ALERT! WAKE-UP CALL! Time to Get Serious by Ashtar + Receiving Higher Guidance by Sanat Kumara + Project: Eagle Triad
We of Sananda's Eagles welcome you to our Lightworker Starseed Family! We welcome you with open starship hatches! Contact janisel((at)) ...Because, you need to begin your Mission NOW to ascend.
Time to Get Serious
channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad
My Dearest Friends.... I come to assure you that things are as they should be. There are great amounts of energy bombarding your Earth at this time and everything is being greatly accelerated. NOW is the time for 'focus'. You who are the bridges between Heaven and Earth are the 'hands and feet' of the Command, so to speak.
It is through you that the majority of our work is done. As I said, much has been accelerated and, although we wish you to remain in a state of joy and lightheartedness, it is now time to put your 'work' in its proper perspective and concentrate on the mission at hand. We are working very diligently to gather the Eagles together in order to prepare the general population for what is to come. This means that each and EVERY ONE of you are needed at this time to make a commitment in your own heart as to what role you will play in this. In other words, it is timeto get serious. We are not asking you to give your lives over to the Ashtar Command exclusively, for you each have many missions and sub-missions that you are here to accomplish. What we are asking, however, is that for those of you who feel your connection to us to band together, so to speak, in order to establish and implement certain 'activities' towards the goals which have been set before us (i.e. completing the ASCENSION PROCESS, and educating mass consciousness beings about this ASCENSION, to cause them to ASCEND...)
You have shown that you can do this numerous times, such as in creation of grids, prayer, and in lighting up the grids. This are excellent examples of the Unity we wish for you to achieve, and our heartfelt thanks go to all of you who have participated worldwide. There are MANY other projects we will ask you, AND NEED YOU to work on. For the time being, we are asking you to continue in this Unity, and stay focused on the tasks at hand. Do not let yourselves become 'bogged down' in the mundane affairs of your day-to-day activities. We wish for those of you who are aligned with the Command and its work to use this wonderful email forum to interact with each other in manifesting this bond of Unity. You are held within the gentle hand of All That Is and encircled with the energy of Unconditional Love of such depths that your present consciousness can not truly comprehend its magnitude.
We of the Command and the Spiritual Hierarchy are working most diligently to help you and all mankind reach their full potential. As a 'return energy exchange', we ask each of you to now search your hearts and decide what it is that you are capable and willing to do in partnership with us [i.e. YOUR MISSION].
For you see, we are truly in a partnership in which each and every one must play their part. NOW is the time to begin. NOW is the time to decide your focus. NOW is the time to dedicate yourselves to the work at hand. We need your hands, we need your feet, we need your voice, we ask your commitment. To paraphrase the words of The Most Radiant One, [SANANDA] spoken so long ago, "it is time to be about the Father's business". There is no longer the luxury of time to be spent in petty pursuits, bickering, judgment, or anger. Your time, which we have worked towards for eons, is at hand. Know that, even though you may not see us in your skies, we are most definitely close to you, and send you our deepest blessings and love.
Your Friend and Brother,
We of Sananda's Eagles welcome you to our Lightworker Starseed Family! We welcome you with open starship hatches! Contact janisel((at)) ...Because, you need to begin your
Mission NOW to ascend.
Receiving Higher Guidance
Sanat Kumara
channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad
Many upon your plane of existence call to those of us in the Higher Realms for Divine Guidance. Oh, my Beloveds, that Call is ALWAYS answered. And we come, and we whisper to you that which ye seek. Yes, you oft times feel the 'chill' which goes throughout your physical body as we do this, or you feel our breath as it gently caresses your cheek, or perhaps every hair on your head or arms stands up. By manifestations such as these you recognize our presence, but yet, as we whisper to you, you do not always hear our words of guidance in the manner you desire. You do not, as you would term it in your reality, 'hear the words', but despair not, my Beloveds, for you may rest assured in the Truth that that guidance which you seek has, nevertheless, been 'implanted' within your very Being, even though you do not 'hear' at the time.
