Outlaw guns and you must outlaw cutlery or anything that can be used as a weapon. There were just as many guns around in the '70s and murders but nothing like today. The pop culture then was theatrical and censored itself-also potentially violent outpatients walk the streets on meds-or they are supposed to be on meds.
For nearly 30 years I have squashed anthropomorphic mushrooms, cleaved zombies, and eviscerated the avatars of faceless gamers from around the world. I have no interest in any of that now. Not after Friday.
I was in college during Columbine. I remember sitting in my dorm room watching kids, just a few years younger than me, running for their lives as police descended upon their high school. I remember thinking how nightmarish it must have been for all involved—then turning on my N64 for a round of GoldenEye with my hall-mates.
Unfortunately, less than 10 years later, I would witness that nightmare first hand here atVirginia Tech. I was a journalist for a local newspaper, and being familiar with the campus as a recent alum, I was sent to cover the reports of a shooting on campus. Little did I know what I was walking into.
I thought I was going in to report on a double homicide. Something along the lines of a domestic dispute. Truth be told, I wouldn't have even covered it had our primary reporter not been sick.
As I drove into the north end of campus (purely by happenstance, because I knew I could sneak my car into a lot and not be ticketed), I began to count the number of ambulances speeding away from campus—I stopped when I hit double digits. That is when I knew something horrible had happened.
Jared Loughner below
I'm more of a vintage gamer. Sure old console games have violence too, but it's nowhere near what the newer game have. They make it so realistic, it's not about slashing some slimes, but killing real human being lookalikes, it's so real you could easily confuse it with life, and the newer games are probably more inducive to subliminals and mind control.
de-sensitizing, de-humanizing-a mental patient, obviously, would be susceptible to the violence and then there are demonic spirits at work that everyone discounts now-politicians are are given huge donations by these conglomerates that own all the pop stimuli so nothing will happen-they will blame gun ownership
and you are just seeking to blame video games for violence. hey WAKE THE F UP loo karound you , history PROVES every second all the way in its entirety that violence was around millenia before video games.
you are the most gullible brainwashed fear monger around here i think pet rock.
I bet your probably 30 something or younger and you know every thing-this ultra violence was not around in the 70's-a murder mad the front page it was so rare-we didn't lock our doors, there were less street lamps needed
there were brutal murders before video games, john wayne gacy, jack the ripper, there were wars before video games ww1 and 2 and umpteen other wars.
yes back then we didnt lock our doors, so that people could take children right from our homes, and NEVER be found again.
i am 68 years old by the way.
this ultra violence was around in the 70's, vietnam war? dont remember that do you?
you cant just blame entertainment on why people are violent, you cant just arrogantly ignore all the violence in human hiistory and blame it on video games, or 30 years ago heavy metal music, or 20 years before that it was rock and roll, before that all the problems were because of other music etc etc, violence is ALWAYS being blamed on something other than the true cause, human "nature" and upbringing.
you live in a country which goes around proud of its second amendmant to own guns EVERYONE gets to own a gun, but no one is taught WHEN it is appropriate to use it. video games arent the problem here with violence.
it is fools like you that think it will go away when they burn all the video games then music then books, where will it end pet rock? there will be no more violence when there is no more humans, is that what you would prefer?
rather than the more time consuming and more difficult task of raising generations who respect life and eachother you would rather just attack video games.
typical uhmerikan
Thank you One, for putting into words what I had trouble formulating!
It really upset me when I read that article and the man couldn't bother to explain to his kid that video games were just pretend. He shouldn't be afraid to talk to his kid, they're often smarter than their parents realize.
explain to jared loughner that it's all pretend and not to act on his demonic influences-none of you consider the shadow realms'
Dude... I... what?
Video games are pretend. They're virtual stories and games, sometimes they are a sport. Whether or not some of them have the influences of a shadow realm is another matter entirely.