and the Affordable Care Act is going to destroy it...just ask any Teapublican. Oh and for anyone who is unaware they wasted even more of your tax dollars trying to repeal Obamacare for the 50th time but...

Watch this for proof the ACA is going to destroy the greatest healthcare system in the world.

To watch the full video go here ...


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  • LOL....What a brilliant joke and cleverly constructed piece of titilating humour, you have posted here, Avatar... 08

    Whoever wrote this has got real talent...


    Thanks for sharing...!! 02



    Laughing graphics




  • Oh, but Romney does care for people. He was very proud to publicly state that the Supreme Court defined corporations as people. And he is definitely someone who is for "the people."

  • it is a disgrace Avatar...................

  • I was aware that this "the best" statement was facetious, I was only venting my frustrations with it, Avatar ........................

  • This reply was deleted.
    • The (s)elected a$$holes in Washington D.C. send tax receipts and newly printed monopoly money to drug companies (with pretty lobbyists) and to medical foundations owned by wealthy campaign contributors. Joe Q. Public gets bread crumbs.  THE U.S.MEDICAL SYSTEM IS  A SCAM, AND I CAN SAY THIS AS A REGISTERED NURSE.

      No money is sent to educate the public on healthy lifestyles or preventive medicine (like they do in Cuba or Sweden), as that would affect the profitability of other wealthy campaign donors (i.e. antidepressant drug makers and Afghanistan heroin distributors from the C.I.A.).

      White collar U.S. government workers in D.C. get the best healthcare plans imaginable. U.S. veterans who fight wars for these scumbags GET THE WORST.

      And if you have a problem with that, you're a racist. 

  • bamacare-not aca

    • Avatar is unfortunately correct. ACA was based on Romney's health care idea for the state of Taxachusetts.

      And I am happy to say that I didn't vote for either Coke or Pepsi.

  • i did understood Avatar ;) ...

    unfortunately it's all about the budget, before Russia would accumulate 'extra budget for education and health care based on 'renting residential buildings, which was all of them'  ... like if 'condos in US would be own by the government, and rent it to people even for about $500 a month, now that would bring enough money to make 'health care free of charge' and education as well'  ... if it makes sense? ...

  • World Health Organization Rankings for top 50 best health care systems; the U.S. ranks #37.


    The United States government doesn't give a rats a$$ about its people. The U.S. government views U.S. citizens as chumps addicted to IPods and who will give up their life savings to off-shore financial institutions and military contractors in order to avoid being labeled as racists or antisemetics.

    And people think I'm crazy?? LOOK AT THE STATS.

    Ranking Country Expenditure Per Capita
    1 France France 4
    2 Italy Italy 11
    3 San Marino San Marino 21
    4 Andorra 23
    5 Malta 37
    6 Singapore Singapore 38
    7 Spain Spain 24
    8 Oman Oman 62
    9 Austria Austria 6
    10 Japan Japan 13
    11 Norway 16
    12 Portugal Portugal 27
    13 Monaco 12
    14 Greece Greece 30
    15 Iceland Iceland 14
    16 Luxembourg 5
    17 Netherlands Netherlands 9
    18 United Kingdom United Kingdom 26
    19 Republic of Ireland Ireland 25
    20 Switzerland Switzerland 2
    21 Belgium 15
    22 Colombia Colombia 49
    23 Sweden Sweden 7
    24 Cyprus Cyprus 39
    25 Germany Germany 3
    26 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 63
    27 United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 35
    28 Israel Israel 19
    29 Morocco Morocco 99
    30 Canada Canada 10
    31 Finland Finland 18
    32 Australia Australia 17
    33 Chile 44
    34 Argentina Argentina 15
    35 Denmark 8
    36 Dominica 70
    37 Costa Rica Costa Rica 50
    37 United States United States 1
    39 Slovenia Slovenia 29
    40 Cuba Cuba 118
    41 Brunei 32
    42 New Zealand New Zealand 20
    43 Bahrain 48
    44 Croatia 56
    45 Qatar Qatar 27
    46 Kuwait 41
    47 Barbados 36
    48 Thailand Thailand 64
    49 Czech Republic Czech Republic 40
    50 Malaysia Malaysia 93
    51 Poland Poland 58

    Health care in France
    The French health care system is one of universal health care largely financed by government national health insurance. In its 2000 assessment of wo…
  • This reply was deleted.
    • .....lucky for the Commonwealth Fund and Amerika to have only "SEVEN" countries to research in this poll..........................hehehehe

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