“Sananda” and “One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell

“Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco


(Note: these messages were given during our Wednesday once per month joint call with Hollow Earth Network over Blog Talk Radio in Glendale, AZ on April 20, 2016)




This is ‘Sananda”. Yes, it was possible that there would be another guest here this evening but alas; you are stuck with me at this time. That is not to say that you will not have others speaking with you in times to come in this manner and in many other ways as well.


There are so many sources we are working with right now to bring through so many messages because this is an immense time that you are moving into. You have been moving into this for some great time here but the moments you are getting ready for now is a culmination of all that you have been building toward.


Back in your December of 2012 you expected much. You have been expecting much for the past several years here as well. Those times are nearly upon you. This is the “crescendo” I spoke of some time ago. We may have been a little premature at that time but all of these messages are meant to prepare you, to get you ready. To enable you to be in a position that not only will you be ready, yourselves, you will be in a position where you can assist many others.


That is what this all has been about for the Lightworkers, the Light Warriors. This is your time. Your moment. You have been working for this and preparing for this. Those times that you have been preparing for so that when they do transpire you will be in a position to assist others. Those times that you have been waiting for are very close indeed.


You have heard from our brother, Archangel Michael, who spoke through another source. He spoke about the Waves and about the third Wave coming this summer, 2016. And when this third Wave comes, those who are not part of the third Wave will not be a part of the continuing evolution that is happening on this planet. That is for certain. They cannot be in the frequency that is going to be on this planet very shortly.


You have been preparing and acclimating yourselves to these energies for some time. It is not always so comfortable to be in these energies, you know. You have many of what you call Ascension Symptoms but you are making it through.


Think about all of those who have not been acclimating to those energies. They will not be able to understand or deal with this greater portion when it comes this summer. So you are going to experience a great deal of new energies coming. So, you will be experiencing those energies and those that have not been working through this are going to have the most difficult time with this.


That is not to say that there is anything to be fearful of for it is exactly the opposite for those of you. It is the time you have been working for. Not only in this last lifetime or that past few years, but for lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. That moment is near now!


So, be ready, my brothers and my sisters because all is about to shift in these next few weeks, these next couple of months here. You will find that you will easily move along in the mission that you came here for. We have spoken about this many times. These missions are yours. This is what you came to do. This is what you are all about!


So, allow yourselves to be in the present moment and work with these energies, work with the Love for the Love is moving throughout the planet. As we have said, nothing can stop it now. The Cabal has reached its limits. They still try to hold things back but they know that they are working at a losing cause.  Many of the lower minions, the lower levels of the Cabal have begun to move into the light. Move back toward the light because they know also that it is a losing effort. They have chosen to switch sides, you might say. There are no sides here. There is only the idea of Divinity, Divine Plan and Divine Order here.


That is all for me this night. Next time we are all together we will likely have my brother, St. Germain joining us. We may have another too. It will be time to bring out new messages for the energy is rising and it will be good to have some new understanding. My dear consort, Lady Nada, has shared with this group that there is a major happening within the next two weeks and will be in your news. That is very rapidly approaching as well.


I leave you with my peace and love.   Please know that you are never alone. We are always with you.


“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you! You know who this is. This is “One Who Serves”. 


We are to be with you now to assist you in any way we can, to be of service because that is what we do and you are also here to be of service because that is what you do.


The times of service to self are coming to an end for the entire planet. That is not to say that there will not be a transition though. You have come through your programming thinking that selfishness is something bad and we would say that this is not quite correct.


You need to find the self-love within yourself and then turn it out to others. As you move up in vibration you will see that you will be of more service to others existence or consciousness upon the planet.


The Waves are occurring. You heard of the first two Waves and know the third Wave is on its way and its going to be a miraculous experience for all of you.


That is our message here. We will not take any more time with message but stand by with “Ashira” to assist you with your questions.


Question: I am wondering about the incredible rain we are seeing in Houston. What can you share about this?



Much of what is occurring is the cleansing of the Earth. Moving through the different dimensional frequencies and into the higher vibrations. As this occurs the Earth is shifting herself. She is moving into the higher vibrations and you are moving with here. In order for this to take place, there must be a cleansing. The cleansing is taking place in the Earth and also within you, your Earth within you. Your Ascension Symptoms and all these things. So within, so without. The microcosm and the macrocosm, you see?


