One conspiracy about the Kennedy's and Marilyn Monroe that I've been told about from an anonymous source (and hence I really can't prove if it's 100% correct) was that Marilyn Monroe was in the Oval Office at the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion.  The incident that supposedly took place involved U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy sitting in the president's chair attempting to prove (for the sake of his penis) that he is his brother's equal (with Marilyn Monroe close to him, possibly smoking one of the joints the president kept in his cigar box). It was claimed by my source that Robert Kennedy (with no military experience) was supposedly pretending to be JFK at that time and directing the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, possibly in an effort to get Marilyn Monroe turned on, and possibly get her under the desk (or in the bed) for you know what.  Was Marilyn worth this great act of treason (if it happened)?  Here's some photos of Marilyn in her heyday. She would have been 88 years old today if she was alive.






We all know that the Bay of Pigs would become a huge disaster for the JFK administration.  If this story about Bobby Kennedy in the oval office (with Marilyn Monroe) is true, there is some truth to the rumor that most men in politics make important decisions and wage wars against others as a result of how well their middle leg is functioning, as opposed to how well their economic and government relationships with others are functioning.

Don't get me wrong.  John F. Kennedy may be the last real hero as a U.S. president, having survived death in World War II with his PT boat getting run over (due to his own miscalculation, and lying about what really happened), having stood up to U.S.S.R.'s Kruschev in a nuclear stand-off (and winning), and finally standing up to the CIA and Federal Reserve (of whom both may have given the "go ahead" to allow others to offer JFK to Lucifer at (exactly) 33 degrees north of the equator, with his blood flying in a Dealey Plaza triangle (and witnesses claiming to see "a flash of white light" when his head was blown off near this triangle.  Hail Lucifer, Hail LBJ)).

But let's be realistic about JFK from an astrological perspective.  He had a packed eighth house (which rules sexual activity, death, insurance, the occult, inheritances, secrets) much like Jimi Hendrix had, and similar to Hendrix (when both were elevated in a social position of fame and of significant social importance), JFK (similar to Hendrix) relished sex in ways that resembled a revolving door of women going in and out of the bedroom, almost non-stop.  Here's the JFK list of women (and his public record) to prove my point that JFK is not the innocent altar boy president that Oliver Stone and Alex Jones make him out to be: (from">

  • JFK did Lee Radziwill, Jackie's sister when Jackie was in the hospital with Caroline.
  • JFK did Audrey Hepburn
  • JFK did Jayne Mansfield for 3 years
  • Other actresses tied to JFK in the press were Angie Dickinson, Kim Novak, Janet Leigh and Rhonda Flemming.
  • 90 minutes before the first televised debate with Nixon, JFK was with a call-girl. (Reeves p 202) He also had a call-girl inauguration night. The night before the inauguration, he cheated on his wife in their Georgetown house.
  • JFK kept an apartment at the Carroll Arms in Washington where he met young women. After a year of marriage a friend said of Jackie, "Jackie was wandering around looking like a survivor of an airplane crash." (Reeves p 116)
  • JFK did Mary Pinchot Meyer in about thirty White House visits from Jan '62 to Nov '63. She was mysteriously murdered in 1964 and her diary of their affair ended up at the CIA. Mary and JFK did drugs together.
  • JFK did David Niven's wife.
  • JFK did Pamela Turnure, 23, a Jackie look-a-like, hired as Jackie's press secretary, in an affair that went on three years in the White House.
  • JFK did Fiddle and Faddle, Secret Service code names for 21 and 23 year old staff members hired mostly for sex. JFK tested dangerous drugs on them without their knowledge by putting drugs in their drinks.
  • JFK had a penchant for swimming nude with his female guests at wild pool parties.
  • JFK & a British female tennis star had a lengthy relationship.
  • JFK married socialite Durie Malcolm in Palm Springs in early 1947 and then a few days later had his friend Charles Spalding steal the marriage certificate from the Court House.
  • JFK reportedly had an illegitimate child in the late 50s by prostitute Alicia Darr Clark who later tried to blackmail him.
  • JFK did Judith Campbell Exner, mob moll, who had some twenty visits starting in May 1961. Exner carried cash bribes to JFK from California defense contractors. When she called JFK and told him that he had made her pregnant, he asked "What are you going to do about it?" She had an abortion at a Chicago hospital in January 1963. She was never invited back to the Whitehouse. Her lover, mob boss Sam Giancana, bragged that he had 'placed' her with the President. Interestingly, both Giancana and another of her mob lovers, Roselli, were given the C.I.A. contract to kill Castro.
  • JFK did Ellen Rometsch, an East German spy. When the Profumo affair (a sex scandal with a German spy) was blowing apart the British government, the Kennedys paid her off and had her deported. They abused both the FBI and Congress (by threatening Congressmen with information from their FBI files) to keep this liaison out of the press and the timing strongly suggests that the assassination of South Vietnam's Diem was used to divert press attention from JFK's connection to Rometsch.
  • When the Secret Service was asked by local officials in Seattle if Kennedy always had prostitutes brought to him, they answered, "We travel during the day, so this only happens at night." Truckloads of prostitutes were brought to the Whitehouse and admitted without security checks. When JFK inspected military bases, he expected to be supplied with women.
  • JFK used Peter Lawford's home in Santa Monica for meeting women.
  • JFK kept a large collection of photos of himself with naked women.
  • When President, Kennedy blackmailed starlets into servicing him or have their careers destroyed.
  • JFK suffered from permanent venereal disease because he had been re-infected so often. He infected his partners with a disease so serious that it causes 35 percent of all infertility in US women.
  • Marilyn Monroe told a columnist that JFK would not indulge in foreplay because he lacked the time. They had a one-year affair. Bobby Kennedy also did her and she even had aborted his baby which, if she told, would have destroyed his career. The day Monroe died, neighbors saw Robert F. Kennedy and "a man with a doctor's bag" together enter her house. Within four hours she was found dead. Monroe was killed with a barbituate suppository, but a bottle of oral pills was left at the scene to make it look like a possible suicide. U.S. Attorney General Kennedy was never questioned about his role and his cousin actor Peter Lawford who "cleaned up" the murder scene never explained what happened to Marilyn's incriminating diary.

