AM I the only one?


AM I the only one who realizes that the blog once belonging to Greg Giles has been infiltrated?


here's 5 good reasons why its so obvious:

1. The really obviously faked first two messages that were taken OFF THE SITE IMMEDIATELY AFTER everyone called him out for the writing, etc. After they were taken off the site, that's when phony Greg decided to start censor comments, which is totally uncharacteristic of Greg... even a crazy Greg.

"Haters:  Check  it  at  the  Door!   


This  message  right  now  to  everyone  is  an  announcement  of  a  new  policy  here  on  this  blog  and  my Facebook  page  as  well.  Haters  are  no  longer  welcome!  This  should  make  many  very  happy  and  it makes  me  very  happy. "  

First message that was taken off the site:


He has actually been receiving our radio frequency communications that are received solely through the power and the use of his brain. This is the way we have been communicating with him and through him to you, and this is why we feel he has fallen for this, we shall say, scam, if you will, for so long, for you see, when one receives communications in this way they can get a little confused. Such is the case with Greg.

We told him some whoppers, as you say, and he bought them hook, line and sinker. He would never have done this if we would have sent him an e-mail, or posted this kind of information online, or even sent him a letter or issued him a phone call. Yet, because he received this information as what you know as telepathically, but we do not and we will not get into that, he believed these communications must be real and they were in a way, but they certainly were not from the Galactic Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command. "


some whoppers, as you say? HAHAHA woooooow


read the whole thing here ------>




Second message that was taken off the site:


"What’s the Difference Between the Colorado Shooting Suspect and a GFL Channel?    

Absolutely nothing. You heard it right my friends. This is Greg, Greg Giles. It’s me, so please everyone, let’s get off this Greg has been kidnapped by the cabal and these words are coming from an imposter. I sincerely believed I was a channel for the GFL and also the Ashtar Command, but I have news for you, I was not, but hold on, wait until you find out why because this involves all of us, including your families, your friends and every single member of our human family. I not only thought I was a channel of higher dimensional communications, I also was prepared, yes listen to this, to arm myself to the teeth with automatic weapons and have a shootout with whoever it was who came to my home one evening,"

read the whole thing here ---->



Hello everyone, this message entitled ‘Finale’ is indeed genuine, meaning, this site has not been hacked and this message was sent to me by the same source as each and every previous message. Please join our discussion in the comments section. And yes, this is my real photo and my name is Greg Giles. I am also your friend, all of you. 


2. Okay, so despite the multiple times that this fake Greg has to say "its meeee the real Greg Giles" we challenged him and told him to give us a video or a picture. the phony Greg said he'd post a picture of himself holding a newspaper (the fake greg's idea, not even ours) yet we have not seen that. SO until we see this, I don't think anyone who was once faithful should walk away so soon...

3. Now, if you are to check out "his" site, there are literally just a ridiculous amount of random crap that whoever hacked his site is posting to ruin his name through purposefully crappy blog posts. things like...

"Channeled Message Through Kris Won, October 29, 2012"


"Edgar Cayce's Meditation for Everyone" (no offense, Edgar Cayce!)



oh but wait, we can't forget the many: "Conversation with my Higher Self"


These are posts that fake greg is such a fan of writing. If you read any you will realize that some dude is having a blast coming up with this stuff, and it's not Greg... because if Greg were lying, well shit he was a much better writer and could have easily continued with the work he was already doing if he wanted to. 


"(Greg) Can you speak about methods to predict the future?

(Higher Self) Yes Greg, I most certainly can and I will. Methods of divination and tools of divination are available to all of you at this time and have been available to all of you since your very earliest incarnation. This was a gift that you yourselves asked for before you began your journeys here into the physical. These methods and tools have been utilized in many previous worlds and realms, and there are some of you who have not only used these tools and methods in previous incarnations, but had become very astute at their use."

4. Oh! wait! This post needs a whole topic of its own because its SO ridiculously falsified!!! its my favorite FAILED attempt to finish the "The Great Universal Treasure Hunt" with

... you really should read this one, they got just plain lazy lol

"Part 4 ‘Angel in Disguise’

Recapping where we left off last week, it all started for me when a girl named Beth walked out of my life and I realized I wanted to be a different man than the man I was to her. This was my place of rebirth, and fittingly, her name was Beth. If we apply a little word game savvy and a little imagination we have Bethlehem, quite an appropriate place for a rebirth. Then came a woman named Peace, and then a woman who had the interesting surname of Anjoy. So we have so far Bethlehem, peace and joy. Then came a very intelligent college student named Mylove, which is one of my favorite names I have discovered along the trail of my life, followed by a woman named King, and then appropriately and quite amazingly, a woman named Queen. I find the odds of two consecutive relationships in a row with women with the surname of King and then the surname of Queen quite statistically improbable, though I find all of these names I have discovered even more improbable, and let us now continue with part 5."


