about the Wingmakers

some of you did write to me regarding this subject, and I believe the information should go to all.So my reply to those asking proofs of the hoax is here :I do not have the original investigations because of computer crashes, but it is about the samefraud as Nesara, and probably originate from the same forces. Nesara was manufactured by masonsentrepreneurs to be a trap for the children of light. Mitch Batros proved the scheme anduncovered the activities of these "Phoenix publishing" people.The owner of the Wingmakers website did write at the start of his enterprise to a forum of video creators :quote :He was addressing his peers - fellow artists. Here's what he wrote to alt.art.video:-- begin posted article --"Anyone interested in making a film for the net? I have all the content. I created the site to be the blueprint for a film or TV series. It's taken 3 years to produce all of the content. I created everything you'll see on the site. It's completed integrated. I call this Immersive Multimedia Art Forms (IMAF). IMAFs are experimental, but very powerful ways to experience art.They're ideal -- in my opinon -- for conversion into film. Only about 60% of the total content for this site is posted, but you'll see how extensive it is. It takes most people 10-12 hours to complete the site if they read/view and consider every page. You're invited. This is one of the only IMAFs on the web I know about. If you know of others, please let me know.www.wingmakers.com "the story in this page : http://www.rense.com/ufo2/wing.htma few other tracks on Wingmakers :http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/forums/viewthread/1909/http://www.evpreversespeaking.com/2008/12/10/wingmakers-beautiful-deception/

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  • Thank you so much for posting this and the links. I spent three days reading the whole entire website, and it left a very sour taste in my mouth. I thought it was a bunch of hokey contrived stuff, and I am so glad you confirmed my opinion. I was worried for a bit that my discernment was off, because I heard from so many people that thought the whole tale was the real deal. It is important when we find out that something is total shit, to pass along links and stuff. There is a lot of gullibility and blind trust out there, and it is important for us to help our fellow lightworkers to stay on course. Thanks again.
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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
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