
About Channeling and Other Thoughts - 12 October 2012

Over three months have passed since I received the first message from the Galactic Light Ship, Tulya. And slightly less than three months have passed since I first started this blog. The response I have received has been more than I could have imagined or hoped for when I first started out. Thanks to all my readers - old and new! Now, in the course of this new adventure, I have received some interesting comments and responses on occasion.

It is my understanding that many of those who make their way either to my personal blog, Blue Dragon Journal, or to one of the three other blogs where I post my material, that these folks might not be acquainted with channeling, the Galactic Federation or metaphysics in general. However, since they are nosing around and reading so-called “New Age” material, there is obviously something driving them to investigate this, for them, new corner of the world.


For these newcomers, much of what they read may bring up the specters of their early conditioning, especially religious doctrine. Channeling is considered by some of our very religious brothers and sisters as dealing with the devil. Even using some terms, such as I AM Presence, is considered suspect. For these people, I say you do have choice not to read these messages.

Or to only read what resonates with you; it is how you feel about a piece that is important - not what the author meant to convey when writing it. Frankly, I don’t really care what religion my readers might belong to; I do not consider myself as belonging to any religion. However, I am spiritual. I have been aware of angelic presences in my life since childhood. I do not have any memory of my existence before coming into embodiment just before this lifetime, but I have experienced flashbacks into other lifetimes.

I am pretty sure that I have spent at least one lifetime in practically every major culture or religion that exists on the planet. Yes, I’ve been around awhile. As an experienced “old soul” I do not need to rely on a priest or minister to convey my thoughts or prayers to God. I can do so myself. I was probably a Cathar and have most certainly had more than one life time as a druid.

I have experienced shamanic journeys. I have stood on a cliff and watched the ships sail away from the doomed shores of Atlantis. And now, I stand on the threshold of ascension. I have been here before. I will stand here, again, in another time and place. That is what I do. I do not feel this way out of a sense of self-righteous or need to be right; I feel this way as recognition of the Light and Love that exists within, untarnished by my experiences in duality.

One of the tragic consequences of the domination of the dark forces of world religions (sorry, but true) is that people have no or little awareness of their own special qualities, gifts and the truth of their multidimensionality that extends throughout all dimensions back to Source. We are truly Light Beings who are taking some time off and experiencing individual awareness and separation from the Light, God, Source or whatever term you wish to use to convey the creator of All That Is.

People have simply been conned into believing that they have to go through another in order to communicate with the God Source. And many have simply given up in believing anything to do with religion and have become agnostic. Or at least they have been agnostic until suddenly, one day out of the blue, a little angel or inner voice comes knocking at their consciousness and they begin to wake up.

Suddenly from within flares up an intense desire to search out the meaning of life; suddenly, life begins to have meaning. My own life story has been different than those who are now in the process of waking up, but I have, too, suffered from lack of self-confidence. I have stubbornly refused to listen to the inner voice that wanted to share messages with me, or at least for years I would have nothing to do with channeling.

That was until a good friend told me that I was doing channeling all the time. I thought about it, and must have made an inner decision or flashed a “Go Ahead!” signal, for soon after the messages started flowing. And with every new message comes a tiny bit of doubt, how will it be received? In the end, it doesn’t matter. I have done the best that I can do at the time the message has been transcribed and posted.

With more experience, the messages should improve in quality. I realize that not everyone who makes their way to these pages will resonate with what is written here. Were it so, it would be a miracle. Each of us is unique in our own way and must pass through gradual increments in the process of ascension. At each stage, those things that you would never think of reading will all of a sudden make perfect sense; other writings will not. I was reminded by a friend that the messages are really about the energy that is conveyed, not the words.

Channeling is a challenge to interpret the energy that is being sent to the messenger or scribe through non-verbal means. It involves an exchange of energies, for the human being involved is just as important as the beings on the other side of the Veil; one cannot do without the other in the process of developing a message. I have also come across those who exhibit a snobbish know everything attitude about other people’s work, not just mine.

Well, I say to these folks, try writing and channeling yourself. And then you will discover what a challenge it can be. And not everyone is going to like everything that they come across or they are expressing a particularly uncritical sense of taste. I don’t like to eat clams. It doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t eat them. Let people decide for themselves what appeals.

And what they need at the moment in which they read the message. Just a word or phrase might be all that they need to give them the confidence to go forward and to do what they came here to do. In the end, these messages and all channeled material are really just guides along the way. They are not meant to the ultimate teacher or authority on what each individual must do in order to ascend.

The journey in transcending the third dimension through the process of ascension is that of an individual who has lived in duality gradually moving into unity consciousness. Along the way there will be sign posts, saying yes, you’re doing well. Yes, we love you! Yes, I feel this way, too. Much of what happens during the process of ascension comes from a realm where there are no words, but all is energy. In the future, everyone will communicate via telepathy.

There will be no opportunity to lie anymore. Everyone will be able to “read” another person’s condition by simply surveying their energy fields. Nothing will be hidden and nothing will need to be hidden. The duality of the third dimension will be a distant memory; all will experience the unified field in action, love.

Love, Light and Unity will be one’s daily experience. In case you noticed; we’re not quite there yet, but getting closer every day, with every person’s intent to master their thoughts and emotions and to accept that they are potentially much greater than they are aware today. Between here and there lie a few steps. With the great Shift between the dimensions that is soon to occur according to heavenly and galactic sources, our perspectives will undergo major changes.

It will still take some “time” to adjust to the new energies and the huge expansion in our awareness. Meanwhile, I will continue to write these messages and stories, as I feel it is a small contribution that I can make presently to the ongoing process of ascension. I have been told that I write well and I have enjoyed sharing that gift with my readers.

And in writing and stepping out, I am exercising my right to step into my power and be seen as part of what I AM, on inner planes. There are things which I share with my guides that cannot be written about just yet, for I still have some way to go in learning to feel comfortable in complete sharing, but I’m working on it. I am doing something I love.

I hope everyone is so lucky. Many blessings of joy and love, Elizabeth

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://bluedragonjournal.com/
http://bluedragonjournal.com/author/tazjima/ http://bluedragonjournal.com/author/tazjima/ About Channeling and Other Thoughts - 12 October 2012 http://bluedragonjournal.com/2012/10/13/about-channeling-and-other-thoughts-12-october-2012/ by tazjima http://bluedragonjournal.com/author/tazjima/


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