I found this 23 minute video to be very insightful and informative. They make some pretty good points.

@ 9:40 in the video: "If someone could talk to a dead person, they would be the most dangerous person on the planet. They would be underground with the CIA with wires in their brain, think about it."



He explains how psychics are able to give the appearance that they know things about a person that would seem impossible to know. How they use your credit card information that you used to pay for their tickets to do research on you. And with social media (facebook etc), digging for information about you is made even easier for this type of scam.

They talk about John Edward, the Long Island woman, Sylvia Browne... and the psychic network. They even take a call from someone who tried to explain that the woman who "the ghost whisperer" is about is legit.

It's a very civil discussion where Mark Edward is basically trying to educate people about protecting themselves from con artists who just want to get into your pockets. How "psychics" prey on vulnerable people and how these people are being taken advantage of all because they think these "psychics" have the answers, but they don't. ---My own personal advice from me to you: This isn't limited to people who claim to be psychics either (channellers, ascended masters etc etc).


Yes, I am very aware that I said ALL psychics are frauds. I stand behind my choice of words. It wasn't a statement made out of ignorance or skepticism. It was a very deliberate choice of words.

If you actually watch this video, you'll understand my choice of words better.

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  • No. You're confusing hypochondriacs with Münchausen syndrome.

  • I didn't just repeat myself, I broke it down for you along with the copy and paste sooo.... yeah.

    Do you know anything about Sylvia? It looks to me like you're blindly defending Sylvia without understanding her history... and using her as a symbol for your beliefs on all psychics instead of focusing on her specifically. I don't recommend you doing that, specially in Sylvia Browne's case. Please research her before attempting to use her as a symbol in such a way because it isn't doing you any favors blindly defending her. You're going to get a better understanding of her and her claims by reading her books than you will reading what others say about her on the internet.

    I'm glad with the amount of time I've spent on Sylvia and don't find it a waste. It was a learning experience and I'm glad I went through it, any chance to shed some naivety is always a good thing. She's actually a very interesting writer if you view her from a fictional writer stance. But I will not hesitate to give her a piece of my mind if I encounter her in the afterlife.

    Of course I've been wrong before... but I always find out why I'm wrong/how I came to the wrong conclusion.

    I spoke about Edgar Cayce a few times in this very thread I believe, so your argument for him isn't helping you in the least... just like SB, I have more than the average experience regarding him as well.

    Of course, you couldn't resist leaving your LoA religion out of it... why am I not surprised? Here's a question for you... how do hypochondriacs fit into LoA?

  • Have you ever done Psychometry using photo images, that's interesting specially if you get correct information for the person who posted the photo.yet you knew nothing to start with but the photo itself..I've done that a few times with amazing results.

  • Oh damn I'm not getting all notifications for this discussion even and I'm missing heaps of them that's so not right my email notifications is on and it must be working cos I got 3 only today nothing else from this site.. sorry who do I complain to in here to sort it,I should be getting heaps of notifications from different postings cos I've not stopped anything.

    • I think you gotta click "follow" under each thread individually if you didn't create the thread yourself in order to get emails about. But idk, I don't sign up to get emails sent to me... I just check my activity feed and if I didn't start the thread, I only check for replies on the other person's thread if I'm invested in the conversation. Ben Arion is site owner. Maybe use the "contact us" at the very bottom of the screen.. or the "report an issue" just a few inches below.

  • I don't get what you're trying to do here. Do you know anything about SB or are you just blowing smoke? Are you purposely avoiding the point of my post or can you genuinely not see it? The star of the comment was that she fcked up when she said Amanda Berry was dead (but she's not dead).... are you up on current events?


    Copied and pasted:

    "I spent a lot of time on this woman and her books and had a period where I wanted to believe her... then I forgot about her for several years, then she resurfaced and I dug deeper and this is when I realized she's a liar."

    That statement is pretty clear. But I'll break it down for you anyway. I thoroughly read several of her books, watched several of her interviews and encounters with "customers". I wanted to believe her... things she said about spirit guides, talking to her own spirit guides (Francine), talking to dead people... that she could tell people about their life charts and past lives and spirit guides and dead relatives and etc etc etc, you name it, she knew it (she's one of those people who talk about the Akashic Records). Years passed and I forgot about her. Later, she resurfaced again in my life. I reread her books and some new ones, did more research on her, analyzed her beliefs (things she claimed), found many contradictions, many things that didn't make sense and many instances where she was wrong about her predictions and ability to read people... I was able to see that she is a giant liar. And I was able to see how she says exactly what she needs to say in order to get people to initially start believing her.