JFK is quoted by Traphes Bryant as saying to a friend, "I'm not through with a girl till I've had her three ways." (Reeves p 241)

During a 1961 meeting in Bermuda with British Prime Minister Harold McMillian Kennedy said, "I wonder how it is with you, Harold? If I don't have a woman for three days, I get terrible headaches." There is a much more vulgar Kennedy quote along the same line in Hersh page 389.


  • JFK graduated 64th in his high school class of 112.
  • As a student his mind was undisciplined and according to his college tutorial record "will probably never be very original."
  • The book Why England Slept attributed to JFK was written by Blair Clark and Arthur Krock. Harold Laski said of it "it is very immature, it has no structure, and dwells almost entirely on the surface of things."
  • As a WWII commander of a patrol boat PT-109 off Western Australia, he managed through simply unbelievable incompetence to get it run over by a Japanese destroyer. He then fabricated a story.
  • 1946 House of Representatives race, his father spent $300,000 on his campaign in violation of law. JFK reported to the Massachusettes Secretary of State that there were no campaign contributions or expenditures.
  • 1952 Senate seat was won by skulduggery (Reeves p 106).
  • Johnson on JFK, "He never said a word of importance in the Senate and never did a thing." JFK promised Senator Stuart Symington that he was the 1960 VP choice, but then had a mysterious meeting with LBJ and Sam Rayburn at which Johnson blackmailed him with dirt given him by FBI Director Hoover.
  • Profiles in Courage was written by Sorenson and Davids. JFK "served principally as an overseer or, more charitably, as a sponsor and editor, one whose final approval was as important for its publication as its birth." (Reeves p 127) JFK claimed unequivocally to be its author and its authorship was always a sore point with him. Joe Kennedy bought up copies to make it a best seller. Although this book was not nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, Joe Kennedy bought the prize for the book. (Reeves p 142)
  • 1956 after the stillbirth of his child, JFK was with a boatload of females in the Mediterranean and said "Why should I go back? What good would it do?"
  • 1960 JFK stole the election which he had officially won by a mere 119,450 votes. Illinois State's Attorney Benjamin S. Adamowski charged on December 1 that the Chicago Democratic machine had stolen at least 100,000 votes. More than 10 percent of Chicagoans were left off polling lists, absentee ballots were not counted and there were many apparent erasures on the paper ballots. In Texas tens of thousands of ballots disappeared and The New York Herald Tribune reported that 100,000 votes tallied for Kennedy-Johnson never existed in the first place. They won Texas by 46,000 votes.
  • One of the reasons the mafia was so upset with Kennedy is that they had spent a lot of money and influence, especially in Chicago, to get him elected and then he and Bobby Kennedy turned on them. Particularly Jimmy Hoffa and the Chicago and Louisiana families were upset. Giancana told Judith Campbell Exner, "Listen, honey, if it wasn't for me, your boyfriend wouldn't even be in the White House." JFK had sent 250,000 dollars with Exner to Giancana for the mob to get out the union vote and make corrupt unions contribute to JFK's campaign.
  • It is likely that General Dynamics blackmailed JFK to give them the TFX fighter contract (Boeing had the better plane), 6.5 billion dollars, the largest in history to that point, after bugging Exner's apartment.
  • JFK's first priority as President was the assassination of Prime Minister Lumumba of the Congo and Trujillo of the Dominican Republic.
  • JFK was reluctant on Civil Rights, the major issue of the day. (Reeves p 416) JFK made campaign promises to blacks that he did not keep which led to riots. Akhil Reed Amar of Yale Law School faults JFK for appeasing Southern Democrats by stocking the lower federal bench with "notorious segregationists." RFK ordered extensive electronic surveillance of Martin Luther King admittedly "investigating the love life of a group leader for dissemination in the press."
