This Uranian Astrology report is issued as a possible warning of assassination and also a means of education that is designed to prevent murder. There is currently an escalation in murders and violence with political undertones taking place in the U.S. at this time, and attempts to try to expose such murders and violence via the use of astrology may help prevent such murders and violence. This is synonymous with turning on the lights and watching the cockroaches run for cover.

This report will look at two things: the August 21, 2017 U.S.A. solar eclipse affecting five entities (including President Trump) and how four of these entities may be involved with a possible assassination attempt of President Donald Trump. I looked at several charts, and there are four entities that stand to financially lose big under Trump's policies (and thus define motive for assassination of President Trump). These four entities include the C.I.A., the U.S. Congress, Israel, and Russia.

Planetary pictures that define "murder" that will be explored for this possible assassination of Trump include Hades / Vulcanus, Uranus / Hades, and Mars / Hades. There are other planetary pictures that define murder and assassination (i.e. Uranus / Admetos, North Node / Hades), but these three I have initially named seem to be the most reliable. 

Please note that I have no desire to participate or to watch murder (or attempted murder) to take place with President Trump or anyone else. I do not view Trump as another Adolf Hitler anymore than I would view Bernie Sanders as another Josef Stalin or Hillary Clinton as another Susan Atkins. 

Nevertheless, there is much current internet talk of President Trump being eliminated by assassination or removed from office by other means. And this talk has now reached epidemic proportions on the internet, and with little to no response from internet service providers. It is fair to state that I get more nasty e-flags from Google when I post Infowars material on Facebook compared to those receiving Google warnings who post outright threats of murdering President Trump on Facebook.

Hollywood stars like Johnny Depp and Madonna are even getting in on this disgusting bandwagon. Madonna has stated that she "thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House." For a video of this speech (she makes this statement at 0:53), click For Johnny Depp making his statement of Trump's assassination by an actor (wink-wink), click

Even elected officials are getting in on this blood lust. U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer stated that in regards to President Trump's criticism of the intelligence community, "the intelligence community has six ways from Sunday to get back at you," and thus sounding as if the intelligence community runs the country and not elected officials. For a video of this statement, click  

Not-for-profit areas are also getting in on this "let's kill the president" madness. In spring of 2017, New York's "Shakespeare in the Park" production featured Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" with an actor playing Julius Caesar who very closely resembles Donald Trump (complete with open coat and red tie) and with a wife who very closely resembles Melania (complete with foreign accent and designer clothing). Interestingly, this play took place during a timeframe in which I had written to President Trump and issued a warning about a possible attempt on his life or on his family's life during spring of 2017, and this timeframe was when this staged production began. For a preview of this controversial scene with critique, click

and check out the numbers of likes and dislikes posted regarding this version of "Julius Caesar."


"is this madness part of a conditioning process to get the public used to the idea that President Trump must be killed???"

The  U.S.A. Solar Eclipse Of

August 21, 2017:

An Advanced Astrology Reading Of President Trump And Four Entities He May Anger This Late Summer Of 2017.

The August 21st Solar Eclipse and President Trump

Every astrologer I know is talking (or has talked) about the August 21, 2017 eclipse and President Trump's horoscope. This eclipse takes place at 28 degrees Leo 53 minutes (or 54 minutes, depending on what program you use). The reason for these many talks of Trump's chart and the eclipse is due to this eclipse taking place very close to Trump's Ascendant of 29 Degrees Leo 55 minutes.

Interpretations of this event with the President's chart vary. The anti-Trump people are (STILL) calling for doom, gloom, and even death with this eclipse, while the pro-Trump people are calling it "another annoying transit that he will get over."

Because the Ascendant is often viewed in Uranian Astrology as "the environment of the entity," my interpretation of this eclipse with Trump's chart is one of great turmoil taking place with his environment. And this is especially true of occupants within the White House who are "close" to the President.

Eclipses often act as triggers, and I like to look at the closest midpoints that may get affected if the eclipse is near an important point in one's horoscope. 

Let's start with President Trump below:

8111067689?profile=originalTrump's chart above reveals this August 21st eclipse equal to midpoints of "shocking transformation" (Uranus / Pluto) and "changes in the home, family, or business organization"  (Pluto / Cupido). I interpret this as Trump making shocking changes in the White House and possibly the D.C. environment relative to who will be close to him in the environment (or who will be employed by him in the Washington D.C. area).

