Cosmic Beings from Systems of Worlds beyond our Great, Great Central Sun were given permission by our Father-Mother God to descend into the atmosphere of Earth to help Humanity in powerful ways that we had not been able to vibrationally withstand previously. Prior to returning to their distant Homes on the Solstice they blessed Humanity with an activity of Light that prepared each of us in wondrous ways for the Divine Mission we are being Called to fulfill in 2023.
On December 21, 2022, this activity of Light was encoded into the patterns for the New Earth in the Causal Body of God and will be intensified at a cellular level within every Human Being each time we participate in this Gift from the Cosmic Beings.
If you have the Heart Call to do so, please join with me and Lightworkers around the World now as we empower this Gift from On High for every man, woman and child on Earth. And we begin:
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God. In Loving Gratitude I Breathe in my Life Force which is my Gift of Life. With every elevated Holy Breath I take, my I AM Presence Consecrates every thought, feeling, word and action I express with Light and Love in appreciation for my Gift of Life.
I AM also One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. Collectively Humanity’s I AM Presences now merge into One Luminous Being of Light that is cradling Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her within the Divinity of our Unified Heart Flames. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are now Breathing in unison with me as One elevated Holy Breath.
What I invoke for myself this day, I invoke on behalf of every person on this Planet, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the Highest Good for all concerned.
Now, Beloved Presence of God, I AM, through the Divinity blazing in every person’s Heart Flame I invoke the 5th-Dimensional Silent Watchers and the Cosmic Beings who are assisting us from Systems of Worlds beyond our Great, Great Central Sun.
I Invoke the Solar Logos from Earth’s lineage including our Physical Sun – Helios and Vesta, our Central Sun – Alpha and Omega, our Great Central Sun – Elohae and Eloha and our Great, Great Central Sun - El and Ela. I also Invoke the Mighty Elohim and all of the Beings of Light serving the evolutions of Earth from the Realms of Illumined Truth.
On this sacred and holy day, through the Divine Intervention of the entire Company of Heaven now gathered in the atmosphere of Earth, I invoke from the very Core of Creation the most intensified frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving at this time. Beloved Ones, use this Gift of Light to accelerate the Divine Alchemy that is Transfiguring the carbon-based Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.
Simultaneously, raise Humanity’s newly recalibrated spiritual brain centers as well as our mental bodies, our super-conscious minds, our conscious minds, our subconscious minds and our physical brain structures into brand new levels of Divine Consciousness.
This elevated shift of Consciousness is now empowering ALL of Humanity to clearly hear the Inner Voice of our I AM Presence and the Voices from the Beings of Light serving us from the Heavenly Realms as they help us to attain a state of Listening Grace.
From this sacred space I hear a Voice speaking in the deepest recesses of my Heart Flame ... and I listen.
The Divine Words reverberating in my Heart Flame remind me that I AM an Instrument of God, and that I have come to Earth during this critical moment to be the Heart, Head and Hands of God in the physical world of form. As I listen to these words I remember.
This remembrance stirs within me the Inner Knowing that I have been preparing for aeons of time for my Divine Mission during this Cosmic Moment. Deep within the recesses of my Heart I KNOW that I have all of the wisdom, strength, skill, knowledge, talent and ability I need to succeed in fulfilling my mission God Victoriously ... I also have the courage to act NOW.
Suddenly, I hear the Voice of God calling me to a higher octave of Divine Service ... I respond with willingness and enthusiasm.
The Voice of God reveals to me that due to the urgency of the hour a contingency plan for the Earth has been set into motion, and my assistance is acutely needed in order for the plan to succeed ... I joyously agree to serve in whatever capacity I AM needed.
The Voice of God speaking within my Heart Flame reveals that the time is short and that I AM needed as a surrogate in this unprecedented Divine Plan to serve as an Instrument of God on behalf of ALL of Humanity. In deep humility and compassion I volunteer.
I take a deep Breath and I feel myself spiraling up a scintillating shaft of Light. In an instant, I AM standing before the August Presence of the Cosmic Beings that have come temporarily to assist us from Systems of Worlds beyond our Great, Great Central Sun. These Beings of Light have been given permission by our Father-Mother God to assist Humanity during this critical facet of Mother Earth’s Divine Plan in ways that have never before been allowed by Cosmic Law. This is being allowed now because the Love of our Mother God has at long last returned and is now reclaiming this Earth.
This Divine Intervention is being monitored by every person’s I AM Presence and will occur for every Son and Daughter of God in alignment with our highest good and the maximum assistance that we are capable of safely assimilating.
As I look upon these Cosmic Beings with wonder and awe, the Light of a thousand Suns seems to be radiating through their Heart Flames. Exquisite colors, fragrances, musical tones and frequencies of vibration beyond anything I have ever experienced begin to permeate my Being.