  • In the 1960 election, JFK concealed his Addison's disease and even stated flatly to the press "I have never had Addison's disease." That was a lie, of course. LBJ said Kennedy looked like "a spavined hunchback."
  • Berlin Wall - JFK pursued a risky confrontation (Reeves P 417). Later Kennedy at Berlin said "Ich bin ein Berliner." That literally means: "I am a jelly roll." If he meant to say he was a resident of Berlin (a lie), he should have left off the word 'ein'. (cf. a hamburger or a frankfurter refer also to food)
  • 1961, May 25th, JFK, without consulting anyone, announced a race to the moon. Later he suggested to the UN not a race but a co-operative effort with the Soviets. His cost estimates were way off and critics pointed out that this was a misallocation of resources - that the government could not continue to spend huge sums on projects of marginal or doubtful value. The New York Times editorialized in March 1967 "We fail to see that it makes any great difference who reaches the moon first or whether the landing takes place in the 1960's or mid-1970's...The moon is not going away."
  • JFK used the FBI to his personal advantage and to silence press critics.
  • ENEMIES LIST! Nixon was impeached primarily for misusing the IRS. In early 1961 JFK planted family friend Carmine Bellino in the IRS with the title "special consultant to the president "and demanded that he have access to tax returns. They turned the IRS into a lending library. Quoting from the Wall Street Journal of January 28, 1997: "the Kennedys were far worse than Nixon in their manipulation of the IRS...The documents show that the Kennedys targeted non-exempt activist groups. And the auditing was done at the behest of politicians, not the professionals at the IRS...On December 20, 1961, Rogovin forwarded to Dean J. Barron, the IRS audit director at the time, a list of 18 organizations to investigate." Scores were targeted later including: Daughters of the American Revolution, the Americans Veterans Committee, the Conservative Society of America, Americans for Constitutional Government, All-American Society, the Conservatives, the Christian Crusade, Life-Line Foundation, Christian Echoes Ministry, the National Education Program of Harding College, the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith, the Freeman Charitable Foundation, and the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade. Many of these groups had their tax-exempt status revoked. The Kennedys also targeted corporate taxpayers and at one point had a plan to target up to 10,000 groups.
  • The Peace Corps was paid voluntarism for unskilled do-gooders.
  • Bay of Pigs, Cuba, April 15, 1961 - JFK interfered with the military operation both in planning and execution to make it worse; did not keep commitments he had made, especially for airstrikes; made public statements that the US would not support insurrection in Cuba which discouraged resistance to Castro, blamed others for its failure and lied to the public about it. JFK weakened the original plan to make it virtually certain to fail (both of the original CIA planners Esterline and Hawkins threatened to resign over the changes). JFK was directly told by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lemnitzer that the invasion "would have very little chance of success." The Joint Chiefs in a memorandum of January 27, 1961 wrote "The current Political-Para-Military Plan does not assure the accomplishment of the above objective nor has there been detailed follow-up planning to exploit that plan if it succeeds or for any direct action that might be required if the plan is found to be inadequate." JFK went ahead with the plan, according to Arthur Schlesinger, to impress Eisenhower and Kruschev. RFK led the coverup to protect the president with a shield of lies that he had received bad advice and really didn't know much about it. Esterline says now "What I find so unacceptable is how cavalier they (the Kennedys) were in taking nearly 2,000 people and putting them out as animal bait." Four Americans and 114 CIA-trained Cubans were killed and 1,189 were captured.