    Now, since you care so much about my opinion about her, what are your experiences about this woman? You act like you have one. Either that, or you're just blowing smoke. If you don't know anything about her, I'm rather offended you wasted my time asking me my opinions about her as if you actually cared because it seems you're more interested in dissecting my sentences. And I didn't realize we were counting how many times names were dropped: She's relevant to this topic, she's gonna be mentioned.


    P.S. - wtf does this have to do with anything? Don't preach to me about your law of attraction religion. I've been on my best behavior not tearing your religion apart every time you mention it because doing so would completely derail this thread (and you seem to be under the impression that I don't know about LoA, I assure you, I do). Stop forcing your belief system on me. I'm not interested. And it has nothing to do with this "psychics" thread so please take it elsewhere otherwise you're just derailing my thread.


    --- I really don't understand why you're having trouble understanding what I type. I'm not speaking in a foreign language. And in fact I don't see any spelling errors that would prevent you from not understanding the point.

    • Can I just say that the Akashic Records are real but not in the way many percieve they are,each soul has past life incarnations and holds these records in their 11th chakra and via their DNA strand its stored there also, you all can access this information to where your own souls past in previous life spans & dimensions even,you have to deep meditate or go into trance state to get there but only you can enter the' Halls of Remembrance' with the permission from it's 'Gatekeeper' with assistance from your guide... no one else can go in there for you and gather information about you tha'ts BS...and if they said they could then they are a fraud and how they say they can is fake to..they have a PC programme on their computer that's connected to the Astrolgy charts and they make up BS readings and written verse according to those charts they arn't your real souls life paths at but their own perceptions of thoughts, your own soul knows its own truths, don't let anyone tell you otherwise,every breath you have taken, every step you have taken on this earth plane and other dimensional planes is recorded,you own it no one else does or they will only be instilling their own perceptions of how they see things into your auric energy field its that's simply really.

  • Hmm at the risk of being attacked I'm going to say my thoughts & views on this anyway,as its interesting I might add and do believe there are totally some fake psychic's yes...but my response may be a long story as I'm a rambler and you may just brush it off as a waste of breath or such that's your prerogative also ..but to say that all psychics are fakers & frauds is in my eyes incorrect wording,sorry,there are real psychic and intuitive people out there that don't understand this gifts either,some over here in New Zealand who have solved crimes even which dosnt happen often but its fact and police here have used their testimony and evidence ... now before you jump down my throat may I say if I denied my given intuitive psychic gifts and clairsentient,clairaudient,telepathic and remote viewing abilities I would be denying myself,my whole being totally as to who I am as a human on this planet, I say this as I do not claim to be able to talk directly to passed over spirits in the literal sense of receiving verbal messages from them to relay to others,nor would I make up fake info to others to gain money or make myself appear better than I am already,I do not do channelling etc for people no I cannot do that,however I most certainly am able to sense them in spirit form in my reality and my presence,infact I have honestly lived with a spirit or ghost child in my previous house who resided in my own wardrobe even for 5yrs to the point that I was able to see visual evidence of her activity,she had worn the wallpaper off the back wall with her feet I'm presuming by swinging on the centre bar and banging her feet on the wallpaper scuffing off the print off it even[it was new wallpaper to]... also she managed to make a visual impression on the clothing bar where she had been swinging by her hands I'm presuming... it had changed colour from shiny leaving what appeared to be like tiny finger print impressions even changing it dull,just like acid from finger tips will do over time when exposed to air,this was in one area only the rest of it was still brand new & shining..

