Teacher: Erle Frayne Argonza / Guru Ra
ALMIGHTY FATHER INTERVENES IN EARTH’S ASCENSION Almighty Father, the Father-aspect of the One Universal Principle (God), has been directly intervening in the upward evolution of both Earth and the humans. That intervention began in 1974, which ended His non-interventionist policy in place since the beginnings of 2nd Phase Lemurians yet (c. 18.5 Million years BP).
As a result of that direct intervention, core events that are catastrophic or cataclysmic didn’t happen. Thus, the timeline of the Ascension of Earth, humans, and other sentient forms, has been changing. Take the case of California, which could have sunk back to seabed as early as the mid-80s yet as many visionaries and mystics have pre-visioned.
California is still standing tall today… Ditto for the explosions of Etna and Vesuvius that could have hap just a few months away from each other, which then could have signaled the beginnings of Polar Shift immediately thereafter.
The successive eruptions didn’t happen! This time around, the forecast polar shift, darkening of the Earth for days, solar blasts affecting our utilities, polar ice cap melting and succeeding catastrophic superstorms, floods, tsunamis, didn’t happen.
Thus ended the need for moving Qualified Ones to safe havens (too many were built and prepared by Light Forces since 2010) upon Earth’s shift to 4th Density. To cap the Father’s intervention, He has shown that laggards & demoniacs are also entitled to stay and waft in the Divine Energies and other cosmic graces.
3rd Density institutions and lifeways are very much around, thus challenging us to transform them from within. This is the Father’s Will, it has prevailed, we better recognized it, adjust to it, and appreciate the Almighty Father for giving the Disqualified Ones another chance to evolve. Guru Ra
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