As this wondrous Light enters the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of my Earthly Bodies, and all of the spaces in between these particles, I realize that I AM receiving a Baptism by Sacred Fire directly from the Heart of my Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.
I now feel my Heart’s Call and I move closer to the luminous Presence of the Cosmic Beings. As One Luminous Presence they place their blazing Hands of Light upon my head and decree:
“With this Baptism by Sacred Fire from the Heart of our Father-Mother God we now Consecrate your Earthly Bodies.”
“We Consecrate your Mind to be One with the Divine Mind of God.”
The Cosmic Beings now place their Hands of Light upon my Heart and decree:
“We Consecrate your Heart to be the Open Door through which our Father-Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and Limitless Abundance will flow to bless you and all Life.”
The Beings now place their Hands of Light upon my eyes and decree:
“We Consecrate your Eyes to perceive the Truth and to recognize perfection in all things.”
They now place their Hands of Light upon my ears and decree:
“We Consecrate your Ears to hear the still small Voice of God within your Heart for guidance and illumination. Truly listen and respond with Love to all of those who communicate with you.”
The Cosmic Beings now place their Hands of Light upon my lips and decree:
“We Consecrate your Lips to express only Truth and to communicate clearly, openly and honestly whenever you speak.”
They now place their Hands of Light upon my nose and decree:
“We Consecrate your Nostrils to Breathe in the perfectly balanced Holy Breath of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. This elevated Holy Breath will now revitalize, rejuvenate and heal your Earthly Bodies with every Breath you take.”
Their Hands of Light are now placed upon my hands and they decree:
“We Consecrate your Hands to bless and heal all that you touch.”
The Cosmic Beings now place their Hands of Light on my feet and decree:
“We Consecrate your Feet so that as you continue your Earthly sojourn you will walk the Path of Light. As you fulfill your Divine Plan, you will reach your highest potential as an Instrument of God.”
The Cosmic Beings now decree:
“In the name of the Cosmic I AM, All That Is, we decree that this Baptism by Sacred Fire and this Consecration through the Infinite Light of our Father-Mother God has been victoriously fulfilled for every man, woman and child on Earth. This activity of Light has been permanently encoded in the Causal Body of our Father-Mother God. And so it is.”
In deep Humility and Gratitude I express my appreciation for the opportunity to be an Instrument of God in this new and greatly accelerated way.
Father-Mother God, Thank You for allowing me to be the Open Door for the Light of God and a Force of Healing for all Life I come in contact with during my Earthly sojourn. In my mission of being an Instrument of God I magnetize into my sphere of influence every person, place, condition or thing that I can assist in any way with God’s Infinite Light. Give me the Divine Opportunities to Love all Life FREE on this sweet Earth.
I AM Open! I AM Willing! I AM Receptive! And I AM Grateful! I AM God’s Infinite Light in Action on Earth! And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.
Dear One, this week go within and ask your I AM Presence how you can add to the Light of the World in the most powerful way during this vitally important and wondrous time.
God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909 Fax: 520-347-5440
Video - "Integrating Our I Am Presence To The Next Level"
Be still and know that you have now entered a higher path on Earth where the vibrational patterns are able to descend from the Universe down onto your planet’s surface. These vibrational patterns of higher consciousness are interacting through your magnetic core, creating waves of pulsing light designed to move outwards across the earth plane interacting within your heart cells and nervous system. You have entered a next phase of your destined path on the Earth.
The entire Universal community have created and are holding an energetic aura, like a womb around Earth during this next transitional phase. As you entered 2023 a more expansive energetic system was linked from our resident Universe to your earth plane setting in motion a series of profound energetic shifts throughout the planet. A new Blueprint of Earth has been made manifest holding the sacred texts of light that will be significant as this next phase unfolds. The Earth has aligned to an energetic hierarchy within the Universal consciousness framework and has birthed a sacred link of consciousness from Earth to the entire Universal community.
These links are setting in motion an enormous potential for those of you who are willing to actively engage to the greater community which you have always been apart. This is a returning for you, a time for you to individually take your place within the sacred communions that have always existed through all time. This is the moment for you to conscious choose to set in motion, to re-engage through the avenue of your Heart space, to fully link into this higher line of communion.
As you entered 2023 your DNA strands were repositioned in readiness for you to initiate these reconnections, to launch yourself within your consciousness. Your DNA plays a pivotal role in your ability to return to ‘remembering’. There is no such thing as time and in one moment you can simply realign to your full sacred aspect of consciousness. There is nothing you have to change about your human aspect in order to activate the reconnection to your sacred component. This is destiny in motion at this juncture, this process is what you have pre agreed to achieve now.