    Now I say her cos I sensed it as a her not a male,she was very calming energy wise,though cheeky in nature as well being a child nature in spirit,where she came from I have no idea she just showed up one day... now I tried to get her activity on video film but each time I set up my camera's she would play games with me the instant I stopped recording she would do something,she found it funny I didn't it was frustrating...but I also had witness's to her activity it actually became a party joke in the house in the end with the 3 guys I shared the house with.. cos she would bang on the walls in my wardrobe in my bedroom and people would think I was bonking[sex] some chick in there only I'd come out and the banging would continue... they would go in to find no-one it freaked heaps of people out... at first it sounded like a banging water pipe so I had the landlord bring in a plumber and try to suss out where it was stemming from to no avail,everything was fine, and the plumber said the sound was no where near a water pipe either it was boggling him also cos it was in my wardrobe wall,no pipes around and no way could it be an animal as it was a sealed unit wall he investigated for days....now this house was a newish townhouse to by the way not a old run down relic home either,so cant blame twisted boards creaking or offline structure either,as she would open the wardrobe door freely yet the carpet was new and when I tried I had to drag it hard over the carpet leaving an imprint,all latches were new & secure also but she would open the door randomly each time I left my bedroom even after I'd closed it playing with me..so if you can explain that one please do so....I would also play with this spirit like give her toys,chuck them in my wardrobe only I'd find the toys chucked out the wardrobe often somewhere else in the room over the next few days I found one on my bed even....my dog knew this was going on also she would sit and wait outside my wardrobe turning her head from side to side listening...I also felt her one night come out and actually touch my face stoke my hair she obviously liked me [who wouldn't I'm a cool dude LOL] but seriously my point is that spirits[ghosts] do exists and I can and have sensed them and seen them and photographed them,does that make me a good psychic well yes it does cos I can also predict things happening and they come true,just recently a horrific incident even one in you guys news in USA the sad event of the brides burning in the car on the motorway I predicted it a day ahead of it actually happening... sparked from watching a movie titled 'Brides' in the evening followed by dreaming after going to bed I was in a car and it actually happening,I was in the car screaming to the driver to stop even,I woke up screaming in my sleep,realised it was just a bad dream shrugged it off as such until then the next day on the news it had happened for real... this was real to me it scared the crap out of me to upset my soul to the point I was a mess all day and totally sick, one as I was powerless to do anything about it or prevent it,my heart went out to the families of those woman.... but seeing it unfold in subconscious dream state only.Why would I see that if I wasn't psychic makes no sense to me. Natural predictions of earth events I can sense them,yes intuition but bloody good to say a volcano is going to erupt in a week and damn one does its far to coincidental and happens too many times..confirmed by many of my friends even. Good enough psychic to be able to say my version of events in murder cases under investigation and have them confirmed as correct by the investigators further on in conclusion also on many occasions,but will I say them to gain money publicly. no way or get a living off of others,no that's not my thing,I am who I am and I'm truly psychic and I actually hate my gifts at times they are a curse to me,but I cant turn them off. And I'm not a FAKER Nor am I a FRAUD. Hope you enjoyed reading my spirit experience,I don't live in the house any more and I don't know if this spirit is still there doing the same thing to its new owners,I don't want to know either I had it for 5yrs enough said.

    • I have many theories for you. Before I do... I understand the controversy people have due to my wording of "all psychics are frauds"... I still stand behind it. I've seen more coincidences than the average person and I even went through a phase during my early adulthood where I believed "there's no such thing as coincidences" but eventually I learned, yes... there is. I don't use my wording as a way to attack everyone... although I see that's the way many see it because a lot of people seem offended by my use of words (but I guess they're not very psychic if they thought it was intended as an attack, funny enough)... you are a perfect example of people who think they're psychic when they're not. You made it clear that you have no intentions of monetary gains from your ability to be right about things and that's pretty cool of you... but your experiences still don't suggest to me that you're psychic. It only gives me another example of how some people are led to believe they have psychic ability. And it's another example of how a smart individual lets the belief that they're psychic give them unnecessary emotional/mental distress over/about it... all because they're smart enough to guess right or think of the correct conclusions to things including times when they don't want to be right because it's so distressing.

      When it comes to you guessing things right... I think you're not giving yourself enough credit. I don't think you guess things right because of some psychic ability. I think you guess things right because you're smart. And chalking your intelligence up to supernatural talent seems, to me, to be selling yourself short. I do it all the time too: I guess things right a LOT. I don't call it psychic though. A lot of people might. And I could play that card if that's what I really wanted to do, but I don't.

      As far as dreams go, I think it's purely coincidence. You said it yourself, you watched a movie... which planted the seed of the dream you were going to have that night (I've seen dream seeds planted a lot)... and I think it's purely coincidental that it lines up with what you saw on the news. Coincidences do happen. And if you look hard enough, you can connect dots together from things that have no business being connected. Not saying you did that with the brides thing, because I can see how you thought what you did, I mean they're totally sharing the same theme and it certainly is an interesting coincidence... (and it's certainly a messed up story... why didn't the driver who was taking them to their bachelorette party help the people in the limo escape? weird.) but brides aren't some rare thing that happens. Hundreds if not thousands of weddings a day. Even though you found a way to connect your dream to what happened the next day, doesn't mean they're actually connected. There are a LOT of things that happen in dreams... I can't tell you how many things I can claim my dreams predicted... or how it looks like my friends dreams are predicting something even when they don't see it... but I think it's less about predicting things, and more about it being coincidences. So many things happen daily all the time. So many things. Eventually, you're gonna be able to find a way to connect your dreams with reality even though they have nothing to do with each other. So many things happen in dreams. So many things happen in reality. Eventually, some of those things will match/overlap somewhat or even peculiarly have most things match. We see what we want to see.