There will be much more of this with volcanoes, earthquakes and all of this but know that it is being monitored from those of our friends upstairs. They are holding the more forceful shifts away here from the people of the Earth. OK?


Question: Many people on Earth have the same name. Does our Higher Self have name that is designated just for them?



It is interesting that you talk about this. Your Higher Self has its own name, its own definition. It may be a name that is found somewhere else in the galaxy. We are not going to say that it cannot be. You will come to know your Higher Self in the months to follow here. You will have a relationship with that one and you will have full knowledge of that particular state of being.


So, it is not important to know if anybody else has that name because it is most important to build a relationship with that one, with yourself.



We would add what is in a name? That is why we go by “One Who Serves” to keep the idea of attachment out of the picture as much as possible. That is not to say that we do not have our names, we do.


And your Higher Self has a name and you, yourself, have a name but it is all about the resonance. The vibration rather that is brought up by this name. As you come into the Higher Vibration of yourself, your name will be fully revealed to you. It is about the frequency, the vibration that comes about because of this name. OK?


Question: We have been told that we are gods and goddesses and that we can heal. However, I am not being successful in healing my eyes. What can you share with me?



We can give you an answer that will work with all for many have very similar types of questions. They talk about hands on healing and some seem to be able do it and others ask why can’t I do it?


We would say simply that you can do it but you simply have been programmed that you cannot. The more you hold onto that programming, the more it affects your thinking and your healing process.


The more you believe, the more you will see. This was given to you purposely so that you can change the programming within you. You have all believed the programming from the Cabal that says, “Seeing believes”. You have created that in your mind and you have lived that in your lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.


Now you are in a space where this all shifting and as you raise up in these vibrations you will be able to utilize your Higher Godself working through you. He (Yeshua) said, “It is not me that doeth these works but the Father through me.”


So your energy flows from your Higher Godself down through you but if you are not in a high enough vibration you cannot handle those energies coming in. It is a consciousness type of thing. The Higher Conscious you achieve, the higher vibration the greater your ability to heal yourself and others. Not only will you heal bodies but also heal their minds and their emotions. All of this!



Basically, the energy is here and it is right. As you continue to rise up you will continue to do more and more of those abilities that you have as a god.  Gods and goddesses indeed! Masters of planets and solar systems. Healing your body is actually very simple and something you will be doing in the very near future.


Comment: Testimony for Plug!



We appreciate you for sharing this. This is part of the old technology that is being re-born on the planet now. Many devices will be making their entry soon. These are devices of the higher vibration. They cannot work in the 3D world that the Cabal has kept you somewhat enslaved within.


So, as you move up in the higher vibrations you will see many more of these types of things but this one you speak of, the “Plug”, is extra ordinary but it is a precursor for what is coming.


Question: I looked up into our skies recently and saw a large ship. What was it?



Those who have eyes to see is something we use a lot within this group! You have had an opportunity to see Galactic ships within your sky. This is more than something you would observe. This is a ship that part of you is working on in your soul travels as well.


So, you would, no doubt, feel a strong attachment for this ship. Be grateful for the experience and know that you are having many more experiences of seeing ships in your skies.



We would say that this is only the beginning. Not only for you who asked the question but for so many. It is going to be so much greater than this. You are going to see so many things in the skies. Some are getting a precursor and indeed, as “Ashira” said, it is for those who have the eyes to see. As your vibrations increase, you will be using your Third Eye and not your physical eyes so much. OK?


Question: What will happen to those people who did not raise their vibration with the Third Wave?



As this occurs all will be right. All will be where they are supposed to be. To be in the right place at the right time and in the particular frequency they need to be in. If they choose not to be part of the evolution they will be accommodated in whatever level they need to be.


Question: What can you tell us about the Declaration presented to the Dark Forces by galactic counsels a couple of days ago? They were given a 48 hr. time frame.



They have received this warning, as you said. It is in process. They have said either yes or no, depending on the guidance here. If they say yes, then they will be coming more toward the light and will be taken care of in this respect.


If they say no, then that is there right and they will be accommodated that way also. We try to not get too involved with activities behind the scenes. From your perspective you have whistle blowers and the like but we have our hands tied sometimes. We cannot do what we are not allowed to do and we have the Prime Directive to operate within as well. That is all we can say on this at this time. The Councils are meeting and all is happening right now.


Question: How do I handle being reminded that I am not healed?



Again, this is a continuation of the program within you.  Again to all that are listening. This is for those who have been told they are healers and yet when they go to do it, it does not happen. It does not happen because you have a belief somewhere down in you that says you cannot do it.


