Interesting Video from a Pleidan contactee! 

She says that the Pope has recently been "served with papers" for crimes against humanity. The Queen has also been cut from public funds. The Pope is Reptilian, The Queen is Draconian and Obama, Pelosi are Reptilian. They are guilty for Treason. Interesting! Give it a peak!

She says- All Foreclosed houses in the past couple of years will be returned.

It all seems extreme, but she is pretty confident that a false flag alien invasion will happen this fall. The October 13th prediction, the 10-10-10 star gate, the 150 mile spaceship  and the false flag channellings seem to be leading towards something

She is all about quantum physics and what not. These are her websites. Lots of Interesting videos.

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  • thanks for the vonderfool post my freand ;0) i injoyd it and i know all the informashen thear is true its very complexs and not ment to be anderstud by every one so dont pay atenshen to the cretesism > and ceep on a good work YOU ARE A BRITE ONE HEAR IM PRAUD YOU ARE INTRESTED IN THIS COS NOT TO MENNY HUMANS ARE ;0(
  • I get you Katt!
  • I think she is nervous, but that doesn't mean she's lying. She has a very important mission.
  • can anyone point out the misinfo rather than just say so and leave it at that
    • I hope that everyone on here can tell if a person is lying by now! She may be right or wrong, but i would have to say that she is absolutely not lying.. She is spreading what she believes. If she were wrong, it would not be lying!
    • Hey Kevin you are absolutely right man, people need to be more specific in the statements they make. I for one want to bring up an important point she mentioned about Obama being reptilian. In the beginning when he first became president I was hearing a lot of buzz about him being an agent of the light. Today however I hear more and more people saying he could be Anti-Christ and reptilian. The most interesting rumor on him being a reptilian is that the original Obama was kidnaped and the one we see on our TV screen is an alien projecting a hologram just like the other illuminati members are. Yes so when people refer to Colleen's comments they should be specific, there's one point she had brought up. I just pointed out where some people might be getting confused, yes Obama may be a reptilian clone of the original. Where is the original good old Obama then, see what I mean so we just have to wait and let this thing play itself out. The truth will surface you'll see.
  • She doesn't resonate with me. She looks like a disinformation agent planted to sow confusion. She is telling lies sprinkled with truths and those who do not know more will believe everything that she will say. Beware of this kind of messenger.
  • All I can add is poor Barrack, got the toughest job on the planet,and how much can the guy do in one day.Thuoght he was doing pretty well considering what he is up against. Personally think he could do with some positive, loving thoughts and vibes? Wouldnt just his body language portray his sincerity? Does to me.
  • Don't grill her just yet. Lets see what happens.
  • I am absolutely encouraged by the amount of people here using their discernment in regards to Colleen Thomas's message. Yes that's a very good skill we all need to sharpen, because in these times now more than ever before God knows we need to know who is who. I however do not believe in totally putting off someone else's message, I say give her a chance. Yeah if nothing she says happens then we'll know she's a fraud. I do disagree with some of her comments though, and as for the nervousness, it is a natural thing. Maybe she's camera shy, I know I am when I try to put videos on youtube. I respect all messages weather it comes from the forces of good or evil, after all aren't that what we are striving for equality. They have the right speak their mind too, just as we do. If we are to become beings of the true light I would think we would want to think in that mind set. Love everyone good and evil because in the end love is the key. We don't know if she's being influenced by a negative entity but give her a chance. You know what I always say, let everything play out. Just know that the show is not over until the fat lady sings. I want to hear your feedbacks have at it with me. I love all of you with all my heart...............Namaste
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