I have Ascended, afterr all. Ask me about it a couple days ago and I would have paused before answering. I was still reeling internally as I woke up Decemeber 22... My energies had crescendoed the night before when I was waiting, prepared, on high alert. I went to bed somewhat early having had a beautiful day with my children, my friends. I even had my youngest children sleep with me in my big bed so that I could be with them should they need me. Having chosen me as their mother, they must have known the challenges they took on when they saw these last two years of our lives in future. Having a parent who is a Lightworker, someone who has the awesome and daunting responsibility of sharing the truth with those who have no idea what you're talking about, well for kids, that can be a rough road. None of the other parents were saying what i was saying... They would even ask me if i would please refrain from talking about the state of planetary affairs in front of their friends. Lol... I tried to... But I couldn't, I had a job to do. To tell their friends, my friends, my family, strangers on the streets. I not only told them, I showed them. I live it, everyday, with pleasure and peace, but also with such anticipation. Knowing that it is the truth. Knowing that it makes perfect sense. Knowing that God cannot be put in a box and neither can we. It has been a vast metamorphosis. Has it been difficult? Yes, you all know it has. You have been there, my friend. So yes, it has been at times uncomfortable to be me, be my child, my friend, my lover, my family member. Because I talked about Ascension, I studied it, I lived it, I breathed it. For two years, I followed my path, no matter what discomforts it entailed, for me, and mine. I have given myself to it with all of my heart, all of my mind, all of my soul. My choice, through the power of my sovereign will, I have chosen this path, because I understand it. The literal magic of the phenomenon. The physics. The sacred mathematics and geometry. The intellectual concepts that surround and support the entire "event" of the process we call "Ascension". Is that required? No, of course not. It is not necessary to contemplate and comprehend all of the semantics. It is all about the heart, after all, plain and simple. Not the mind. I had been in contact all day with friends who are Awake and we blessed one another's journey. Had spoken with many I know and love who have yet to grasp the significance of what we believed these days held in store for us as a planet. Thinking of Gaia... Us... I was poised in spirit like so many. "On the brink", I thought to myself. As if we, as a species, a collective, ONE organism, were perched on the highest cliff ledge, ready to fly off into the ethers of heaven, the stars, the planets.
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Hey Aly,
She has so eloquently described what so many are experiencing at this time.
Beautiful it is.