Until that belief becomes a firm understanding that nothing can hold us back and there is nothing that can keep the healing from happening, then a healing will occur. So, it is just as the Master Yeshua with the healings he did, it was not him who did the healing but the Father who worketh through him to bring these healing energies through. If the person who was being healed did not believe or were programmed to not believe, they reverted back to where they were. You see? It is the same thing here now.


This is the key people. Raise your vibrations through all the ways that have been given you. See the beauty all around you. See what is wonderful in your life. Be thankful. Be grateful for all that is in your life. And on and on. There are so many ways to raise your vibration. Just do it and you will be amazed at the miracles that begin to happen in your life.


Question: Is it normal to feel out of place with my feelings of inadequacy? I feel like I am in judgment of others and judgment of myself and don’t know how to get out of this. I heard Sunday night, “Let me born anew”.



When you say you wish to be born anew, visualize the Violet Flame and as the Violet Flame moves through you, step out of your body and into the Violet Flame. If you cannot do this directly, do it in your mind and visualize it. Move into the Violet Flame and let that purge you completely. Within that Flame you will be born anew.


All the old will be purged away. The old ways. The old paradigms. All the negativity is purged by this Violet Flame. St. Germain has given this to be used by all. Use this and you will do much to increase your rate of vibration.



We would just add that you need to be nice to yourself. Everybody has their attachments that they are working with. Everybody feels a sense of apprehension. This group was asked Sunday about who was ready for Ascension and nobody raised their hands! Everybody has their own quandary about being prepared.


And we, with the greatest of love, that every one of you is doing things perfectly, in Divine Order and in time given to them. So, in addition to working on transmuting of things before you , be in forgiveness. Be in love.


As you go forward know that you are letting go of the old, embracing the new and allowing it to manifest for you. OK?



We wish to add one think here. For all of you who are resonating on this call, you are already on the Ascension pathway. You are already in the game. There is not one of you who will be held back unless you decide to hold yourself back. You are all ready for it. You are all worthy of it. So, let it go, peoples, let it be! OK?


Question: I am worried about my husband being “ready”.



There is not going to be anyone left behind. No one is going to be judged as not ready. No one will be left behind who wants to go. Nobody will be in a position of not working hard at this.


There is no working hard at it. There is just doing…just being. It is "effortless effort". That’s what it is. This is the reason for the mentors down the road. You are not supposed to know how to do this Ascension thing. You are just a baby walking through this.


Question: There are volcanoes and earthquakes going on. Could we as the H.E.N. family mitigate this?



Dear Sister, there is so much love out there to mitigate all of this. You have all the consciousness of those on the planet and all of your brothers and sisters up there. The Ascended Masters, the Company of Heaven, all are assisting here.  Because we were able to go against the Prime directive a bit, we were able to mitigate what could be happening here. Because if we didn’t have the situation playing out as it is today, this would have been over some time ago.


The Cabal was running on the direction of destruction and that would have been disastrous here. But it was not to be. So, don’t be concerned. Everything is happening in Divine Moment in Divine Time. Just as it needs to.


Question: My neighborhood dogs seem to be quieter now that I put the “Plug” in my home. What other great ideas do you in how to use it?



Remember that your house is covered to five feet within your home. This past Sunday people were talking about pests and how the pests were affected by the “Plug”. Pests were determined to be something that is bothering you. What is getting on your nerves?


For some people those were pigeons. For others it might be lizards. Others it might be bugs. For you it might be dogs. To see this working with dogs in your area is very interesting.


If you haven’t read what Anne has on her pages about this item, you may give it a quick read. You might find other things to do with this item. There are people who report that their cut flowers last much longer. There are those who report a drop in dust in their home. We appreciate the good news you have and look forward to more good news coming from you!



It is important that you continue to work with this device, the “Plug”. We look forward to more testimonials that can help others as they wake up to these types of energies. These are ancient technologies, as we have said many times but it is also the new technology. These new vibrations will do many things that you have not ascertained yet.

It is also about feeling good. When you move from a negative building, a negative car or the like into a positive one how do you feel? In your neighborhood you may only have a couple of “Plugs” but it is spread in different ways. When you have a “Plug” and your cell phone, you can transfer that energy to the next one and the next one. You see there are millions that have been affected by this little tiny plug. It is all fed by one, Lemurian Crystalline Device.

