While in ponderance mode I came across an interesting concept. I urge you to take the words off this page and build a reality of your own construct with the concept presented.
Keep in mind this verse, without the veil of separation applied to the translation:
“But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)
Now the common (mis)conceptions fed to us are along the lines of:
A) Earthlings are HATE yet some are LOVE
B) Aliens are LOVE yet some are HATE
C) Angels are LOVE, Demons are HATE
So going by the concept of "man is consciousness which creates reality with intent" and a sprinkle of Freud & Jung added for flavor...
What if we as a whole manifest Love as being "alien" or Angelic and returning yet always imminently just beyond our Collective NOW. With this in mind we superimpose it onto reality in relation to the mind.
If we think about the buzz to project Monarch (mind control) and all it's symbolism associations in relation to the idea of: Ego projecting hidden aspects of Self to external experience and the symbolism of monarch butterfly being metamorphosis we see that "mind control" works both ways and light always conquers dark.
It is easy [for me] to come to the conclusion that we are, as a collective, projecting our own LOVE to an external medium with the opportunity to "work on our faults." So what this tells me is what we are also hearing all along. The idea that we are all aliens and angelics. Some of us "being special" and coming from other star systems or "incarnate angels", I seriously doubt it as Consciousness, or I AM, transcend material creation. This is more likely a momentary toy of Ego. That's not to say we can't relate to and be fond of the energy signatures of our celestial and multi-dimensional creations. Do we not have our always changing favorite 3D objects here?
As above, so below...
So to shed our attachment to fear and realize that we ARE the actual Humans, Demons, Aliens and Angels of LOVE all rolled into one we will see that a "WHOLE NEW WORLD" will open up to us as we achieve perfect balance with all aspects of Self. The phenomena will cease being an external experience and be realized as "just another veil". This is the mythical "return to our star families and Ascension to 5D" and we will realize our "balanced hybrid" ONENESS.
Audio starts at 20 second mark
Wonderful post....and I LOVE Iz, he is so awesome...could listen to him indefinitely. Every time he sings it takes me away to somewhere....not sure where but it is heavenly....Thanks for sharing this. I agree with this very much. The other videos were awesome too.
Interestingly enough I took this pic a few hours after this posting~~~Look familiar Feather? The shiny orb you posted LOLOL