An Hour with an Angel, Feb. 20, 2012: Transcript and Link

2012 FEBRUARY 21

An Hour with an Angel: Transcript and Link

February 20, 2012


Linda Dillon channels Archangel Michael, interviewed by Geoffrey West, filling in for Steve Beckow. Produced by Graham Dewyea.

Click to listen to the show:

Archangel Michael tells us we are in the midst of magnificent change. The Ascension process is happening. It is important to hold the vision of the new earth: There will be room for our creative abilities, freedom of belief and desires, freedom from conflict, differences will be celebrated, work will be joyful, relationships will be valued, learning will be open and available to all, politicians will be genuine leaders, a financial system will support the collective, no one will go without. Hold on, the changes are coming. Hold the vision and the higher ground.

He speaks of love relationships and the importance of coming into our hearts. Listen to what your heart tells you. Ego looks for partnership and union, the heart looks for sacred union. The heart doesn’t get needy or push.

Many are feeling unfulfilled in their work. The old paradigms are being eliminated, the global economy is depressed, people aren’t feeling the satisfaction they used to with work. Bring the totality of who you are to your work. Bring the love, light up your professional relationships.

Relationships are changing, including family and friends. He tells us to hold the light and faith for those who are not awakening or interested in hearing us.

Children are arriving on the planet more aware. The role of the parent is to help them toward their destiny. Movement and time in nature is important not only for children, but for all. Nature is a great healer.

Send all beings light and love. Never judge.

Music: Pachelbel’s Canon and Mike Roland – Son of the Light

Thanks to Ellen for the transcript.


Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, a weekly program with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love, and Steve Beckow, editor of the 2012 Scenario. Tonight our guest will be Archangel Michael. Geoffrey West will be filling in for Steve again, who is away this week. Welcome, Geoffrey.

Geoffrey West: And good evening, Graham. Thank you so much. Well, as we again come together in another Hour with an Angel, I invite you to join with me in an invocation of love, light, and divine protection. You may close your eyes if you wish, and just take in a deep breath or two; feel yourself relaxing into a beautiful white cloud with a golden lining. If it is meaningful to you, please feel free to repeat after me.

From the divine God of my being, I Am, my beloved and almighty, I Am invoking the forces and legions of light and love to assist in anchoring the energies of true peace and love, reaching out to all who are ready and willing to receive it, and to enfold our brothers and sisters who are monitoring this program and otherwise serving those of a darker energy who have not yet remembered who they are. Let them know and feel our love and that they are welcome, when they are ready.

I Am the only presence acting in my world, and I choose love.

I Am life, the visible, the invisible, the physical and the non-physical, that supports and sustains all other life, not only on Gaia, but also beyond Gaia.

I Am the transformational light of the violet flame encircling Gaia, in each uniquely different and equally beautiful aspect of life, lifting, purifying and cleansing the vibrations to a higher level of love and service to humanity and Gaia.

I invoke Archangel Michael’s blue flame of peace to fill the hearts and minds of all who are ready and willing to receive it, and to enfold all others in acceptance until they are ready to receive it.

I Am the consuming power and presence of all fear, doubt and questioning in my outer world concerning the invincible activity of the I Am.

I Am the perfect illumination of everyone who looks to me.

I Am the radiant, intelligent activity in the minds of all humankind.

I serve life knowing that I Am protected at all times, at all levels, and in every way.

I Am the master acting in the brain of everyone of humanity, causing divine love, justice, peace, harmony and perfection to manifest to my beloved Gaia and galaxy.

With profound gratitude and love, I am declaring, so be it, and it is done. Blessed be.

So, our scheduled guest this evening is again Archangel Michael. And although it may be possible that some words from others of the Council of Love may come through, our intended themes this evening are hoping to focus on relations, children and twin flames. Welcome again, Archangel Michael, honored to have you with us this evening. Before we get started, is there anything you would like to address, our listeners?

Archangel Michael: First of all, welcome to you. Welcome to all of you. And I thank and bless you for this beautiful invocation, for it is a sealing of the energy and a setting of the energy that we share together this night, and, might I say, always.

