I tried to get my short stories published for 14 years, at mostly NYC woke publishers, and I kept getting rejected.
My first book, Martian Concerns and Other Tales accepted by my publisher in London, has reached around the world and not just in ebook form but also in print at privately owned book stores, no kidding.
Sweteryun Girl is a fun and nutty time travel romance romp-should be out soon-hope you purchase and enjoy it!
So guys-you would enjoy it, too.
Let's open the champers...🍾🥂
I just placed an order for your first book, Martian Concerns and other Tales on Amazon. I admit I haven't read any fiction in recent years,.but when I was younger I used to read a lot of science fiction. I do enjoy short stories, so I will be sure to pick up your second book when it is published as well.