5. Inconsistencies EVERYWHERE. this is something that we know the real Greg would be far better at keeping track of. This is just plain sloppiness. 


This is just an example of ONE inconsistency, where fake Greg refers back to the GFL... but wait, didn't fake Greg denounce the GFL? Its all disinformation folks.... its all confusion.... its all the work of the cabal. WAKE UP! THIS IS THE "HARVEST" that the real Greg was talking about. If you can't remember because you made a change of heart too quickly, go back and read the last channelled message from September.Basically, THIS IS THE FINAL TEST... through intuition your faith will guide you, not necessarily what someone writes on a blog. C'maaaan yooouuu guyysss SERIOUSLY am I the only one seeing through this BS?


here is just ONE example (and I challenge you to go to the site and find more, because there are many) where we have the fake Greg running out of BS material, to the point where they begin rehashing old ideas... and doing it really poorly too. Here is the entire post *palm to face*

"The Beautiful Hidden Symbolism of The Truman Show


In a recent message, the GFL had spoken of the film The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey and felt that that particular film reveals the secrets of our reality, or our illusion. This film also contains another story, secretly woven into the fabric of this tale of a man attempting to free himself from the illusion of his reality. I cannot reveal to you all the hidden symbolism contained in this film, as this book was written by my brother Glenn, who studied symbolic allusion in popular film in college, and this book took him many years to complete as he reveals the hidden symbolism in 40 popular films. Please watch this short video presentation and Glenn will reveal to you just a few pieces of the many pages of hidden symbolism of The Truman Show, and if anyone is interested they can purchase a copy of the only book of its kind ever published through the following link. Enjoy!  "


6. the fake Greg was messing with the page colors and stuff and made it purple and different layout for a few days or something. stupid. The real Greg hadn't changed the layout for over a year.... I mean come on people if you actually followed any of his material and if you have ever read a book before you can get a sense for someones writing style by the end of the book, and who ever is behind his site now is not even trying very hard to mimic. And it's because Greg's writing style was really advanced and hard to mimic. Not to mention he was ACTUALLY channelling. Maybe some of the ideas he brings up CHALLENGE YOU unlike a lot of fluffy stuff that people like because it makes them feel good inside. I like that stuff too, and it sure sounds 5th dimensional and all, but thats not the advice we need right now. WE NEED TO LEARN TO USE OUR INTUITION! WE NEED TO TAKE ON INCARNATIONAL CHALLENGES SUCH AS DRUG ABUSE. People say that his writings haven't been legit for a while, becuase oh well pot isn't bad, well guess what? the way that some of you are using it is making you act stupid!! that's why it's bad! it's not the pot! ITS YOU! and youre too stoned and stubborn to realize that this isnt even the real GREG! Sorry to get all not 5th dimensional but seriously... Grow up and start actng like an adult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His messages never said everyone who smokes weed wont ascend... no. they said, and if you gotta go back and read each word again then do it, they said if it has been your incarnations challenge to overcome before ascension. THIS IS THE CASE FOR ME WHERE MY FAMILY HAS MAJOR DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROBLEMS AND I WAS GOING DOWN A SIMILAR PATH. read their words, they are condemning pot smokers, they're condemning idiots, and they actually arent condemning you... you are condemning you because you made an agreement not to ascend until you figured yr situation out. Greg is here to help you figure it out, and he even channelled that some of us dont necessarily need to drop the habit, because it is not a habit of concern. So get with the program and maybe wait to hit the bong after you try to read his messages. geez.

SOOOOOOO although I'm sure I could go on and on, I'm tired and I just wanted to point out a few of the really obvious things, but there are more. ESPECIALLY if you go and read the full first few messages dropped after Greg disappeared for like a week. He had been posting channelled messages almost everyday up until that moment. 