Oh, there are many things I would like to talk about this night and always! But of course there is one thing that I would like to address before we get started.

There is much chaos that you are feeling upon your planet, disruption and change, which are the constants. And yes, this will be amplified in the coming times, in the coming days, in the coming weeks, in the coming months.

So what I would like to speak to you about for a very brief time is to share the vision and the knowing of what lies ahead in terms of after the Shift, after the Ascension.

Many of you think of this as a shift in consciousness, as a shift in paradigms, as a shift in the planet Gaia herself, which is correct, and an Ascension to a new reality, a new dimensional reality or trans-dimensional reality.

But these are but words, and what is even more difficult is that, while many of you have accomplished this shift, and while many of you are in the process of completing this shift, because Gaia is not fully complete in her journey and the collective is not complete in their journey, and because you do not have the experience of living in different dimensional realities such as the fifth or the seventh, you do not really know what to anticipate.

So there are many hypotheses, many dreams, many wishes. And what we want to say as well is that the dreams and the wishes are part of what you are creating, so do not dismiss them.

One of the greatest sources of conflict or confusion or chaos upon the planet of Earth at this time and in recent history, for thousands of years from our perspective, is this inability to welcome and to manage change. You say, “But Michael, there has been so much change. How can you say that?” And, my beloved ones, I encourage you to simply look around you.

Where do you see the source of antagonism, of frustration and conflict? It is when one – whether it is a nation or an individual or a group – is asked or encouraged, or sometimes pushed, into a situation of change, where they are forced to manage change that they are not quite ready for. That is why people, particularly the humans, have become so stuck in their ways and solidified their belief systems so that they would not have to change. But, as you well know, and as the Chinese sages have always reminded you, particularly Lao Tsu and Confucius, change is a constant. And I would say it is a blessing.

So you are in the midst of this magnificent change. And you are also going to a dimension where the management of change is peaceful, is smooth, is without heartache or chaos, and because of that there is room, spaciousness and anchoring, of your creative abilities. The world, the Gaia that you are Ascending with, is a world that is free of war and conflict. It is a world where differences and diversity is celebrated and considered one of the most valuable attributes that one can witness or participate in or have.

When there is no energy that is put into confusion or conflict, the ability to create magnificent societies, not merely physically, but emotionally, spiritually, and yes, mentally, for these are not separate…. One of the reasons I mention this is that we are talking about societies where relationships are valued, nurtured, and given the room to grow, to change, to shift. You are creating a world for children where they are not enclosed in classrooms that are often tantamount to prisons, where learning and expansion at a very early age to a very old age if you choose is open and available to all, where play is mandatory and laughter is free.

You are creating a planet where there is room for politics, for politics is the favorite pastime of many. But what has happened with politics is that it has become a very low common denominator, rather than the highest philosophical, ethical undertaking. For what is politics, except the guiding of community into what is best for the collective, where the energies, yes, and the resources, have need to be directed, not because of some power-hungry sect, not because that is the way it has always been done, but because the collective directs, and politicians are, yes, custodians and servants of the people, but they are also genuine leaders?

You have had tastes of that in your political scene from time to time. It will grow, it will flourish – freedom of belief, freedom to pursue what you wish, not because of whim or requirement for financial support, but because it is your sacred undertaking.

One of the saddest occurrences that has come forth and occurred on your planet is the separation between what people think of as their job and then in another part of their life is their sacred work. You will see and witness and live a blending of those undertakings, and it will be in joy, and it will be in community, it will be in harmony. Financial systems will shift to support the collective in meaningful ways.

There is no need for any being, anywhere – in any reality, by the way – to ever go without, to be hungry or desperate. So as we start, and as you say to me, “Lord, Michael,” – and yes, some of you even say, “Mike” – you say, “where are the changes we’re waiting for? 2012 is dwindling as we speak!”

I say to you, hold on to your hats, or your helmets, or your scarves. But hold the vision. Make peace with where you are and hold the higher ground. Thank you.

