Here is a very interesting link concerning the use of chemtrails.  I am providing the link below....It is very damming and also very interesting to know, but too long to copy and paste here.  It really is appalling.  But it is information if true that we all should know.

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    • very good insights.

  • I've now read the entire thread, and I honestly think this guy is genuine; he's smart, well informed, speaks plainly and makes sense.

    It's interesting to speculate on the purposes of chemtrail production. Personally, I'm not going to worry about it. If I did, I might lose my mind, and I'd have to quit my degree and move out of London. That's not going to happen!

    I live fairly near Heathrow airport, and there are two planes going overhead every minute here, often quite low. If I'm going to be affected by whatever they're spraying, I probably already have been.

    I have faith that whatever selfish plans the Cabal has in store aren't going to come to fruition. It's 2012!!! I'm so excited for first contact, it's ridiculous! :D

    Love and light x

  • Marique,

    it's seems to me that we like 'mosquitoes' we are still here and we adapt ;) and we are growing in numbers ...

    • yup, but sad we have to adapt to intentionally applied poisons though.....we are a pretty hail species as a whole...

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