Question: I see a portal outside my body that opens and shuts very quickly. /where does it take us to?


Whenever you talk about portals, there are many different kinds, many different types going to many different destinations. There are many that are for consciousness and others to go to destinations. Many different things.

The particular one that you are speaking of is an internal portal, within yourself. This can take you very deeply within your own consciousness. We caution you to make sure you have a great deal of protection and your guides with you. If you have your Higher Self, that is also beneficial here.

You are being introduced to this more and more. This is an answer for all who wonder about portals. Some are wondering what to do with a portal that showed up. Others are wondering why they don’t have one. As you move up in vibration you will see more portals and gateways. They will become very familiar to you. You will have the memory of how to work with these in the process.

Again, you will be incredibly amazed when all of these things begin to happen.

Question: What is the basis of the reval that is coming?  


We could spend hours and hours talking on this, my friend. There is so much information for you to read out there to see where things are and where they are not. Everything will unfold when it is supposed to. And everything is going to unfold in the same time, basically.

There is an “Event” that some people speak about. There are actually many “Events” which happen so close together that it seems like one. The reval, NESARA, GESARA will impact everybody. It is not only for the 3D world because you are out of that! We are talking about increasing wealth, manifestation and giving everyone on the planet a balance of heart and harmony.

In this move everything that is owed, gets wiped away. It gives everyone an opportunity to walk around the pathway of new money. This needs to come! It is spiritual, yes! Initially it will give you an opportunity to achieve things you wanted to achieve.

As you move down the road there will be no need for money. Your intention is so clean that everything you do created life for you in every way.

Question: What can you tell me about Monatomic Gold?


This Monoatomic Gold is a higher vibration material. This has been lost over the past thousands of years because the Cabal decided they did not want it here anymore. They wanted it removed to more easily keep you as slaves here. To keep you from freedom. To keep you from your own Ascension process here.

It was taken from you and whenever somebody wanted to use it, they put that person down until they lost interest in it. Now things are changing. Many are hearing about this. You are reading about this and silver and much more that is to come.

The gates are opening people, the floodgates.  As this happens you are going to see so many healing devices and oils and liquids. These have been held back but their time is here.

You are right. Pyramids were not made by slaves and large blocks were not rolled up hills. They were not used as tombs except in some very strong cases. Plus the energetic connection here where the Egyptian Pyramids connected with pyramids around the world.


We will close our part of this. As you continue moving forward toward the crescendo in the summer of this year all of this will come to you. Your frequency is rising dramatically. There will be 4th of July fireworks like none before!

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One!


I am “Ashira”. I will close this evening.

All of those in this audience know that we are here to support you. We are here to share with you We are here to love you.

Feel your heart area and your high heart chakra extend from your body. Feel it as it grows more and more and begins to process that energy. Take the time to invite those who serve you personally. Invite the Archangels and Ascended Masters to come and be with you.

We so want you to feel loved at this moment. We so want you to be forgiving of yourself. And be ready to move forward with great joy. These are wondrous times and we are so grateful to be able to share these times with you and to lead you along the path.

Answering questions helps but we hope that you feel “One Who Serves” and myself beside you. Sharing with you, caring with you and loving you. We let it be so.

We close this with our peace and our love. Namaste.


Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated








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  • Hi john, thanks for that in depth response.

    I am seeing much change for the good in many people as well, i have been changing for some time now, it seems to be an on going process for the better.

    I do notice from time to time, the stragglers.

    It very much reminds me of the metaphorical older lady in one of the matrix movies, as neo is running through an old ladies apartment, all the sudden, she turns into an agent and throws a knife at neo.

    That is the feeling i get with some others in this world, that they really aren't under complete control of themselves, as if something has hold of them, but not all the time.

    Then it seems like the cavalry comes running in to help, and many people go out of their way to be kind and loving, almost as if to say, were sorry for the behaviour of these laggards, you are loved.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing and i miss your posts on this forum, you have good insights to share.

    peace love light

  • Hi John J., was wondering how your reality is going or shifting as you call it.

    What exactly are you observing, that is good and of a different nature than what we typically see in this world.

    peace love light

    • Are you feeling it, am I the only one who is feeling this. This cosmic energy. This new energy that's coming in. Am I the only one, who's feeling it in their reality.

