Did an American producer in 1988 warn of the consolidation the Extraterrestrial operation and control of a U.S. police state into 2012?

They Live is a 1988 science fiction/horror film directed by John Carpenter, who also wrote the screenplay under the pseudonym Frank Armitage (this is the name of one of the characters in the movie). In They Live, the ruling class within the moneyed elite are in fact aliens managing human social affairs through the use of a signal on top of the TV broadcast that is concealing their appearance and subliminal messages in mass media.

According to David Icke [please watch the whole video above], the movie was conceived of in 1988 as a futuristic scenario foreseen to take place roughly, around now and into 2012. In this era, more and more Americans were living in tent cities, in the aftermath of an economic collapse. Aliens were also labelling humans as “terrorists” to legitimate their social control of an Extraterrestrial controlled police state.

It is notable that very recently through the U.S. Senate approved ‘Defense Authorization Act‘. Americans can now be arrested and detained without Miranda rights being read to them; and then detained indefinitely. Is this the beginning of the milieu that John Carpenter sought to warn Americans specifically, and humanity in general?

Watch the entire movie here: http://agoracosmopolitan.com/news/ufo_extraterrestrials/2011/12/03/2068.html

The story revolves around a nameless man referred to as "Nada" (Roddy Piper), a quiet drifter who finds work on a Los Angeles construction site. One of the workers, Frank Armitage (Keith David), takes him to a local shantytown.

After eating at the soup kitchen and spending the night, he notices odd behaviour at the small church across the street. Investigating, he discovers that the church's soup kitchen is a front: inside, the loud "choir practice" is a recording, scientific apparatus fills a back room, and cardboard boxes are stacked everywhere, including some in a secret compartment that he stumbles across.

That night, the police surround the church, forcing the inhabitants to flee. The police then turn on the shantytown, destroying it with bulldozers and beating the blind minister of the church. Nada returns to the site the next day and investigates the church again, which has been emptied. He takes one of the boxes from the secret compartment and opens it in an alleyway, finding it full of sunglasses. He keeps one pair and stashes the rest in an unused garbage can.

Looking through the sunglasses reveals to Nada that all advertisements and media in the world actually contain subliminal messages designed to control an unwitting human population; billboards, television programs, magazines, and store products now simply display totalitarian commands such as ‘Obey‘, ‘Consume‘, ‘No Independent Thought‘, ‘Marry and Reproduce‘, or in the case of money, ‘This is your God.’

Additionally, he soon discovers that many people are actually aliens, who are human-looking. The special glasses he uses reveal an the true identity of the aliens as android- like entities with a skeletal metallic looking face.

The aliens tend to be wealthy upper class members of society, as well as politicians. Dr. John Lash’s insights on ancient Pagan Gnostics suggests that such entitles as Mr. Carpenter depicted actually do exist. Ancient Pagan Gnostics referred to those portrayed entities as “artificial man” or the archons.

When the aliens realize he can see them for what they truly are, the police suddenly arrive. Nada escapes and steals a police shotgun; while evading the police, he accidentally stumbles into a local bank filled with aliens. Realizing that the jig is up, he proclaims, "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."

A shooting spree ensues and after killing many aliens, one of them disappears after twisting a dial on his wristwatch (that resembles a Rolex) before Nada can shoot him. Fleeing the bank, he forces a woman named Holly Thompson (Meg Foster) at gunpoint to take him to her house in the Hollywood Hills. Taking off the glasses to rest, he remarks "wearin' these glasses makes you high, but, oh, you come down hard." Holly tricks Nada and pushes him through her window. He leaves behind his pair of sunglasses and firearms, however.

After recovering, Nada returns to the garbage can in which he threw away the box of sunglasses and finds another pair. He goes to the construction site to talk with Frank about what he has discovered. Frank is initially uninterested in Nada's story because he sees Nada as a wanted man fleeing a shooting spree. The two engage in a long, brutal fistfight as Nada attempts to convince and then force Frank to put on the sunglasses. Finally, when both are beaten and bloody, Nada forces the glasses onto Frank and he sees the aliens around him as well.

Frank joins Nada as they get in contact with the group from the church. They learn that a meeting is being held at a local community centre later that evening. The community group listens to a seminar in the background introducing radical ideas. For example, the aliens are blamed for carbon dioxide and methane emissions – "They are turning our atmosphere into their atmosphere." With the aid of human collaborators, the aliens are also responsible for using up the planet's resources so quickly: essentially, "we're their Third World". Holly returns, claiming to now believe Nada, and delivers some information to the rebels.