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis - JFK brought the world to the brink of nuclear holocaust by pursuing a game of nuclear chicken that defines him as the riskiest president in history. Dean Acheson said JFK was "phenomenally lucky." We were too. JFK forced the public confrontation for political reasons and humiliated Kruschev, the man he had to deal with. JFK backed down on inspection for compliance and lied to the public about the resolution of the crisis, denying that we had agreed to withdraw vital U.S. installations from Turkey in exchange for the removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba - a deal which was political poison. On October 22, 1963, JFK wrote his staff in a hand-written note "Is there a plan to brief and brainwash key press within 12 hours or so?" By being dishonest with the American people, JFK gave the Soviets, who had the facts, the power to destroy his Presidency and thereby unduly influence him. Also the timing was dishonest, he had known about the missiles since August 22 when informed by CIA Director McCone. He announced it on October 22nd to influence Congressional elections in favor of Democrats. There is evidence that the Russians never removed their missles, but at best the end result - status quo ante minus US missles in Turkey - was clearly worse for the US. JFK's handling of the crisis to the point of our nuclear annilation was the most irresponsible act of any president in history.
  • New terrorism - JFK ordered the CIA (100 million dollar Operation Mongoose) to sabotage the Cuban economy and assassinate Fidel Castro, showing an irresponsibility and lack of judgment bordering on dereliction. The CIA offered a 150,000 dollar open contract on Castro. Samuel Halpern, the CIA executive in charge of Task Force W whose sole purpose was to assassinate Castro, wrote that the Kennedys were obsessed about wanting Castro dead "for personal reasons - because the family name was besmirched by the Bay of Pigs." Even up to his death, JFK was directing an effort to manufacture pretexts to invade Cuba. These efforts may have precipitated the Cuban missile crises.
  • November 1, 1963 JFK instigated a plot to overthrow and kill South Vietnam's Premiere Diem. JFK played politics with American lives in Vietnam, he put his election ahead of American lives. He feared that Diem, who was negotiating with the North, would force Americans out before the 1964 elections. Voice of America broadcasts called for the coup, JFK had cut off pay to the Palace Guard and American advisors were attached to almost every unit that attacked the Presidential Palace. The Viet Cong made huge advances in the resulting confusion. JFK had asked Air Force General Edward Landsdale, an ex-CIA man, to go to Saigon and help "get rid" of Diem (he refused). Lt. Col. Lucien Conein was used instead. The fundamental planning document was the August 30, 1963, memo to Secretary of State Dean Rusk from Roger Hilsman, Assistant Sec. State for Far Eastern Affairs. It said among other things, "We should encourage the coup group to destroy the palace if necessary to gain victory..." and in point 10 it ordered the death of Diem. In 1961 when JFK took office there were 685 US military advisors in Vietnam and in 1963 there were 16,732 (including combat troops) in violation of the 1954 Geneva Conventions and aid had gone up to $400 million per year. Kennedy said "now we have a problem in trying to make our power credible, and Vietnam looks like the place."
  • In the Summer of 1963, the US had 200 Atlas, Titan and Minuteman missiles, over 100 Polaris missiles and about 1700 nuclear bombers. Russia had about 50 ICBM's and 200 long-range bombers. Our megatonnage was 10 to 1. JFK decided to give away our advantage, hold back our nuclear forces and allow the Russians to catch up on the theory that this would create an equal balance of terror and work for world peace. Kennedy's idea, which turned out to be false, was that if the Soviets caught up that they would then stop their military buildup. This was probably the single most dangerous mistake Kennedy made.

