I'm joining-any real liberal would join; the author here calls this islmaphobia-
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ACT for America to Stage Marches Against ‘Sharia Law’ Nationwide
The "March Against Sharia" will take place in more than 20 cities, including New York, Dallas, and Atlanta.
ACT for America, which has over 525,000 members and has boasted of its close ties to President Donald Trump, is organizing the marches. It has been considered a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center for several years.
“ACT demonizes all Muslims as terrorists who want to subvert the political system in this country,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center. They disseminate lies and fallacies about Muslims to spread fear about the religion, she added.
The Islamaphobic organization has gained significant momentum since its founding in 2007 by Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese immigrant who has openly called Islam inconsistent with U.S law.
“A practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Quran to be the word of Allah … who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day — this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen of the United States,” said Gabriel during a course at the Department of Defense’s Joint Forces Staff College in 2007.
ACT for America did not return requests for comment from NBC News.
The nationwide “March Against Shariah” first gained widespread attention when the mayor of Portland, Oregon, moved to stop the local chapter from rallying. Ted Wheeler's decision came after two men were fatally stabbed as they tried to protect two women — one of whom was wearing a headscarf — from an anti-Muslim tirade.
The organizers of Portland parade eventually changed the venue to Seattle, citing “safety concerns” in Portland.
“These marches are concerning because of what they will mean to the Muslim community,” Beirich said. “When an organization propagandizes an entire community, it tends to embolden some people to commit hate crimes."
But ACT, which brands itself as “the NRA of national security,” protecting “America from terrorism,” said in a statement that the upcoming march is about “human rights” and protecting women and children from Sharia — which they say is quietly taking a hold of U.S law.
ACT initiated the “Stop Shariah Now” campaign in 2008. The SPLC said the group's website described its mission “to inform and educate the public about what Shariah is, how it is creeping into American society and compromising our constitutional freedom of speech, press, religion and equality what we can do to stop it."
More than 13 states have introduced bills banning Sharia law as a result of the campaign, Beirich said.
“It is absolutely impossible for any religious law to take over U.S. law,” Beirich said. “The Constitution stops it, there is a separation of church and state,” she said.
Another staple of the group is the Thin Blue Line Project, which is a “Radicalization Map Locator” that lists the addresses of almost every Muslim Student Association (MSA) in the country, as well as a number of mosques and Islamic institutions. The project, accessible only to pre-registered law enforcement, describes itself as a “one-stop internet resource for information concerning the perceived threat of Muslim infiltration and terrorism in the country,” according to the SPLC.
The organization also forbids any interfaith dialogue with Muslims based on their suspicion that all members of the faith are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, an established international political Islamist group founded in 1928.
“If you or someone you know is aware of a church or synagogue involved in or considering interfaith outreach, please warn them about organizations and individuals connected to the Muslim Brotherhood,” the organization said in a 2012 statement.
The group campaigned hard for Donald Trump, and after he won the election, they boasted of having a “direct line” to the president.
Gabriel even visited the White House and tweeted she was going there for a meeting.
The White House did not return requests confirming a meeting with Gabriel.
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn and current Trump adviser Walid Phares are ACT board advisers, according to the organization. And CIA director Mike Pompeo is “steadfast ally,” said Gabriel in a letter to her base.
The nationwide march is one of the largest coordinated efforts by the ACT, despite a small expected turnout based on the event’s Facebook page.
As of Friday afternoon, only 50 individuals said they are going in Atlanta, 64 in Indianapolis, and 68 in Chicago, on the event’s social media page.
The largest number of people interested are in San Bernardino, with 231 slated to join.
“The protest being planned ... by a designated hate group are only designed to fan the flames of hatred and promote xenophobia incidents like what happened in Portland across this country. This is not a rally FOR anything; it’s a rally AGAINST Muslims and American values,” said Rabiah Ahmed, a spokeswoman for the Muslim Public Affairs Council.
“We know that the views expressed by these hate groups do not reflect the vast majority of Americans," she added, "and we know that groups like this are only blinded by their extreme hate and ignorance."
Thank you. :)
I did them all in my head, over a long period of time.
It would be an intellectually stimulating challenge to try and translate them from "the mysterious supercomputer of the subconscious mind"-language into pure Mathematical Language though.
Thank you for the Question.Without Questions, evolution could not progress.
I'll get back to you when I've figured out how to translate my subconscious conclusions into "Real"'ish. :)
2. Do Muslims want Shariah to rule America?
No. Remember, the Qur’an teaches that religion must not be a matter of the state. Shariah is a personal relationship with God. Prophet Muhammad, even as the de facto ruler of Arabia, wrote the Charter of Medina in which Muslims were held to Shariah Law, and Jews to the Law of the Torah. Not a single non-Muslim was held to Shariah because Shariah itself forbids compulsion. The Qur’an clearly says, “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:257). Furthermore, Shariah obliges Muslims to be loyal to their nation of residence. Therefore, American Muslims must adhere to the US Constitution as the supreme law of the land.´´
no forieg laws on the books in the US go somewhere else and live like a slave
Pet, you just don´t get it... The muslims in the USA do not want to change the laws. This is all a made up paranoia about something that does not exist. No muslims are trying to change the US laws. These people all came from countries with normal civil laws, the same like in the USA and they are happy to live with and obey these laws here... These hate groups like ACT are all funded and run by the NWO...check the financing and which people run many of these groups. It is just a way to divide people by spreading hate and fear..
These marches just proved that love is much stronger than hate...
Act for America, the largest grassroots anti-Muslim group in America, held “March Against Sharia” rallies in more than 20 cities across the nation on Saturday. The group’s goal was to rally citizens around the debunked conspiracy theory that Americans Muslims (who make up a mere 1 percent of the total U.S. population) are somehow attempting to impose Islamic law over all American citizens.
But Act for America’s profoundly anti-Muslim message ultimately received strong condemnations from a wide spectrum of American religious and civil rights groups. The “March Against Sharia” also inspired countless acts of love, community service, and interfaith solidarity across the nation.
Before the “March Against Sharia” even began, a coalition of 129 national and local groups sent letters to 29 mayors condemning the marches and calling on the politicians to firmly reject “forces of hate and bigotry.” The list of signers featured prominent Jewish, Sikh, Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, and interfaith organizations.
And on Saturday, many interfaith counter-protests actually outnumbered the anti-Muslim groups. In Minnesota, counter-protestors dwarfed anti-Muslim activists three to one. In Seattle, the anti-Sharia group was reportedly 10 times smaller than the number of activists who came out to support American Muslims.´´
Nope, it ain´t so...what I said is that !%of the US population is muslim and .05%, half of one percent support sharia law.. None support the things that you posted, these laws only apply in places like Saudi arabia; they support things like muslims do not eat pork or drink alcohol....these are also part of sharia law...
It's even lower than that. By My calculations, only 0.02% support the Extreme form of Belief.
There is severe spiritual/mental influences causing sickness/psychosis with you lefties-you are not liberals anymore-you unbalanced sociopaths;