So if you were already convinced, or if I just helped convince you, or even if you just think they writings are really valuable, here is a link so you can download a printer/book friendly version of all the 2012 channelled messages.


I made myself a copy, it cost $15 to have it printed and binded at 4 cents a page, double sided. Its a great way to share it with others, or review the material and the very valuable lessons inside.




that's cool. really, it doesn't matter if he was faking it the whole time or not because they are really beautiful works of literature and if you read them and allow them to inspire you they can make you a stronger more confident being. Even if he was always faking it, I would still think it's not him because I understand his ability to write... and to date no message has met his skill level. I believe also that his last channelled messages really genuinely HINTED at the idea of this happening, and that THOSE THAT REMAINED FAITHFUL would be contacted to be worked with.


I have. No lie. And I am reaching out right now to find others that have also felt similar feelings, especially if it was just through their intuition, that there is a Fake Greg on his site now, because I LITERALLY NEED TO FIND OUT WHO IS OUT THERE TO WORK WITH SO I CAN BASICALLY PICK YOU UP IN A SPACESHIP FOR THE PROJECTS. This might sound crazy. but I am also an avatar and so are many of you, and I am looking for those whose intuition is strong, and faith is strong, because these are the people that the GFL and Ashtar command will work with. 


If you are one of those people, don't be ashamed. Post a comment here so I can get in touch with you. I've created a space for us to come together and prepare. We have to start reaching out in our literal communities so that when the time comes people know who to go to and who to trust for accurate information. This is a reason why I made Greg's 2012 channelled messages printer friendly. Also because I was worried about the false Greg sabotaging his beautiful works of literature


HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT (its a really small file):












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  • i think those are just people who feel opposite about how you feel, and are not just thinking about the facts, yeah there was some nice messages from giles, love etc etc, but there was also the lies.

    if you are able to ignore the lies and get only what is worth getting froma message, like for example the bible, total fabrication however the lesson of jesus and other things like some of the commandments and other moral lessons are valid.  doesnt make the book real or valid, just some of the lessons.

    and i understand to your attachment to works you like, i have attachments to works as well, i often speak of the law of one series, that is what seems right to me, i dont know if its right, i dont know if the pyramids were brought into existance by thought like RA claims in that material, id like to find out the turth on that, however in the end it makes no difference in our daily lives what any channel or guru really says, because they ALL carry a similar theme, it is that theme that we should be focused on i think, at least not killing eachother anymroe for beliefs, and we dont have to work together all over the planet, we do need to be able to live with eachother without conflicts born of personal atachments.

    we dont need to love our neighbours or "enemies" just not want to kill them or hurt them or anything for thinking something different.

    if we were treating eachother badly because of what flavour of ice cream we all like it would be stupid and everyone would know it, however when it is our spiritual or political belief then all of a sudden we are ready to kill.  doesnt seem to me like the world is ready for a massive change in less than 2 months when as you say you get attacked for likeing a piece of material.

    to me your blog looks like you are trying to get people to follow greg again which really doesnt matter those that like his stuff are already following it, those who dont arent gonna change likely because of what you said here.

    now enough of greg is right or wrong. lets talk about your spaceships and stuff.

  • voilence?

    way off the deep end there jake.

  • you are the only one still bringing this up which was already done to death a month ago.  the sea walls, the geitner arrest, both written when you think he was an angel, both lies.  believe it if you like and your current mission is admirable, however you are turning giles into a guru/jesus, he isnt wasnt never will be.  do you not have your own thoughts and feeling to follow?

  • Thanks for sharing.  I do see what you mean about something seeming to be off.  But I did not follow Greg and his messages but when all sorts of information was coming out about what had" happened" to him and his site, I did look into it a little and read some past channelings.  I chose not to speculate, and if he was in psychological or physical peril, I simply prayed for him to be well and if he needed help I prayed that he found what he needed for help.  That is the extent of my interest in Greg Giles.  I am not a follower of channelings at all as a rule, but he caused so much commotion and speculation that I did check out some of his previous messages just to see what he was all about.  I have to agree with you that the writing style now is not at all consistent with previous channelings of his.  I wish him well, but will not be following his sharings.  Thanks for sharing the link.  I am sure there are people who resonated with his channelings.  And I think your assessment is reasonable to come to, but who really knows what is going on with the man.  At best it is all speculation so I will leave the man to his journey and continue with mine.  

  • "i have to agree, a change of author seemed obvious..."

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