About I

In the late 70's when I began exploring there was no Internet and I have studied and researched Metaphysical topics most of my life. it was a rare occasion to cross paths with others who shared the same interests, In my teenage years, I read many sci-fi / fantasy/mythical worlds type novels. Utilizing imagination I could write myself into any story that allowed me to play the Mystic, the Magi or the seeker of truth... I somehow came to believe that Truth seeking was a legitimate career choice. I did spend a couple years at a university learning to fly but could not accept the idea of being tied to a single occupation for life and so my journey began. During the early years my focus was to scour the shelves of libraries and bookstores to learn what religion, philosophy, psychology, and history had to offer as the truth. I talked to all kinds of people and observed many more, I lived in Manhattan and the new age movement was being established and beginning to expand. It was time now for me to turn inward and discover the Soul, Metaphysics, and the Paranormal, which graciously provided some rather unnerving evidence of its very real presence. I had officially graduated into the realms of the afterlife, and a non physical world teeming with ghosts, guides, angels, and their earthbound channels all attempting to explain their multidimensional existence to billions of adolescent souls living as humans in a 3d world of flesh enslaved by an ego, handicapped by time and space, Governed by politicians and police, who are employed by corporate empires, ruled by extremely greedy Bankers, who have implanted a delusional dream into the ego masters brain that if they work hard they to can join the one percentiles , leaving the earthbound souls to contemplate; What is free will?.

Fast-forward to now. I've got truckloads of truth. What I actually have is a little bit of TRUTH, a box full of Truth and a whole lot of truth (what I like to call alphabet truth). I also have a partial outline for the truth seekers field guide (guidelines, warnings, tips and tricks, to help make the journey less aggravating) And the greatest find of all, The Transcendent Thread that every soul high or low can travel to any dimension that exists in the wholeness of all that is, And not limited by time, space, or vibration issues. I guess to answer your question, I'd say that ultimately we can only find truth when what we learn from outside of ourselves finds a match to what is inside, Together, those two elements combine into a rough sketch of the truth as we see it, Alone, we will show it to others with pride only to see it criticized and questioned. Self doubt set in. We question our inner voice and it all goes downhill from there.
On the other hand, if we can find a forum or many forums where everyone can bring out their sketches and compare to one another, we are more likely to find how similar they are. This begins a process of give and take and soon each rough sketch refines into a perfect drawing. In that instant, the collective doubt evaporates and is replaced by high-grade energy. So I have loads of sketches.

From the seekers field guide:
Chapter XXX Validating Discovered (truth)

Until a discovery is considered to be TRUTH absolute, assume that there is a high probability for refinement. This is going to be the best choice to make for 99% of discovery. Proclaiming a discovery to be absolute TRUTH is not worth risking your credibility as a seeker, or worse, feeling like a fool should you find the discovery to be nothing but a mouthful of alphabet truth.

Try running CO12 test

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  • Does the bus come by here anymore?  Want truth?  Try playing a viol!  They can't lie.  I have found that anything true is...that is to say---  it stands on its own.  it has its own existence.... it IS!  Truth is.  Good post, David, thank you.  It is better to be awake and searching for answers than asleep in a false state of mind, thinking you know what it is all about.

  • Welcome brother greetings to you and yours!


  • ...:)...<3.....x......

  • Semile, 

    That was the coolest response.  Took me back and put a real semile on my face!  Thanks

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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
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