
Dear friends,


I believe you dear people are well aware of my views, with regards to President Obama...I have stated them multiple times and will not repeat them in too much detail, here on this discussion...Suffice to say, the title says it all...


However I am always pleased to see alternative news outlets that resonate with my observations and my conclusions, about Obama....


You may enjoy the excellent efforts of Abby Martin, who presents "Breaking the Set" for RT....

I find her to be a highly intelligent and moral presenter, who asks the right questions and uses a high degree of discernment....


This video asks some interesting questions about Obama and why it is that people have fallen for his rhetoric, since his two terms in office commenced...

It seems that Obama's "old magic" is wearing thin, yet even now, some members of ACC remain utterly fog-bound in the mind, by this President...unable to see the facade before them...


This President was chosen and groomed for office by dark cabal economist, Larry Summers, because of his plausability as a George Bush replacement...Because of his articulate manner and because being black, people would believe him to be sincere...In much the same way people believed in MLK, Nelson Mandela and dare I say, Michael Jackson..


For myself personally, maybe I would see the merits of Dr Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela...

However, there are some who have been brainwashed into believing that Obama is a character composite of these three individuals......Amazing to observe, but we can see this clearly.


I stand amazed at such foolishness, yet even now, this fake image remains in the minds of many....


Maybe the nobel prize for doing NOTHING, granted him in 2009, was the catalyst.....?? Yet Obama has a halo, that is at last, slipping from his head......The world is waking from it's sleep, with regards to this evil politician....and about time...


Selamat majon dramu kas….!


Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew (East England Sector)




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  • A good expose, Ed... ;-) The emperor's clothes seem very tatty, these days and threadbare....It just takes a good pull on the weave and the whole thing will unravel before an aghast public..

  • Hi Mr Ed !

    Nice to chat with like minded; The aware are so rare. The guilty feeling white voters for Satoero have clearly been betrayed--black voters too--and what reaction do you get from them? It sure isn't outspokenness. The subject of economy or politics for that matter is non-existent. What?? Wars are expanding, Satoero openly embraces the NSA and all previous infractions on our liberty with the Patriot Act and the NDAA, drone murders, unconstitutional Bozo health care, millions losing their health care, and right when we need Obama voters to send a telegram to Pennsylvania Ave voicing their outrage, the vast majority are in denial and tuned into the Satanic Grammy awards and then the super bowl. These Obamanoids have caused a train wreck, voting like infantile American Idol voters. Voting is supposed to be serious business. Voting for handsomeness and presentation is destructive!! Feel like a Sam Kenison scream was appropriate just now :) Can ONE Satoero voter say Trans Pacific Partnership ???  :(

    Hey Ed and Drekx--If you have not yet heard the interviews on u-tube --Jeff Rense and Mia Pope and the Pastor David Manning and Mia Pope , they're very ear opening. Mia Pope was a former classmate of Barry Hussein at Punahuo High School. Obviously his handlers planned far ahead.

    Peace :)

    • Hi Drekx,

      Like to forward something to you--a comment by Jack Wheeler--someone sent me, relevant to your post. Is there a direct contact e-mail I can use?

      • No, I do not provide one, for security reasons, but feel free to send me an email using my ACC account...

        Cheers, Drekx

        • Thanks D,

          Easier if you just search engine : Best description of Barack Obama you ever heard

          The link mentions Jack Wheeler. Thanks again :)

          • Sorry, oops---scratch the above----

            The link to search is : Best description of Barack Obama ever written

            (Jack Wheeler)

            • Mr Ed  ---to the rescue  :)  Thank you wholeheartedly, brother  !

  • The Obama fraud continues, but more and more Americans are seeing through it....See this vid.

    • Hi Drekx, !

      The Chief Puppet wasn't the only one present. The whole room was filled to the brim with soulless arrogant, narcissistic filth. These robotic beings--I did not say human--gladly embrace Satan because they consciously hurt and cheat the citizenry while purposely following instructions to destroy the U.S. economy.

      In England, when a politician is spewing lies and acting pompous, he gets shouted down, right?

      What kind of crap goes on with this illegal alien saying legalizing more illegals is good for the economy, when countless more billions would be earmarked to illegals, instead of homeless or jobless( caused by the Faker In Chief) here?

      Only fearful and spineless individuals sat, clapped, and smiled for a paycheck and security for themselves, while giving approval to flush the country :(

      Also, the covert disruptions in the Ukraine can be blamed squarely on Snooty's administration.

      Peace and gratitude...

      • Yes I'm glad you mention Ukraine, which is certainly an example of Euro-Amerikan foreign policy gone mad, and in support of terrorists, troublemakers and Neo-Nazis...


        Thanks for your input, friend....And yes, we get the same irritatingly pompous politicos, here in the UK...LOL

        At least the US does not have a monopoly on cruel and heartless government administrations...They are all paid for by the banks and corporations.... :-(


        Hehe.....!! :-) "Faker in Chief," like that....He was particularly pompous in my posted vid today...All inane platitudes, with ZILCH substance to back them...


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