GW: That’s absolutely wonderful. Certainly you touched on a couple of small points that we will elaborate on as we move into the chosen themes for this evening. I’d like to start on the theme of relations.

I had one question that came up relating to last week’s show. I would just like to ask this one question. Perhaps if you could elaborate on it just shortly before we get into the theme. We were talking about love relationships, and last week you talked of creating the situations where one can find a partner. If one is searching, how can one understand or recognize better if his or her search is coming from the ego or from the heart?

AAM: This is a very profound question, and I am happy to address it before we get underway. Now, let us also say, at the same time, we do not desire, recommend, guide the elimination, the complete elimination, of ego. It is part of the delight in the personality of each of you and how you are manifesting in these wonderful forms upon the planet. So there is a place, a tiny place, for ego.

But so often, when one begins to think about – and I use the word “think” rather than truly experience or feel – think about their partner, their ideal partner, so often they go through the checklist, and that checklist – and this is a fine line, because, as I often say to you, I am going to speak out of both sides of my mouth! – but that checklist sometimes comes from the ego information. And it is all right, if you are bound and determined that a person comes in a package or form that is attractive and enticing to you. But that is not the things that the heart will guide you to.

And so you can address the ego, but then, my beloved friends, come into your heart, and literally make your list, and then feel all that energy dissipate away, and sink, drift, whatever you have need to do, open that heart chakra and anchor within that stillness, and stay in the stillness for a bit, and listen to what your heart is telling you about what you desire, what you are choosing to create, and also, in your heart, what you have to bring to this sacred relationship.

Ego looks for partnership and union; the heart looks to create sacred union. And there is a world of difference. So when you are coming from ego, there are things that come up, such as, “Well, I like them, and I think I can work around this or that personality trait,” or, “It’s not so bad,” or, “I think I can change them,” or – all of these ifs and buts and ands – and “Maybe if I lose ten pounds they will like me more; perhaps I should change the color of my hair.”

Now, we are not in any way suggesting that any of these are wrong, because wrong is a term that humans tend to use and then fall into judgment and then feel poorly about themselves. But what your heart will tell you is it will feel that connection. And so when you are searching, are you searching for the list or are you searching for that heartfelt, soul connection?

Nine times out of ten, when you are meeting a soul-mate, soul-friend, where sacred union is possible, you will know that person. You may not know how or why or the circumstances, but there is that sense of deep knowing. So the ego will say, “I want to get to know you,” and the heart will say, “I know you, and I wish to re-engage and discover and come to learn all about you in this lifetime and in this circumstance. Where have you been?”

The heart doesn’t get – it may flutter, but it doesn’t get panicky, it doesn’t get needy, it doesn’t wish to push. That is ego.

Does this answer your question?

GW: Thank you, Lord. I feel it does. It offers me some perspective. Hopefully the listeners will also resonate, for some listeners who have further questions some points were brought up there that –

AAM: But this is a topic we could spend all night on.

GW: Absolutely, and maybe at some point we will be able to revisit this in a larger context. We will try to talk about twin flames and soul-mates a little bit later in the show, so we will come back to this. For now, I think I’d like to move over into professional relations. And I think many listeners would like to understand better, what is happening energetically in professional relations at this time, and perhaps why are people not feeling fulfilled with their jobs any longer? Can we maybe address this one first?

AAM: Yes. Well, many are not feeling fulfilled in their jobs right now, first of all, because they are finally admitting it to themselves! But it goes back to what I was saying about post Ascension, post-Shift, is that the division that has happened upon your planet between what people think of as their work and then their soul journey, or their sacred work, has been too often – not always, and it doesn’t need to, and I would like to address that as well – but too often divided.

One of the key ingredients of professional work, regardless of what you do, it does not matter what the career, occupation, trade or skill, one of the key components is the relationships. It always has been. You will hear many people say this: “I love the people I work with. I don’t like my job, but I work with a great group of people.”