At the meeting, they learn that the aliens' primary method of control is a signal sent over television, which is why the general public cannot see the aliens for what they are. An unknown but brilliant inventor has created a lens called the "Hofmann lens". The lens shows the world as it really is. The sunglasses, which are also available as contact lenses, interfere with the aliens' hypnotic signal. The meeting is raided by the police, who quickly start to kill every person there, armed and unarmed alike.

Nada and Frank escape with the help of one of the wrist devices. They find themselves in a network of underground passages that link hidden parts of the alien society including a port for space travel. Through the passages they find the aliens are throwing a party for their human collaborators.

Further passages lead to the basement of a local TV station, Cable 54, and the source of the aliens' signal.

Holly, who works at the station, is found by Frank and Nada and they take her with them to the roof. Nada runs up to the roof expecting that Holly and Frank are behind him. Holly unexpectedly executes Frank. Through the special lenses Nada notices the broadcasting antenna, disguised as a satellite dish. Holly gets to the roof, and reveals her role as a secret collaborator, then takes aim at Nada. Nada drops his gun, but then retrieves a hidden pistol from his shirtsleeve and kills Holly. Nada then turns his attention back to the broadcasting antenna.

Nada is shot and fatally wounded by approaching aliens in a helicopter, but manages to destroy the broadcasting antenna in the process. As a last dying act, Nada gives the aliens the finger.

With the signal now destroyed, people around L.A. discover aliens in their midst as they see them on TV, at the bar, and even having sex with them.

Internet site reference: http://www.wikipedia.org

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  • Well excellent MoL since I get to the best man, I will have to upgrade my like of you to:

    I Love you too,


  • Well maybe that's explains why I like you too!-you and her like peas in a pod.

    Please be sure to ask Keisha if I may be invited to your guyses wedding!


    Bless the nuptials...........make sure to get a pre-nup.........you never know.............lol.


  • Kiesha is just GREAT! hey MoL did you read her book that come out couple months ago? I am wondering if I should pick it up. I have watched all of her videos and I just adore her. 

    But, she has been attacked so much that I worry about her and who is handling and helping her here on Earth. 


  • 8113967676?profile=original

    • PLEASE,   --------- Give me a break. I've looked under that rock there's no ET's under it eaither..!  So Whats following You?

  • I totally agree with you that its on us to turn it around, what i believe is suspect here is the ET involvement, One major underlieing topic this post has brought out is.

    Amnesia or vail, blinders, are artifically placed on us,  The controls imposed on us from birth, we were tought and set up by men, those are breaking down,. The HARP, and Moon, phone, TV, microwave towers all broad casting the frequencies that are holding all this crap together the glue that helps keep us stuck in this ellusion.

    And all the ET talk and more advanced tech this and that, the very power they keep flonting in front of us, there ships there wisdom, and all there power.

    Finding the off switch to turn off all thease vibration jamming devices are not even mentioned by the ET's,  How is turning off a device that F***** ing with our free will, my free will not to be jammed my free will to know the truth, The can destroy uderground hide outs? we have to take there word on that. they know we cant just walk up and check any of that out. so can lead us in believing anything they want.

    So turning off the machine thats pointing at us is not aganst our free will,   The only logical, ralistic, answer to that is..  The controlers, and generator, and cover up storys , religions, ET's , gov, politics, and all the fairy tails are all, Fake , including this site, to maintane this ellusion and game that everybodys waking up.  when it would be as simple as shutting of a few switches. This hole reality is so full of holes that none of it holds water.

    If one thing about the ET's is a lie, then its all lie's, One thing about the government is a lie, then its all lie's, one thing about this awakening is a lie, then its all lie's. nothing but story's to keep the masses in line and still asleep, even thow they tell us we are awake.

    Now were finding out that Ierland and the UK were the seat of  creation and not the holly lands of egypt, and the bible is completely a fabrication by the roman cathic church because the church new then that people will only fallow and believe oowy goowy, lovie dovie, feely good story's So let give them what they want,  No one would dare question the church you could be put to death by all the believers. and its still going on.

    Rip up that book in front of a groop of believers in a war zone that are carrying weapons, backed by the church, payed for by the government, inforced by there free will to kill you for doing such an act of sacrilge,  and the ET's cant shut off a F****ing switch?  So who's switch is it.?  and why wont they talk about it?

