Well... guess the news? You lose!!!
~It's over... Period! Doesn't matter what happens in the debate tonight. & as the GOP scramble to make sense of what's left of their crumbling party, the remaining, supposed 'Evangelical Christian' base, who've committed their support for this half baked moron, regardless of what he does, are now wrestling with how they can pull the lever for him & still look their daughters in the eye. Let alone their mothers... or themselves. Pure Theater of the Absurd! Funny (more like pathetic) to watch the fear-porn hustlers over at Fox Inc. trip over each other as they try to justify the unjustifiable. & keep in mind... even if by some Hail Mary, half gainer, triple backflip miracle that Trumpocalypse still happens? It's still a huge (as in beyond recoverable) loss for the Teapulican sheeple... & make no mistake about it, they know it!
( ( ( OneLoveRevolution ) ) )
~LONDON (The Borowitz Report)—The theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking angered supporters of Donald J. Trump on Monday by responding to a question about the billionaire with a baffling array of long words.
Speaking to a television interviewer in London, Hawking called Trump “a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator,” a statement that many Trump supporters believed was intentionally designed to confuse them.
Moments after Hawking made the remark, Google reported a sharp increase in searches for the terms “demagogue,” “denominator,” and “Stephen Hawking.”
“For a so-called genius, this was an epic fail,” Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, said. “If Professor Hawking wants to do some damage, maybe he should try talking in English next time.”
Later in the day, Hawking attempted to clarify his remark about the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, telling a reporter, “Trump bad man. Real bad man.”
~This feels worth repeating, so, for what it’s worth… I see all of this interpersonal turbulence as a crucial part of the birthing process of the new paradigm. It ain’t easy, but if we’re going to get that essential breath of pure, unadulterated Prana, we have to walk through it. The carefully orchestrated, fear-porn sideshow that's being generated by the Archontically infected, half baked moron/sexual predator/demagogue, that is 'The Donald'… is an unfortunate, but expected chapter of an exceedingly low grade ‘story’ being force fed to the masses. A bit surprising that his cheerleaders don’t real’eyes’ he’s nothing more than a pawn for the Cabal, which is throwing everything it has into a last ditch, desperate attempt to maintain the mental shackles of Divide & Rule. So whether a reality television actor is set to play the 'role' of President, ultimately doesn’t matter. It’s pure Theater of the Absurd!… which I suppose, can be entertaining??? Or perhaps, it’s just that knee-jerk impulse that makes droves of people slow down when there’s a car accident to try & get a peep of the carnage? Just make no mistake about it, it’s rooted in deep unconsciousness. We stand at a Spiritual crossroads… & frankly, despite the ‘Mainstream Everything’ backbeat, there are far more uplifting, even mind blowing (in a positive way) stories manifesting on the word stage that are truly worth deeper focus & contemplation. Seek & you shall find. Especially when compared to this latest political soap opera/cartoon, that by design, has literally captured the minds of people still deeply invested in the childlike illusion that any of the puppets at the top of the 'ticket' can do anything that will have a meaningful, or lasting effect in their daily lives. This kind of 'give my power away' thinking, is yet another manifestation of the shadows of duality, of unawakened individuals who shudder at the notion of true Spiritual Freedom/Unity Consciousness… the kind of 'god fearing' (an epically corrosive Achontic oxymoron/implant) folk who cling to & justify their little arsenal of guns, fearing anything or anyone they can categorize as 'other', rather than taking a closer look at the inner psychic wounds that have them buying them in the first place. From one angle, it’s truly astonishing, the lengths that throngs of Trump drones/sheeple have gone to cosign his utter bullshite & actually convince themselves that he’s an 'outsider'. Of what, exactly? What a joke. It would be funny, if it wasn’t so fu#king sad. & let me add, while I’m no fan of Hillary (haven’t partook in the charade of voting in over a decade), it’s important to keep in mind that the role of President includes a collective of people rooted in Democratic or Republican values (for lack of a better word). While it could be argued they’re two sides of the same coin, etc… I would suggest there are some very real differences worth considering. In my opinion, there’s a very dangerous false equivalency being promoted by the ‘they’re both evil’ trip. But so it goes... just try to enjoy the ride, it's gonna get really bumpy… perhaps the Teapublican throngs of Confederate Flag waving, pickup truck driving sheeple will still get their Trumpocalypse? I certainly hope not... just remember, whatever plays out, it’s all a part of the process... a dark shard from the collective unconscious, & a reminder that it’s always darkest before the dawn. But, let me not waste much more of my time on this laughable corridor of the Rabbit H@le. For people worshiping at the alter of Trump, who’ve invested their dwindling brain cells on the absurd notion that he should be taken seriously, on any level… well, I offer these four words:
*& only can YOU can unplug your umbilical cords from the Archon laced/mind control, MSN broadcast. If you're looking for anyone with the title of 'commander in chief' to do it for you?... You're lost! Use your 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card... & head back to GO... ASAP!!!
well put thank you
:-) Thanx, Merlin...
Hey that's not fair Stick I thought I absconded with all the Community chest get out of jail free cards in the game lol sorry but love that though.
AsWithin... SoWithout
AsViewed.. SoAppears
Trump is just the controlled opposition. Even if he were to win the popular vote he could never win due to the electoral college. There is no real democracy in America.....real deocracy is one person, one vote...from an educated population. C