      Do you not feel this beautiful, serene energy. This energy of the cosmos. This heavenly energy. I can sure feel it. I create it, and can feel it in the air of the Earth. It's such a peaceful, beautiful energy, something you don't want to leave. This must be something like what Heaven feels like.

      And this is just the beginning. We're still not even partly into the new age. Imagine what it will be like, 20, 50, 100 years from now. Sadly I nor most of us will be around for then, but I can just imagine what it will be like. And again, I can't be the only one sensing this.

      And lucky for us, it's a simple as evoking it, and asking God to anchor some of this energy here. You too can be a conduit to help ground some of this energy here. It's an important thing to do, and it feels damn good lol It feels beautiful, it's a beautiful energy to be in.

      And part of doing that, is rising your vibration. Forget all the negative, forget all the drama, and conflicts that folks are into. Disconnect from it. Focus only on healing, and being healthy again. Focus on all that's good and wholesome. Focus on the good in life, not the bad, which most folks tend to do. Start actually being of the new Earth. It can happen for you right now, if you allow it, you can anchor some of that energy and be in it.

      It's much better here lol The world I knew 3 years ago, I'd never want to go back to. This is a much more beautiful place to be, and hopefully it'll just get better. And hopefully everyone will get here, eventually. You know humans and their crap lol There's still a long way to go before that, but the more that choose to, the better and quicker it will come. So make the choice. Be of the new Earth and start creating your own heaven on Earth. It's what we need to do.

    • This is where I am, at least. Maybe it's just me, but this is what I see. I made the decision, the concrete firm decision, a few months ago, to move into the energy of the new age. Of Heaven on Earth. I made that decision, I went through various trials and tribulations, and felt a merging of me with my higher self. I made the conscious decision, from all levels of my being, and I asked God, to move me onto the New Earth timeline and anchor some of that energy here.

      And so far, it seems to be working. Again, it's such a serene, beautiful energy to be in. I don't even like leaving my house lol Because my energy that I create for me and my house, is kind of different than the energy of human civilization. I can clearly sense the lower vibrational nature, if you will, of the world outside of my house.

      I got to a point a few months ago, where I had risen so high, and was vibrating so fast, and had such a conscious awareness, that my energy, and the worlds energy, did not mesh. And I felt horrible just being in this world. I could see, without doubt, the lowness of this world, and of people. And I'm generally connected with my fellow man, so it really haunted me, to see really for the first time, just how bad this world is.

      I made the decision to drop down a few levels to be able to cope with living here. And lucky enough, for me at least, I have seen many changes since then in the world around me. Being out and about now, is not so horrible as it used to be, because this cosmic energy is around everywhere now. The Earth and me seem to be on the same energetic wavelength. The humans out there, many of them are still straggling behind, but even they are starting to respond to this new energy. It's a new energy, again very beautiful and heavenly.

    • Well first of all, I have changed. I've achieved levels of consciousness, almost unheard of in this world. I can see more clearly, see people more clearly, see life more clearly, from not just a worldly perspective, but a spiritual perspective. I can see the clear spiritual nature of life, and of human beings. It's not just talk or theory, it is something that I have grown in consciousness to able to see and understand, without doubt.

      So, I have changed greatly, I have healed and have risen to levels far beyond anything I imagined 3 or 4 years ago. So that's a big indicator for me that indeed we are rising up out of the darkness.

      As for my fellow man, I see many changes in people. I see people being more kinder. I see people having a more clear awareness of things. I see people no longer wanting to do the old things, the same old things. Folks want something new, they want something better, and they want to move passed various issues that they still have.

      I see folks no longer tolerating, or wanting part of, old negative ways of doing things. People are clamoring for some positivity. For the most part at least. There's still stragglers, and folks who still won't evolve and let go of the old obsolete ways. There's still folks who get their little kicks off of conflict and negativity and ego. But for the most part, humanity as a whole has moved beyond much of that, and despite what the news might portray, people by and large don't want it anymore. Folks are starting to wake up, as they say, and see life more clearly. They're rising in consciousness.

      That's for people I see around me, and in the world at large. As for other changes, clearly, clearly, there's some new energy coming in. I can clearly feel it, even see it. It's a wonderful, serene, peaceful energy. It's beautiful. It's cosmic. It's heavenly. It's slowly happening. Even colors are brighter and more vibrant, it's just a lovely energy to be in. Very heavenly. I can see that, and see folks around me responding to that.

  • Hi john, wow, i can very much relate to what you have said.

    Of being able to see how backwards everything is, it is quite tormenting to see it at times.