What we have been seeing is that there has been a growing dissatisfaction amongst the many – we would almost say the majority; it hasn’t quite tipped yet – but certainly amongst many, where the tolerance factors are being stretched to the limit. The old paradigms of Earth are being destroyed, eliminated. But what that also means is that you are in the death throes, and for many in professional relationships, it feels like professional survival. And on top of that you have a very changing, malleable, and, we would say, depressed, globally depressed, economy.

So it creates for feelings of insecurity also amongst colleagues and what you may have previously thought of as mentors or even friends. At the same time, internally, whether people acknowledge the changes that are taking place upon your planet or not, there is still an internal tension building, an internal combustion that is building. So people are feeling that they want to break out.

And then, where do you take that frustration and anger, when things aren’t occurring in the way and in the unfoldment that you feel, from an ego, from a heart, from a mental, from an emotional perspective, they aren’t going the way you think they should be going? Well, you tend to take it out on yourself, first and foremost, and then you tend to take it out on those you work with. You tend to take it out more on your personal, professional relationships that on, shall we say, clients, patients – those you are serving.

So there is a great deal of tension and mistrust. What we observe in the collective is, because so many are aware, “Something is changing, and I can’t see it, and I can’t see it directly in front of me. Sometimes when I’m home alone and it’s quiet, I get a clear picture, but when I’m running from my desk to the bus on the freeway…,” it doesn’t matter where, you can’t see it.

So what you are doing, collectively and individually, is you are looking over your shoulder, and you are looking over your shoulder, wondering what’s going on and, “Where is that sense of wonderful satisfaction? Where is that sense of joy that I used to feel getting up in the morning to go to work, now?” It is time, my peaceful warriors, to bridge this gap. And yes, you are the way-showers, so it is with you that I have this conversation, and it is a conversation that we are already in the middle of. It’s time to bring the totality of who you are to your professional relationships, to your collegial relationships, and to your work, what you can think of as paid work or jobs.

But we find – again, and it doesn’t matter what you do – most of you are committed to your professions, to your careers, your real career. And that is a wonderful, wonderful thing. We do not ask in any way for this to be tossed aside. Yes, there are some of you whose careers will change radically because they simply have not been in alignment with who you are. But that is not the majority.

And even for you who will change in this transition, we still ask this of you: bring your spiritual beliefs, your knowing, your energy, your vibration, your field, which has grown so enormously, bring all of this to your professional relationships. Start to bring the love to those who have been irritating you, containing you, making you feel nervous or uncertain. Bring it to your co-workers, to those who you serve, to your clients, to your patients, to whomever you are working with. Put it inside.

If you are a plumber, not only do you greet and work with whoever lives in the building or home or business that you go into, you are bringing the love, the totality of your being. And then, you are infusing light into the pipes, into the entire waterworks system. If you are an electrician, you are doing the same. Understand the potential. If you are in telecommunications, you are lighting up the grid, but one of the ways you light up the grid is by lighting up your professional relationships.

We are not talking just about trying to explain to people how the world is changing, or how…you are so much more than spirit. You do not need to talk about your personal beliefs and knowings. Love, love is considerate and kind and gentle, supportive, and that is what is very rapidly being eliminated from so many professional relationships. You are going to find that your professional relationships are changing, period. Now, the question is, that I have for you, is how do you want them to change? And you can say, “They don’t accept my light, they don’t want to hear what I have to say.” And I say to you, that doesn’t matter. Because you, you are the ones who are showing the way. And you hold that space, and you continue on.

I’ve heard people say, “What are you smiling about?” Well, you are smiling because you are alive, and you are in this glorious transition that sometimes feels like a rollercoaster of your worst nightmare. But, let’s face it, my friends, you’re on it. So, create. Bring it back to your power to create. The relationships are changing, in families as well. And yes, you will have new colleagues, new paradigms, new grids of people that you interact with, the same way you are finding friendships either re-emerging or fading away. But what you are doing with this, and what you are doing with the light you already hold, you’re not becoming love, you are love. You have been love forever!

