Accepted theories of physics and astrophysics are shaken to the core in the video by David
Marcaba energy is this too.? ----- that this science has just now proved.?
Orbs in photographs fall in this category too. proving this energy is all the universe big and small energy is life and life is spirit manifesting the universe.
Face book page on this break threw by david --
I copied this wonderful pic'......with your permission Feather.
cool :-)
ahh the heart beet of the spirit. nice. :-)
Is it just Me Feather, or are the new posts less and less spiritual, I just see acc moving in a direction more towards the materialistic and cults. ? And some of the topic’s are really unimportant or going into a deep dream further asleep.
I love all the video's you post, they are very enlightening, Thank you John~Artist!
excilant, yes yes, ;-)
:-) much wisdom
He who seeks God finds himself, He who seeks himself finds God. Both are one, and many Gods creates the universe that is. Life is allowing all Gods to exist. A jealous God, judges all the other Gods.
Pointing at the unexplainable what we are --- threw people that have experience first hand this awareness -- then pointing at this that we are may take shape in our silence -- leaving the noise of the mind. Thoughts are like coffee grinds --- the mind being the filter.
Leaving the coffee and filter behind ---- what drips into the cup creates that witch we enjoy in a fresh cup of coffee that is. Leaving the posses (thoughts and mind) behind.