Further proof of this "shakeup in the household" is with transiting Saturn going direct over Trump's 4th House Moon in late August. There could be much family drama within the household with this transit, and some feathers may get ruffled with dramatic changes taking place regarding who will be close to the President.  

But hey, let's be real: the election of the U.S. President is not anything like running a real estate business whereby tax laws are discussed with people who sleep in the same vicinity as the CEO does. This is the White House. And people who are not qualified or unable to maintain secrecy with discussions of politics that concern high levels of secrecy or maintaining secrecy regarding discussions that concern the majority of U.S. citizens need to have ZERO SAY with the President about such matters. And this is regardless of which "special" D.C. cocktail party such White House occupants are invited to.

The August 21st Solar Eclipse And The C.I.A.

8111067467?profile=originalThe C.I.A. has their Admetos / Poseidon midpoint  ("secretive propaganda operation") in alignment with the eclipse. There is also a planetary picture with this eclipse with a series of Uranian Astrology midpoints that suggest involvement with people who are in the business with murdering or deceiving others in a big way. This makes the C.I.A. a key suspect for a very important murder or "dirty trick," especially if it concerns a certain U.S. president and/or his associates. 

And many today still know about the fate of one certain U.S. President who had issues with the C.I.A.:

I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds. - John F. Kennedy

While I do not think President Trump will be this brazen with the agency as a whole since there are good people who work for the C.I.A., there is the possibility that some very angry and very powerful people in the C.I.A. may be given their walking papers (or their powers limited) while Trump is U.S. president. These are the people Trump and his associates may need to watch out for in terms of possible revenge this late summer and fall of 2017.

The August 21st Solar Eclipse And U.S. Congress


The U.S. government had its first meeting and get-together in Washington D.C. on Monday, November 17, 1800, and near 9 AM. This took place while the Uranian hypothetical planets of Cupido and Hades were in an exact conjunction, and Alfred Witte defined this combined pair as "organized crime" (i.e. gangsters, "the boys," low-life scum, the mafia, "our thing," cosa nostra, etc.) This makes perfect sense; a majority of Americans currently view the U.S. government work-force as one that is so sleazy, so criminal, and so low that they can crawl under a pregnant ant.

My favorite exposure of the U.S. government as a criminal organization was revealed by former U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul. He used to receive angry looks from people in his office due to a much visible desk sign that read "Don't Steal: The Government Hates Competition."


The August 21st eclipse features a planetary picture involving this U.S. Congress Cupido / Hades conjunction with a Moon / Hades midpoint to define a trigger involving criminal elements of the government (and yes, the problem with this is trying to identify which ones may be triggered (since there are so many criminal elements in the government)).

These criminal elements will probably be placed into action around the same time that Trump may be trying to "drain the swamp" this late summer to fall of 2017. And yes, there is the possibility of Trump reverberating his infamous television show statement of "you're fired" to define a major transformation of the government (i.e. "draining the swamp"), and these unseen criminal elements of the government may appear and be aimed at Trump in some way. And yes, these elements may incite violence: nobody wants to lose that nice job with a defined benefit pension plan and unlimited healthcare coverage that is simply unavailable at this time in today's economy.

The potential for a violence problem within the U.S. government is strong in 2017 because government seems to always attract the worst of people regarding their motives. This is especially true with government members allowed to control access to areas of the U.S. Treasury. And people who try to put a stop to this type of theft activity (i.e. James Madison, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln) are usually met with violent responses from these individuals. This is because money addiction is no different than drug addiction; there are brain wave tests that now show very similar neurological responses of a Wall Street winning trade compared to a good hit of cocaine. Click

The current problem is that certain individuals affected with this money-addiction madness are elected officials in the U.S. government and government workers. These individuals are willing to auction off or sell any access to U.S. taxpayer income for the sake of that wonderful defined benefit pension plan that does not exist anywhere else. This makes these individuals subject to blackmail and extortion, especially as they approach retirement age.

Unfortunately, taxpayer income is meant to help all U.S. citizens, and not just a select "special" few with money addiction problems. This select few are nothing more than high level criminals who feel they are "special" by virtue of certain organization affiliations (be it religious, social, or otherwise) and the reality is that these "special" people need to be locked up behind bars due to their threat to society.

Trump may pose a threat to such money addicted criminals. And this may explain why the internet topic of the assassination of President Trump is more vibrant than ever, especially among government workers and officials (i.e. money addicts) in the Washington D.C. area whose annual six-digit income salary occupations involve nothing more than answering phones, pushing yes or no buttons, or greeting financial donors in the most pleasant of ways. 

