your midst right now as you indeed moving through that storm. And eventually, just as any storm, hurricane, tornado, whatever it is, any storm eventually comes to an end. It eventually dissipates.


Well, eventually this storm will also do so. And it will be replaced. Just as when a storm has passed, and you feel the energy in the air, you are going to feel this, as Archangel Michael said. And as many have been saying, you will feel the great energy. You will feel them throughout your enter body. It will make your entire body just vibrate with higher energy, and love, and higher consciousness. All of this is coming.


But do not just wait for it: be ready for it. And live your life along the way within each moment. Find each moment of joy that you can. Be in joy in every moment as you continue to move through these great changes and prepare yourselves more and more for the great awakening, and then your great ascension.


We are ready for your questions if you have them. Would there be any questions here?


Guest: I have a question.


OWS: Yes?


Guest: You are talking about the storm, and pretty much with every storm there is an eye of the storm that is the exact center of it. I am just wondering if we are close to that.


OWS: You have been in the eye of the storm for some time, whenever you can focus on being in that. You can also focus on being out in the storm as well, as many are doing now. They are seeing the negativity. They are feeling the fear. They are not understanding why their world is falling apart.


But you are understanding why your world is indeed coming together and rising higher and higher in love expression. That is what is happening here. That is what we have been working with all of you to bring you to that point where you can see the beauty all around you, rather than feel the fear, as many are doing. Okay? Shoshanna?


SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

We do not add here.


OWS: Very good. Would there be other questions here? If not, then we are going to have a fairly quick ending here. Nothing further? Very good. Then, Shoshanna, do you have any parting message for those here?


Shoshanna: We do not.


OWS: Very good. Then we are going to end this part of the call.


We just simply say, as you have been feeling here, and hearing here today, to brace and embrace for the changes that are coming. Prepare for impact. Embrace the impact as it comes forward. It is going to be, we will just say, quite interesting as you continue to move forward.


Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.  




Channeled by James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

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