    If one part of a story is a lie, the HOLE DAM BOOK IS A LIE.    If I catch you in a lie, what dose this tell me?. or If i lie to you, would you ever trust me again.?

    Were talking of thousands of years ahead of us, all knowing trust in ET's  exspose one lie,  then its all lies.........and thats no matter who the lie comes from.  period.   One non truth in a book makes it a fiction. story or conversation, speach, discores, phillosephy, teaching just one lie. kills it.

    • jwheat, I always like to hear your point of view, thank you. 

      • Thanks Gooty, I'm a retired engenier, and I've always have had to trouble shoot allot of problems, once you find out what the problem is. a monkey and three terrorist  can fix it. LOL 

        Boy Have you hit it on the head 90% Money Money Money. So True,  Home grown ET's at your service, and when you bark up that tree, Man do they bark back trying to prove how great they are.

        I agree the shift, the different dementions, Our Ma-Ka -ba field . There is truly allot of nice things happening, and most of the controlers know this too.  SSSo to find out who is running a scam or flim flam job on us.  I like to pull a few chains.   When its scripted you can tell, as its the same general foot print, telling us exactly what we want to hear over and over again, but when you get one out in the open, there words and phrases kill them everytime, as they get upset and the true home grown ET., Channeler. Fumbles all about. so sad so sad.

        Allot are money based and even more are EGO based they just love to here them selfs talk. You look at a debate with Ron Paul and these other clowns, when Ron starts spouting facts and truths, they get all befuddle  and start exsposing there real agenda.  And make themselfs look like fool's.

        I'm ready for the shift as well, and think all the dirt will come out in the wash and down the drain it will go, this is what we used to talk about  here before all this ET, crap trying to take center stage began.

        I would vote for Eckhart Tolle in a heart beat. or at least a fair ruleing judge.   David Wilcock to oversee the building and production of all the free energy,and clean up enviomentle prodjects. And Ron Paul to take over the sargent of the arms. and constitution.

        ET"s to haul our nulular waste ott to the sun for recyling, and transfering all the dark one safely off world to a galexy far far away.  Where all the Ogers go to retire.

        We stll need to find and shut off there Generators thow!

        No Gooty we are on the right track, and have a good idea on the agenda here. thanks for your suport Gooty and dont back away from these dis-info home grown syfi groopee's.  I dont have a negative bone in my body.   But I will stomp on the lie sayer's with as meny fact as i can.  Its easy when all they bring to the table is all fluffed up air. no beef .   And they've been around for thousands of years, and this is all we get?

        Namaste gooty  and the peace of all understanding be with you.       As i like to say FLAME ON.

        This little light of Mine, so let it shine, this little light of mine.I WILL LET IT SHINE.



      • Here is where I am at today 12-??-11, I don't even know the exact date and I don't even care.

        I have had a direct experience in broad daylight while sitting in my kitchen of something from another dimension. A glowing beam of Light infused my palm and filled it with something that made my hand double its size-temporarily. A scar was left for a few weeks so I know it really happened. 

        If not for this event, I might just throw in the "shift" towel and go back to reading Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti exclusively.

        The New Age movement is 90% retail sales in my book. Paid webinars, monthly fees to learn ascension, $26.95 for a Nidle dvd for one in a volume. Nada!!! Possibly even a new form of religion by the elite to replace christianity/catholicism etc. 

        But, for me I know "something" is going on because of the Light Infusion experience mainly but, also  i have had other clues less dramatic than a beam of Light infused from above. 

        Whatever that "something" is I don't really have a good clue. 

        What I do know is we have to turn off off our 3D mindset-the answers and knowing can not be found there in the head of man.

        I am all for the consciousness awakening that will lead to a New Earth but, it seems to happening painfully slow and in my opinion it seems too little too late. 

        Or maybe economic collapse will end government and some gentle, fair, awakened leaders will emerge over the course of a few years of hardships and within a generation or so earth will transform. 

        New technology could help restore and clean up the earth. 

        That's the hardest one for me, is how to clean up the pollution: to the earth-to the consciousness-and to our physical bodies.

        I feel it best now for me not to try to figure it out anymore. Just prepare myself for the "something" that will "shift" earth and mankind into a New Earth. 

        If it was up to me, I would put Eckhart Tolle in the leadership role of the planet and go from there...


        • Wow, Gooty that sounds amazing!  Lol, I'd go more for Oprah but that's just me :)

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