So share it. Let it shine through. It may puzzle some people. It may frustrate some people. But keep going.

GW: Thank you, Lord.

I think we all, or most of the listeners, we would know that at the heart of all relations lies energy. I think many will say that relations in family situations and friendship relations are different than my work relations. Perhaps in cases where loved or respected individuals are not ready and willing to awaken, people feel a sense of responsibility to other people. If relationships are ending, sometimes without any visible signs or reasons, in some cases there are control dramas and in other cases there are chemical and emotional addictions. What could you offer to people who are thinking along these lines?

AAM: And it isn’t just in sacred relationships or friendships or families. You’ll see that also in work as well.

One of the things that I ask of you – and you are going to be bored of hearing me say this, but nevertheless – hold the light. Your fields, in the last, oh, two and a half years of your time, have expanded. Think of yourself before as maybe being the size of a turtle, and now you are the size of a grizzly bear. That is a huge energy field. And so when you just hold the space – don’t say a word! If they don’t want to hear you and they don’t want to talk, and they don’t want to wake up, then just hold the light for them.

Our beloved universal Mother, just a few days ago, has asked each of you to peel the sky and allow her blue diamond to penetrate yet again every being upon the planet – those who are awake, those who are not awake, those who are deeply asleep and those who object to ever being awoken.

The other piece to that, and it is a hard thing, is to hold faith. And that is more difficult in partnerships, in relationships, in sacred unions, in families. And it is because you love, and it is like watching somebody you love destroy themselves, and not being able to share the joy, excitement – what is most important to you in your life, and you can’t share it! So it’s a double-edged sword. It’s hard. But you also hold the faith that they will awaken, because whether they acknowledge it or not they are still being penetrated, not only by the energies that are filtering down daily to Gaia, but also from each of you, who very quietly, subtly, are bombarding them with your heart and your light.

Now, these ones who do not wish or are not quite awake yet, they will often revert and create dramas, that chaos that I have spoken of earlier. And you will look at it and say, “I don’t want anything to do with this drama and chaos.” But also, at the same time, understand that they are using that drama sometimes to just stay in the quagmire of their addictions, but sometimes they are using it as the catalyst to wake up and get out.

So step back. Be the observer. Become your Buddha-self. And if help or assistance is asked for, required, openings made, then of course assist, but be the observer. You will know when the time is right.

This shift, this Ascension process, is already underway. And it is far better, smoother, if you prepare. But there will be many, my dear friends, who do not prepare, and who will run at the last moment for that door. And if they do not, if those you love and cherish do not, then it is important to still love them, and allow them that dignity of their journey, their choices, the same way we do.

GW: Thank you, Lord.

I think many parents are understandably confused, because everything that they have been taught is in the process of being deconstructed right now. They’re watching their children get sick, get frustrated, feeling a lack of motivation to participate in the world they were taught to participate in. They want their children to study, get a good job, provide for themselves, but this model is now very rapidly now collapsing. And I think at a deeper level many children knew that this was going to happen, while at a soul level we all knew what we were getting into, but children seem to be more aware at this time.

What could you offer to parents who are feeling confused about their roles in understanding and dealing with their children at this time, why so many are getting sick, and why so many of them are bringing all these wonderful gifts to the world?

AAM: The key is to allow the children to bring those gifts forward, and that seems to be sometimes a true trial for some parents. But nevertheless, yes, everybody knew what they were getting into on a soul level. But here you are in these wondrous vessels, and thinking, “What on earth did I sign up for?” To be a parent is a very special and unique undertaking, and I know you all know this, but it is certainly an agreement amongst all involved. And I will jump the gun and I will say including your twin flames. But we will back up.

The parents know that their children do not represent what they have learned and the paradigm that they have constructed and been brought up within. Now, this is true of most generations. You are not the same as your parents; your values and your understandings, your knowledge, your wisdom is not necessarily the same. And it most certainly is not the same as your grandparents or your great-grandparents. But never has the shift between parents and children been so rapid.