The August 21st Solar Eclipse And Israel


Israel's eclipse chart looks similar to the U.S. Congress eclipse chart in regards to criminal elements being possibly stimulated for activity this late summer and fall of 2017. Hades / Kronos ("the kernel formula for the high-level criminal") combines with "politics" (Mars / Poseidon). These are further combined with two midpoints that suggest "religious enlightenment" (Kronos / Poseidon) combined with "murder" (Mars / Hades).

This defines a possible eclipse trigger of religious fanatics in Israel, and this can include those of Jewish persuasion as well as Islam persuasion.

The difference between Israel and the U.S. Congress chart is that the criminal elements of Israel have religious overtures combined with serious violence associated with criminal activity, and this defines terrorism sponsored by the government or by religious factions (and these factions may be either supportive or non-supportive of the government of Israel).

Hence, it may be a good idea to stay away from Israel this summer. It may be hard to identify which religion or which area of Israel may be the most inviting or the most dangerous to associate with.

The August 21st Solar Eclipse And Russia


Russia's Mars / Chiron gets a good hit under this eclipse. This may indicate a crisis involving military surveillance or an installation of a new type of defense or police surveillance. Russia appears to have international trade affected under this eclipse, and this is good when one considers the violent overtures of the previous entities described.

The humor of this is that Russia looks innocent under this eclipse since the probable dilemmas of other entities previously described may include government job security or the dealing with failures of proving "my God can beat up your God" and "my missile is bigger, harder, and faster than yours."

Analysis Of Planetary Pictures Suggesting The Potential Assassination Of President Donald J. Trump

Hades / Vulcanus


Trump's Hades/Vulcanus combines with Hades/Moon to define "a danger of murder" based on people or employees (the Moon) involved with very secret areas or involved with an undesirable service (Hades). This in turn equals planetary pictures suggesting involvement with "people on peaceful missions" (Venus / N. Node) who have "vile and disgusting connections" (N. Node / Hades).

Let's place this formula at 53 degrees 17 minutes on other charts now. One chart that is very strong with this placement of Trump's Hades / Vulcanus formula is Russia, as seen below:

8111069061?profile=originalTrump has financially cost Russia a lot of oil revenue money due to his allowance of U.S. coal to be used again as an energy source, as opposed to oil and Chinese solar power farms. Hence, we have motive. The problem with this motive is that Russia has an advantage over the U.S. in terms of food production since Putin wouldn't allow any financial accommodations or kickbacks from GMO food sources as U.S. elected officials have. This has resulted in a Russian advantage with food sources for trade, as opposed to oil.

This chart of Russia does suggest a possible assassination while the president is engaged in "travel" (Mercury / Saturn). One non-Russian (but close to Russia) possibility that exists for such an assassination is the current Soros-supported government of Ukraine. This is because this government monitors important air travel going to and from Russia, and seeks to identify friendly versus non-friendly travel. A tragic mistake of this surveillance is that Ukraine may have accidentally shot down a Malaysian jet because it happened to resemble Putin's presidential jet. Hence, if you are reading this Mr. President, the skies of Ukraine may not be too friendly. For this story regarding Ukraine's possible blunder, click

Uranus / Hades


Once again, Trump's chart hits the same theme of "murder associated with people who desire peace (and who also have sleazy and criminal connections or backgrounds)." This is defined with Uranus / Hades ( "murder; a very mean act") combined with Venus / Cupido ("organizations that are committed to peace; pleasant company"). However, this time we have an inclusion of "a congregation of the faithful" (Venus / Poseidon) and "a company of actors, fake professionals, or deceivers  (Neptune / Cupido)."

This Uranus / Hades picture of Trump lands very well on the chart of Israel. Israel has motive to assassinate President Trump since Israel and Noble Energy of Houston, Texas had plans to utilize the natural gas resources of Syria. And yes, ISIS is getting eliminated as we speak and  Assad will remain in power. This huge "financial theft" (or political loss) that concerns certain elements of the Israeli government can be read about and proven via the reported facts at 

And if you are reading this President Trump, please note that while your son-in-law and his family may be honorable and true, I do have some of Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapons for sale to you if you think for one minute that the government of Israel would never stab you in the back. Please remember that Caesar's good friend Brutus was also an honorable man.

Israel has this same midpoint of "religious congregation" (Venus / Poseidon) combined with Chiron / Kronos ("high-level surveillance by the government") to equal Trump's Uranus / Hades axis.