      Now, as far as the little girl ghost. If I was there, I would probably have a better idea of what it was. But since I'm not, I can only speculate. I highly doubt it was a ghost. First, where are the parents of this girl? Any family? What about other ghosts in general? Do people not give a shit about her? Are 5 years olds abandoned in the afterlife with no direction or guidance like orphans? I hope not. Second... you'd be surprised what rodents can do and the sounds they can make... if it was a rodent you'd probably know it though. Third... homes are capable of making some very peculiar noises. I've lived in many homes, new and old... and my observation skills are likened to that of someone with OCD. I'm aware of every single noise and where it's coming from otherwise I cannot rest or relax. And there have been some pretty strange things I've discovered. I tend to find out how if you step in one part of the house, it causes the opposite corner of the room to creak. Things like that. So I'm sure the noises in your closest can be justified with something that was going on with the foundation/structure integrity of your home or the vanity objects of your home (like closet doors, railings, shelfs, even the inner guts of the house etc... even though you said it wasn't plumbing... I'm sure it was something)... the wearing off your wallpaper... with repeated use, objects in your closet can do that. I've seen it done in one of my last homes. The color changing on your closet railing... could very well be your own hand oil or hair products from your hands or something touching the hangers before being put up... or some other scientific explanation for exposure. And think she touched you, are you sure it wasn't a dream where you didn't realize you were dreaming? Or maybe it was a draft and your hair or fuzz moved on your face a certain way. Mind over matter can cause some real havoc too (speaking from first hand experience... and if you can tell me what this first hand experience is.. and I'm still dealing with it currently... then I'll give you a little more credit than just being smart/intuitive). But besides all these things... I know you're not going to consider any of it because this experience sounds like it had an impact on you and you are absolutely convinced of what you believe (I'm used to this happening, everyone is so convinced that they won't even consider alternatives so it's like I'm wasting my time even trying). So at least consider the question about the ghost itself. Does no one care enough about her to retrieve her? If you knew about her, surely other ghosts knew about her.

      I guess right things on a lot of things.. A LOT. But I don't see it as being psychic. I see it as being smart.  Having witnessed and experienced all that I have in life so far has given me the foundation to be able to guess right so often... is the way I see it. I could call that intuition... and I might as well because it's the easiest explanation... but I don't see intuition as psychic ability. Because if I really dig at it, I know why I come to the conclusions I do.. sometimes my basis for these conclusions might not make sense to other people, but they do to me.


      And something you said really stood out to me... "if I denied my given intuitive psychic gifts and  clairsentient,clairaudient,telepathic and remote viewing abilities I would be denying myself,my whole being totally as to who I am as a human on this planet" --- I'm beginning to think this is why a lot of people feel offended that I said, "all psychics are frauds" because deep down, they want to believe they have the potential to develop/master these gifts and by saying what I said... it's like saying it's not possible. I want to be clear that I'm not on the side of the fence that I am in order to cause people to deny themselves. I'm saying it as a reality check. People mostly seek and look up to others of whom they think have these gifts. And some people even go so far as to "give their personal power away" by expecting these people to have answers for them about stuff... and relying on them for these answers and for their guidance in life... and I find that so wrong. Educating people from doing this was the main intent of this OP. --- As far as individuals who think they have psychic ability... I have no problem in testing them if they wish to find out if they're truly psychic (dream about me, meditate about me, "remote view" me (I put rv in quotes because I have opinions about that too ;))... do whatever to find things out about me that they would have no way of knowing --- I have nothing to hide) but no one is really interested in "mastering their skill" or even trying. They always get on the defense and act like, "I don't need to prove myself to you or anyone"... but if they were really psychic, their psychic antenna would be telling them, "oh, I see why she proposes this experiment and she means no ill will". It's like mastering the violin... if someone wants you to show them, why object and prevent them from hearing this gift of music that you've mastered (or mostly mastered)? And even if you're in training, it doesn't hurt to play for someone and get their opinion about how you're doing to help improve it the next time around. I really don't think that being "psychic" is something that's completely random... oh, sometimes you're right.. sometimes you're wrong -- no. If you have an ability... then you have an ability. If you can't control or master it, it's not an ability at all. It's coincidence. And if you can't control or master it... it's not something that can be developed either. It would be such a finicky ability if it only worked sometimes... and it's an ability to be taken lightly either... because this ability goes into the realm of mental instability. It can cause some real stress on the brain/mind and really fck with someone's sanity... I don't think such an ability would be so.. haphazard to maintain. Also, you can usually gauge when someone is psychic or not based on their other beliefs. If someone who is psychic still believes in Santa Claus... they have no more merit that they're psychic than there is a jolly fat man that travels the world and delivers presents to believers in one day.


      Despite my stance on the matter and our differences of opinions/views... please don't let it rub you the wrong way (so many people on this forum automatically place me in the enemy category just because my opinion differs from theirs). I think you're pretty neat. We have more things in common than you think. But don't take my word for it, sense what your psychic antenna has to say about it ;). That may seem kind of sarcastic, considering my point of view... but really, if psychic ability was real, you'd have a better understanding of what I'm saying regarding similarities.

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