    Sometimes even more so, to see the ones around us, who are still vibrating at that lower level and see how they act and treat others in not so kind ways and how they also think the ways humans are living is great.

    And i am glad to say, that i am also observing changes, well, not as much change in the systems around us yet, but changes in people around me.

    The previously lower vibrating ones, are starting to see how backwards everything is also, though since this awareness is probably newer to them, they can react in unkind ways and take it out on others sometimes i noticed.

    Because as i know from experience and you do also, it can be traumatic to all the sudden, start being aware of how upside down everything really is, as far as human ways that is, things that the creator built and programmed, are not upside down, it's just humans or other beings have twisted natural ways.

    peace love light

  • Well it's already shifting. I can see it, in my reality at least, this is already happening. I don't know about yours, or others, but where I am at, this is already beginning to happen. And thank God for that lol

    I have tasted a bit of what full consciousness is like in the last few weeks. And let me tell you, it is intense. It's strange, because we are so not used to it, we're so used to being in a limited awareness, that even something bordering on full awareness would be too much for folks to handle. Hell I usually can handle basically anything, but this, I had to consciously decide to drop backwards, because it's just such a strange thing.

    First of all, there is no time really. Not as we understand it at least. It's just a constant feeling of NOW. Which is a strange thing, because we're so used to linear time. It's all we know, or can remember at least. So to suddenly be in some timeless reality, is a strange thing. It doesn't feel normal.

    But the strangest part of it all, is being of a higher consciousness, in THIS world. Because you can see so clearly, how screwed up this fricken world is. And it is very screwed up, there's no two ways about it. This really is a hell hole. I know from a worldly level, it doesn't seem that way, because we're so used to it, we're so used to limitation and ignorance, that it just seems normal. But trust me, once you get into higher states of awareness, and see the world how it REALLY is, it's something that will fricken traumatize you. The darkness that exists here, is putrid and sickening. No wonder higher beings rarely ever manifest here lol

    And that's what bothered me the most, seeing how my fellow humans were living. In the worst kind of conditions, you can just see the darkness and ignorance and twistedness that most folks live in. And they're completely unaware of it. It's like when we look at photos from the 1800s, we think, God, what a horrible place to live, it's so strange. What primitive people. We trust me, it's the same for us now. Higher beings must look at us, the way we look at life in the 1800s. What a dark horrible place, such primitive people, they're children. And we really are.

    That' the part that struck me the most, is seeing just how bad things are here. We are spiritual children. We live in filth and squalor. There's this evilness, this barbaric energy in this reality, that most folks are totally unaware of. Because they're so used to it, they think it's normal. It doesn't seem strange at all. But trust me, from higher vibrations, this world is barbaric and filthy. Humanity is very sick, we are in dire need of some healing.

    So it's good to see this energy coming in, which is raising our reality to a new level. It's good to see it. Because it's fricken traumatizing, I've spent the last few weeks in utter torment. My vibration and the vibration of this world, did not mesh at all. And I asked God, and made the conscious decision, to drop down some notches to be able to cope with living here. I've had to disconnect from everyone and everything, and drop down a few nothces in awareness.

    This world needs some help, and it needs it fast. So I thank God for this new energry, I thank God for this shift that's slowly happening. We need it, we need changes. Folks deserve better. Mankind deserves better than what we got now.

    I know, in our heart of hearts, we are good people. We're twisted, we're trapped in illusions, we're ignorant and unconscious, we're sick and dirty, and some of us have taken very dark paths. But, in our heart of hearts, I know man is a good being. We have heart, that's what makes us so special. Mankind has tremendous heart. We are fundamentally good people, and we deserve better than what we're forced to live with.

    And after all we've been through, over the course of this journey, it's about time for something truly good to happen to us. All the pain and suffering and misery that folks have endured for millennia, it's about time for change. So again, I thank God for this. I thank God for the new Earth and new man that's being birthed. I thank God for not abandoning us, and for sticking by us through all this time. For formulating this great plan to lift us out of the darkness.

    And I've always felt and continue to feel, that when it's all said and done, the story of Man will be one of the greatest stories ever told. And we will take our place, when it's all said and done, we will take our place on top of creation, as being some of the greatest beings God has ever created. That's our destiny, I always felt that. That's Gods plan for us. From the deepest depths of darkness, to the highest peaks of the light, that's our destiny. And I thank God for the honor of being apart of it.

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