You are naturally a multidimensional being having a human experience. Through the doorway of your Heart, you realign into a higher state of self-empowerment. Your Heart has begun a metamorphic shift in response to the repositioning of your DNA. These changes within the DNA strands have enabled you to return, to align to the power of your multidimensional heart space.
This is your time to actively engage through the powerful transmutation of your Heart. Your Heart is to play a more expansive role than ever before. As a multidimensional tool your Heart is your authentic guiding compass and is destined to bring you into a deeper knowing wisdom and Truth. The Heart’s primary role is to orientate you to navigating your alignments to the Universal community, including your family of origin that exists off planet.
Your Heart’s energy is like a helping hand reaching out for you. Link into your Heart and allow your next step of being launched to another phase of your awakening. There is a rapid reset which was promised, prophesised and this reset has been realized as you were moved into the aligned energies of 2023.
You must be actively engaged through your Heart to receive the full reset and to claim your heritage through your heart space. Engage with the reset by utilizing your awareness within your Heart, this is the entry point for your transition. Through the repositioning of your DNA strands coupled with your conscious interaction within your heart space the energetic reset can be activated through your systems.
From this reset you carry the energetic design within to enable you to enter this higher energetic arena of the new Blueprint of Earth. Your role is to initiate an alignment to this higher Blueprint that is now part of Earth’s makeup. These alignments can be set in motion through the activation of your Hearts divine frequency and in turn you anchor further within your Heart’s knowing to your unique divine signature of light.
This is a sacred timing for all of you on the path. This reset, once activated by you, will automatically recreate an alignment between all collective Heart frequencies, forging and anchoring a higher collective consciousness light through all conscious communities on Earth. Let go and simply take the step. This process is natural, organic and it is not about you achieving perfection, rather for you to be aware of the sacred component of yourself that simultaneously exists within you, within your Heart.
Remember you are to have your human experience and to simultaneously reawaken. Each time you choose to open to that truth, and simply hold that truth and take a Conscious breath you shift beyond the cycle of limitation. This is your time to move through the veils of illusion and claim moments of being in truth, the sacred truth of yourself. The words, ‘I AM’ activate this truth through every cell in your Heart. Allow us to support you, call us forward in moments. Our role is to assist you during this transition. We part the veils of illusion, giving you moments to return to wholeness.
You have taken a journey of unlimited proportions by agreeing to come to the planet at this time of transition and play your unique individual role on Earth. Remember you said ‘yes’ to being here. Your Ego mind may not remember the pre agreements that you made for this juncture of time however your Heart holds the frequency of these pre agreements. Your Heart is your only true reference point to aligning you Home, to the higher state of Self. This time is about you learning how to utilize the tool of your Heart, to forge a higher path of consciousness for yourself. This can be achieved through aligning deeply within your unique flow of light consciousness within your Heart. The essence of your Heart’s tool can be seen sensed or felt and is ready to reveal to you a limitless form of Self.
Take the time to unveil yourself to you, be still and focus on the goal of self-realization through your Heart. The words, “I AM” link you to a reuniting of your presence. We witness you and hold the platform for those of you who have said ‘yes’ to playing a pivotal role in the self-resurrection process of Earth.
NOTE: You will be utilizing what is called a Thought Code, which is a sacred frequency, and it is to be placed in your Heart by thinking it, not making a sound. Wherever you hold your awareness the Thought code automatically is placed. You are recognized by the unique frequency that you create with your Thought Code. This frequency that you create is like no other in the Universe. Your heart cells respond to this frequency you make and begin to open like a flower to the sun. You can bring your Thought Code into your Heart as many times as you feel.
1.Bring both palms to connect to your upper chest. Feel the warmth of your hands or pressure of your hands on your chest. Take a Conscious breath and let go. Remember the Conscious breath is a breath taken in the mouth and released out the mouth.
2.Hold your awareness on these connection points, then bring in the words, I AM, place these words into your Heart space. Do this three times.
3.Bring your awareness within the space that is opening further, whether you see sense or feel your Heart space, take another Conscious breath and let go…
4.Place your Thought Code, ZHAHNNN… (pronounced Zarn) into your Heart space, feel see or sense the Heart cells opening responding to the energy of the Thought Code. Do this as many times as you feel.
5.See sense or feel how your Heart energy is expanding outwards, move your awareness to fill the space of your Heart, this may go well beyond the physical body.
6.Then move your awareness to where you feel your hands resting on your chest and align.
Know that you can do this process as often as you feel. We witness you as you reclaim your heritage.
Join me in this meditation, all with all empathic hearts in the 'All for Love' global community to facilitate support for humanity’s ascension on a quantum level. May it equally further your own healing just as exquisitely as it assists our world in moving into higher 5D timelines.
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