HERE'S WHERE IT GETS REALLY INTERESTING.  Here's a declassified CIA document (August 3, 1962, one day before Marilyn Monroe's death) describing what Marilyn Monroe knew about Bay of Pigs and the Roswell aliens (note that Roswell isn't mentioned, but it was a topic that President Kennedy was reportedly "pulling the stops on" in terms of trying to get information on, just prior to his death. Click  for copy of the official CIA document, or view the one below.  It's derived from a wiretap of telephone conversation between reporter Dorothy Kilgallen and her close friend, Howard Rothberg, regarding Marilyn Monroe and Attorney General Robert Kennedy):


1. Rothberg discussed the apparent comeback of subject with Kilgallen and the break up with the Kennedys. Rothberg told Kilgallen that she was attending Hollywood parties hosted by the "inner circle" among Hollywood's elite and was becoming the talk of the town again. Rothberg indicated in so many words, that she had secrets to tell, no doubt arising from her trists (sic) with the President and the Attorney General. One such (illegible) mentions the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space. Kilgallen replied that she knew what might be the source of the visit. In the mid-fifties Kilgallen learned of secret effort by US and UK governments to identify the origins of crashed spacecraft and dead bodies, from a British government official. Kilgallen believed the story may have come from the (illegible) in the late forties. Kilgallen said that if the story is true, it could cause terrible embarrassment to Jack and his plans to have NASA put men on the moon. 2. Subject repeatedly called the Attorney General and complained about the way she was being ignored by the President and his brother. 3. Subject threatened to hold a press conference and would tell all. 4. Subject made references to "bases" in Cuba and knew of the President's plan to kill Castro. 5. Subject made reference to her "diary of secrets" and what the newspapers would do with such disclosures.

Horoscope of Marilyn Monroe (with Uranian Planets)


   Marilyn Monroe was born with the Sun and Mercury in Gemini, and the Sun is close to conjunction with the planet of Mercury (which rules the sign of Gemini) in the tenth house.  This is a classic placement for a secretary or a writer, since Gemini rules communications.  But communications can also involve individual expression to the public, as well as management and creation of private communications. And with the Sun in conjunction with the hypothetical Uranian planet Vulcanus (which represents "great power"), there is no doubt that Marilyn Monroe was going to exhibit communications that would have a powerful effect on people in some way (especially with the opposite sex).   

   Marilyn Monroe was destined to be famous in the United States.  The natal horoscope placements of Jupiter, Moon, and Pluto all conjunct key points of the horoscope of the United States (07/04/1776 at 3:02 AM; Philadelphia, PA).  Unfortunately, the Moon / Jupiter midpoint of successful relationships (Moon / Jupiter in the seventh house of relationships and marriage) is very close to equality with Neptune (deception) in the first house.  This would have a negative effect in terms of having successful relationships or marriage, and Marilyn Monroe was married three times.  This would define relationship issues as a crucial area to recommend counseling for since Venus is the planet closest to the Midheaven; Venus rules relationships in addition to artistic ability (and while Marilyn Monroe did very well in terms of audience draws per artistic areas of acting and music, she did very bad in areas concerning personal relationships).

     Uranus is in the eighth house (which rules death, sexual activity, insurance, inheritances, and secrets) and this always bears special attention. Note that Abraham Lincoln, Princess Diana, and John Lennon were all born with Uranus in the eighth house as well.  And yes, all of these named individuals were murdered by important powers who viewed these individuals as important threats to the power establishment.  The interesting note (or legacy) is that while all of the powerful sources responsible for these murders wanted the deaths to be either accidents or murders that couldn't implicate them, there will always be individuals presenting unusual facts that prove murder via conspiracy.  And if neither the facts or the law are on your side, it's always easy to label such people as "crazy" (along with help from a bought-off mainstream media).


     Marilyn Monroe's Uranus is conjunct the star of Scheat, much like that with Don Jacob's Jesus of Nazareth horoscope chart.  And to review the star of Scheat, here are what my notes say:

Scheat *

Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Essence of intellect; independent thought; break with conventional thought or philosophy.

29° Pis


Mars/ Mercury

β (Beta) Pegasi M2 (red) Mg.2.6

Also note that the midpoint of Uranus / Poseidon (television, film) equals the star of Betelgeuse.  Here is what my notes say about Betelgeuse:

Betelgeuse *




Great fortune and fame, especially military success, but associated with calamities, danger, and violence

28° Gem 45


  Mars/  Mercury 

α (Alpha)  Orionis M2 (

Finally, Pluto is conjunct the star of Sirius in the eleventh house.  Here are what my notes say about Sirius:

Sirius * the Dog Starthe Sun of the Sunthe prime Sun of our Galaxy Behenian Star

Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signalled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar. More on Sirius.

