Message from Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
All Knowing Spiritual Awareness
When the body, mind, soul and heart are all in alignment, then the journey of timelessness begins. You have experienced such ventures in our dreams but this is just a glimpse of what is to come.
This alignment is a merging into singularity and one point; the journey then starts through the dimensions of higher realms of experiences. This realm opens the awareness of the spiritual consciousness.
We have heard this saying, ‘God is all knowing’; this is because He is everywhere in every corner of the world and beyond all universes. He encompasses all because His Divine Spirit is all knowing and in every creation. His energies of existence are the basic foundation of all creations.
However, it is the Creator's consciousness that lights up the darkness in all that we see, hear, touch, smell and taste.
As we become increasingly aware our consciousness expands and this expansion never ceases as ones journey never finishes. So we should not think of ourselves as a complete learning vessel, but a learning student for the rest of eternity as His knowledge is infinite.
The more your spiritual consciousness expands the more light of the Creator you will absorb; as a person continues to raise his vibrations in this way, his body chemistry changes.
In the next realm we will slowly discard the flesh of bones of the body as it is too heavy for the spiritual mind, as it forever needs to fly to other realms of existence. To expand its own awareness and consciousness; the thirst will never cease; it demands to ‘know’.
From crystalline to light the body will change as we enter other higher realms and acquire knowledge.
Your spirit will forever roam through the vast expansion of existence in peace, to mingle with other spirits who share the same path as you.
Your mother; such beauty is the path that there are flowers of every colour that line the sides wherever you go; as the Creator is aware of what you desire the most and He knows what you desire.