The most frightening aspect with Israel's chart above is that Trump's Uranus / Hades aspect lies on an Israeli chart axis that suggests "a fate of death" (Admetos / Vulcanus and Mars / Saturn) that involves "the wrong religion religion or belief that achieves bliss from such activity" (Neptune / Poseidon and Apollon / Admetos).

You may want to stay away from certain synagogues, Mr. President.

The C.I.A.'s chart below also hits Trump's Uranus / Hades "murder" axis hard with the same midpoint defining "fate" (Admetos / Vulcanus) and "murder" (Mars / Hades). This planetary picture defines a murder of Trump as probably being the fate of the C.I.A., but this formula is not as strong as I like it to be (although it meets my 3-minute rule). If this planetary picture was exact, I would probably go on the horn all over the place. But it is VERY CLOSE to being exact, and I will leave it at that.


Mars / Hades


President Trump's Mars / Hades "murder" midpoint is described below. Instead of involvement with groups advocating peace, we now see "murder" associated with the formula for "the high level criminal" (Hades / Kronos) associated with "important connections with propaganda"  (N. Node Poseidon) and "important military or police communications that may be used for high-level deception during an important event." 


As one may prudently speculate, the C.I.A. fits in nicely with this definition. High-level criminals involved with propaganda have been strongly associated with the C.I.A., along with those able to manipulate communications that concern an important event. 9/11 and the JFK assassination are perfect examples of C.I.A. involvement of high-level criminals and people who can manipulate communications of some important event.

Trump's Mars / Hades axis equals the C.I.A.'s Aries / Vulcanus midpoint ("an event of great power") according to the chart below. This in turn equals Admetos / Hades/Poseidon ("secret followers of the wrong faith or wrong ideas") and Hades / Uranus/Hades ("very secretive and/or a disgusting murder"). This formula looks very strong relative to Trump's Mars / Hades axis.


Russia's Aries / Kronos ("event of great importance") equals Trump's Mars / Hades axis, as seen below. I don't know if this defines an assassination of Trump by the Russians, but it does define this to be an important event for them if it does manifest.  


The U.S. Congress midpoint tree of Vulcanus / Ascendant  /  N.Node / Moon ("great power in the environment due to connections with the public") equals Trump's Mars / Hades axis, as seen below. U.S. Congress also has connections with "international connections with deceptive reputations" (Aries / N. Node  /  Neptune / MC) and "shocking connections with those involved with murder or dirty tricks" (Uranus / N. Node  /  Uranus / Hades (not added to top line due to lack of room, but indicated on dial)). If this defines anything, it is a green light from Congress to certain scum bags to try to eliminate President Trump from the White House, and do it anyway they can.


Israel's chart below reveals (once again) "organizations committed to world-wide peace" (Venus / Apollon) with "unusual philosophy or religion" (Jupiter / Uranus) equal to Trump's Mars / Hades axis.

Mr. President, if you are reading this, please watch this 30 second caption from Jim Henson's "The Dark Crystal" as a warning when confronting people who claim to want "peace."



The two entities that really stand out as far as potential murderers of President Trump are the C.I.A. and Israel. But please keep in mind that astrology has limitations. Astrology does not define events or predict the future; astrology defines energies that may lead to future events per energy content, mixture, harmony, dissonance, and strength of the astrology events relative to a horoscope or to the planet itself.

Hopefully nothing will happen to President Trump, and the rest of us can get back to business as usual. The individuals who have dedicated their lives to attacking Trump (i.e. sore losers) may need to consult their physician as such negative activity will affect their health due to elevated blood pressure and elevated stress.

One can call the president a son-of-a-b!tch or a scum-bag, but this madness of openly saying the president must be killed is a crime, plain and simple. This idea of making it fashionable to kill the president is a part of this current "gangster culture" that glamorizes murder and committing crimes. And sorry, but this is not art. It is a globalist media endorsement of social debauchery that converts vile and disgusting elements of our society into something fashionable and acceptable. And these same globalist media sources are the first ones to call it's critics racists when it gets criticized over this horrific "form of art" that glamorizes a criminal lifestyle.

Stay well President Trump. I don't agree with you on everything (especially Israel and AIPAC), but you got elected fair and square.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • HEY ASHTAR: here's my letter to President Trump and U.S. Secret Service regarding this report. Let's hope they read it. 8115705861?profile=original

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