14° Can 05


Jupiter/ Mars

  α (Alpha) Canis Majoris   A1 (bluish white) Mg. –1.43 var.

This placement of Pluto and Sirius (in the eleventh house) defines powerful associates and friendships who may bring forth wealth and fame, but who may also bring forth crisis (since Pluto can represent transformation via crisis).

Formula For "One's Own Death:" Mars + Saturn - Midheaven 


The formula for "one's own death" equals Neptune / Cupido, and this midpoint defines "deception by friends, family, or close associates" resulting in one's death or "friends, family, or close associates tell lies" about one's death (or tell possible lies for prevention of one's death, which may have been the case with Neptune / Cupido in Don Jacob's Jesus of Nazareth horoscope). 

Marilyn Monroe's Uranus / Hades: "murder; a very mean act."

8110862487?profile=originalMarilyn's Uranus / Hades forms a near perfect 22.5 degree angle with her natal Sun position, and this indicates a very strong possibility for her to experience either a very mean act or murder in her lifetime.

The breakdown of the midpoint tree is below, followed by my interpretation.



"Murder or a mean act will result with a planned action involving technology from a faraway source.  This murder or mean act will involve transformation of the individual in a deceptive way, possibly involving deception or drugs, or both. Love affairs or close relationships that resulted in shocking disappointments may be related to the murder or mean act, and close friends or associates who are dishonest may also be responsible for the murder or mean act."

Marilyn Monroe's Mars / Hades: "murder; accident involving steel, nasty or filthy action or activity"

8110863062?profile=originalMars / Hades is another midpoint used to investigate murder.  Similar to Uranus / Hades, Marilyn's Mars / Hades equals another personal point (the Ascendant, or "As") per forty-five degree angle (which is 2x the 22.5 degree angle used between Marilyn's natal Sun and her Uranus / Hades position).  Again, this strongly suggests the possibility for Marilyn to experience murder.

Here's the midpoint tree breakdown below, followed by my interpretation::



"Murder will take place in one's environment as a result of a sealed fate concerning deception by those very close to the individual.  A president or CEO of an important organization with idealistic or naive thoughts would be involved, along with spies or organized crime carrying out orders involving the murder."

Marilyn Monroe's Time Of Death: Approximately 10:30 PM,

August 4, 1962, Los Angeles California

Part One:

Application of Marilyn's Time Of Death Chart  Uranus / Hades Midpoint To The Natal Horoscopes Of Marilyn Monroe And Robert Kennedy


This where astrology can get scary at times. The application of Marilyn's death chart midpoint Uranus / Hades ("murder") equals Marilyn's natal chart Cupido / Saturn midpoint. This is what Uranian astrologer Hans Niggemann says about this midpoint:

"Separation from an important relationship or marriage.  Dissolution of a partnership."

Below is the application of the death chart to the natal birth chart of Marilyn Monroe, with Uranus / Hades (death chart) equal to the birth chart's Cupido / Saturn:


Robert Kennedy's chart below features the death chart's Uranus / Hades equal to Robert Kennedy's natal hypothetical Uranian planet Admetos placement.  This is what Uranian astrologer Hans Niggemann says about Admetos:

"Great hinderance.  Great separation.  Death." 

Uranian astrologer Gary Christen called Admetos "a planet of super occult intensity" (note: Aleister Crowley had Admetos strong on his natal chart, and he also claimed to have murdered 150 people via ritualistic methods involving the black arts (i.e. occult knowledge)).

Because death is a common theme with most interpretations of Admetos, this interpretation may have strong meaning and association per Robert Kennedy and the death of Marilyn Monroe  (and from a more positive note, Admetos can simply define "great intensity" (which can be either a positive thing or a negative thing depending on how the energy is used)).   


Part Two:

Application of Marilyn's Time Of Death Chart  Mars / Hades Midpoint To The Natal Horoscopes Of Marilyn Monroe And John F. Kennedy


Below represents the application of the death chart's Mars / Hades midpoint to the natal birth chart of Marilyn Monroe.  Two midpoints that get equality with this include Sun / Cupido and Jupiter / Apollon. Here's what Hans Niggemann says about each: 

Sun / Cupido: "The married man; the bridegroom; member of society; the artist."

Jupiter / Apollon: "multitudes of money; money in circulation; to experience success."

Note that both John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy were very wealthy, and both were married men.