This is why we have, once again, begun to impress upon you the importance of your meditations, your quiet and centered times. For it is by this turning within that you shall find and connect to that Gem of Wisdom, that Divine Guidance, which we implanted within you when you called to us. We knocked on the door to your consciousness, but when you did not hear us and answer, we left your Gift there, on the doorstep, for you to find. And so it is. The Gift is still waiting for you there. All you need do, Beloveds, is open that door and look about. And it is through your process of meditation that you open this door.
There is SO much awaiting you there! For humanity has called out of its despair and need for Higher Guidance for many, many of your years…. and we have heard and answered, only to find that these Divine Gifts we brought had only to be left on the doorstep and found at a later time. For humanity has wrapped itself in a cocoon of barriers to our energies. They have become so wrapped up in the illusion and its many trappings that they cannot 'hear' above the din of noise that their restless hearts produce. It is only by going into quiet, centered meditation that this noise be stilled and our knock on the door be heard. So, I would urge each and every one of you, my brothers and sisters to, in all earnestness, consider making it your daily practice to enter the Silence and listen for our words that we implanted at your call.
There was a time in your not-to-distant past when meditation was introduced into your Western culture. Some in your society looked upon it as what you term a 'fad'. Others quickly embraced it for its spiritual merits, and quickly became the so-called gurus for the spawning of this New Age. With the advent of higher technology and the advance of your Internet, the practice of meditation quickly faded into the background and was thought of as passé. Thus, many knocks on many doors were never heard and much-needed Guidance went unfound. It is time, my Dear Ones, to once again delve into this spiritual practice of turning within. As the cries of humanity grow louder, we find ourselves ever increasing the knocking upon the door, with Gifts and Guidance in hand.
Please, daily go into the Silence within your Hearts. Listen. Watch. Dig around a bit. We are not speaking of rigorous visualizations, the repeating of a mantra, or the like here. We are speaking of centering yourself and quieting your mind. Very simply put, focusing on nothing more than your breath as it flows in and out of your being-ness. Then, ask that the Guidance which we have implanted within you be brought forth into your conscious mind. Then just sit in the Silence and listen. You shall find that Guidance which you sought… for we left it right there for you on the doorstep of your Heart.
I AM Sanat Kumara and I surround you in the Light of our Creator.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------We of Sananda's Eagles welcome you to our Lightworker Starseed Family! We welcome you with open starship hatches! Contact janisel((at)) ...Because, you need to begin yourMission NOW to ascend.----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Project: Eagle Triad
Project: Eagle Triad was set up by Ashtar as a means for us to work with the Earth grids, [PLUS the sun, moon, and Solar System] aligning them and helping to change the mass consciousness of the planet. In other words, bringing more Light to mankind. This 5th-dimensional grid, as well as the others that have since been established, will assist in ushering in the higher frequencies for the cleansing of Mother Earth as well as transmuting the negative energies of fear, etc., from the mass consciousness grid. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond.
This Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths, consists of doing three 5-minute meditations/visualizations each day, which are given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms who are assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown 'alpha' meditations, and are designed for even those who are new to meditation in general. These meditations may also be done at one 15-minute sitting if that is more convenient for you. At present, Sananda and Ashtar have everyone working on the same meditation each week, with each meditation being done for 7 days, after which time we are given a new one.
As of now, we start each new set of visualizations on Mondays. All those participating in this Project are grouped into 'trinities' (three people working together), however, the members of each trinity do NOT need to do the meditations at the same time as the others. Through their 'intent', their energies will all be sent 'together' to the appropriate grid. It is asked, however, that the members of each trinity stay in touch with each other via email or other means in order to facilitate the higher energetics of Group Mind/Group Heart.
If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email janisel((at))
Dear J'Tariah En Ra El,
Very useful and beautiful Message....
If would have been done with the Group of triad ....this may be more effective....
We have to follow our Master Guides also....They are always with us to guide us...
Thanks a lot....