John F. Kennedy's chart below features Aries / Kronos and Pluto / Zeus on the death chart's Mars / Hades formula of murder.  Here's what Uranian astrologer Maria Kay Simms says about these two midpoints:

Aries / Kronos - "Government. The power of great governments"

Pluto / Zeus - "Transformation in the immediate vicinity. Attending to duties."

This appears to define that John F. Kennedy used the powers within the government to murder Marilyn Monroe, and did so out of his duties and obligations to the government.  I can only say that it's too bad he wasn't thinking about this one year earlier when he was with Marilyn Monroe (and had his hand on his zipper instead of the kill switch). 


My overall interpretation and speculation is that Robert Kennedy may have supervised the activities involved in Marilyn Monroe's deceptive murder.  This is because Robert Kennedy was in Los Angeles at the time of Marilyn Monroe's death.  John F. Kennedy probably had a hand in her murder with getting help from black operations sectors of the CIA that were used to assassinate people who threatened the United States (or who threatened U.S. corporations with financial interests, as was the case with Cuba and the Dominican Republic).

This will remain a black eye concerning the many abuses committed by the U.S. presidency for many years to come, as well as a black eye for the legacy of Robert Kennedy and John F. Kennedy.  Despite the great justice they tried to genuinely bring to America (and the world), they both got murdered for their genuine concerns of improving society.  And this was due via methods from their own judgments and research, as opposed to those suggestions from those that one owes political favors to.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • VALANA: sorry for the confusion and misinterpretation (I need to learn to read).  LBJ definitely played a role with JFK's murder, but to kill a U.S. president (and a candidate running for U.S. president) you needed to p1ss off a lot of people.  Hence, I agree that freemason LBJ played a key role with JFK's offering to Lucifer (he reportedly bragged about how he murdered JFK all over Austin in certain drinking establishments).

     My big issue and debate with a lot of conspiracy buffs is that if the Federal Reserve didn't play a role in murdering JFK, why did (key Federal Reserve shareholder) Chase Manhattan Bank's Chairman McCloy become a key part of the Warren Commission? He was about as qualified as my two Chihuahuas are in terms of investigating a murder, unless there was some financial banking information that JFK was going really change (like the Bretton-Woods Agreement, which made the U.S. dollar the world's reserve currency).

    Here's a 1963 U.S. Note (NOTICE THAT IT DOESN'T SAY "Federal Reserve" ON TOP OF LINCOLN'S HEAD). Because they suddenly stopped printing these notes (after JFK was murdered), this may have been one of the MANY reasons that JFK was murdered.


  • ..."most men in politics make important decisions and wage wars against others as a result of how well their middle leg is functioning.." - LOL.

    Absolutely LOVE Marilyn Monroe.  Have every book written on her.  Very sad childhood.  Was 10 years old when she died.

    Used to like Kennedy, (was in 6th grade when he died) but since I found out he may have had something to do with Marilyn's death, I'm not so sure what I think about  him.  I think he MAY have had something to do with her death.  She threatened to "tell all" (whatever that was) on a Monday, and I believe that she was dead Fri.nt/Sat. A.M.

    Didn't know all the stuff about Kennedy.  Thanks for the info. 

    • Marilyn would have ruined JFK's chances for re-election in 1964 if she had that press conference.  The word among political insiders  was that JFK would have sold his mother to a whore house if he could win California and Texas in 1960.  I suspect that JFK supplied the tools for the murder, and RFK supervised the job.

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"I hope the info that's going to be released isn't redacted. How about John Kennedy jr.?
“When Daniel Moynihan decided to retire his Senate seat, JKF Jr. claimed he was interested in running for that seat,” says the meme posted by an Instagram user…"
12 minutes ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
25 minutes ago
Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"surely better informed than me LOL"
36 minutes ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"This lovely lady has a top secret clearance, which I will propose, is raised several levels, above top secret...."
1 hour ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Agreed 200% Drekx. I need to find a woman like her lol. Tulsi Gabbard or as some have called her Wonder Woman is also awesome."
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Anna Paulina Luna is a marvel...."I LIKE THIS ONE...!!""
1 hour ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Coast Guard Intercepts Boatloads of Haitians, Cubans and Sends Them Back"
1 hour ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in California last month. Saying these folks are excited to see these ships might be an understatement lol."
2 hours ago



                                                                                             Chapter VIII

                                                                          JOY, MUSIC, DANCE AND…

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