Now, there have been early landings or early reincarnations with the Indigos, the Crystals. Now we are into the Magentas and the Pinks. Each of these groups of children arrive on Earth more and more and more aware. For example, the Magenta children that arrive now come pretty much with full understanding and memory. So do they want to play the game that their parents have played? Do they want to be held hostage, sitting in a seat at a desk for hours on end, or in a dead end job? Of course not. And they’re very clear that there is more. Now, they may not be able to fully enunciate what it is their wisdom already knows, or they may not be able to communicate it in ways that parents fully understand. And that is where the difficulties arise.

But the role, the job, as it were, of being a parent has never changed. The agreement of a parent is very similar to that of a guide or a guardian angel. It is to be the nurturer; it is to be the one who guides this bright soul towards their fulfillment, towards their destiny – yes, all the while worrying and wondering how to keep them out of harm’s way!

But that is the job. That is the agreement, that you will be the guide. And the guide is not necessarily taking the path that you took as a parent, how you were raised or the values that you have come to cherish. It is assisting your child to discover what they cherish, what they value, to help them bring to the forefront what they know.

Now, you are living, all of you – parents, children, grand-parents, but particularly the parents and children that we are addressing this night – you are living in a time that is completely different than other times upon your beloved Gaia. During many incarnations, you would prepare to go to have reincarnation, and in discussion with your guides and One, the sacred Divine Mother, you would say, “Well, I will go and I will do this,” or “I will learn the lessons of humility. So I will be poor. I will be without funds.” “I will be a monk,” or, “I will be a teacher of the impoverished,” or, “I will serve on the battle lines.” Or, “I need to learn the lessons of excess and balance,” so you will be born into great wealth, and you will have power and authority. And the lesson in those kinds of lives of course is to learn the balance, to be a true leader.

In these lifetimes, my friends, what you are not realizing is you have not come particularly to learn any lessons, and that is true of the children as well. I’m not saying you won’t learn lessons, of course you are. But that was not the first and foremost. You have brought highly unusual, you have brought all of your talents, all of your abilities, all of your soul design into this lifetime. You came fully equipped.

So, as a parent, you have all the talents and abilities, all the wherewithal you need in order to handle the challenges of these wonderfully unique children. And you came with your hearts, and you came with your awakened hearts. And are they awakening more and more? Yes. And is that not wonderful?

So, if I was to give the practical advice, dear Geoff, that you are hoping for, it is to break the paradigm of education as you see it now, because it is not serving. Now, with the arrival of your star brothers and sisters, with the shift in dimensions, there are many things that are going to happen naturally.

But find out, don’t just assume, find out what the passions are, what the dreams are, and what is the knowledge of your child. One of the most important pieces of information that you will glean about your child is what did they come here to do? What is their soul path? What is their soul contract? What is their ray?

When you have this basic information, it will make it much easier for you to maneuver. So start there.

The other thing that is so important for all of these new children – the Rainbows, the Crystals, the Magentas, the Pinks, the Indigos – they have to move. It is not just temperament, it is how they learn. It is what connects their circuits. They have to move. So whether it is running, jumping, dancing, rolling – it does not matter – there are movements that have been created that are very beneficial to these children. Start using them, but get moving. And don’t just get them moving, move with them. Discover the flow. The movement is the flow, and the connection to the universe. You were not created as stationary beings.

When, my beloved friends, was the last time that you danced and flowed with your own grid, where you felt the energies flow around you and moved into and with them? Doing this with your children – oh, it will create great laughter and great conversation, but it will also break through.

GW: Okay, that’s wonderful. We have about five minutes left, or maybe about two or three minutes, I guess. So thank you, Lord, for that.

Maybe, I guess we won’t have time to get into the topic of twin flames on this particular show, so maybe we could just finish up with a two-minute comment to the children themselves. There are many who are feeling frustrated because they haven’t been given that space that you have just described by parents. What could these children begin to focus on? Certainly finding release and forgiveness and compassion for their parents and what they’ve experienced, but could they be – would it be helpful for them to spend more time in nature? I feel it is, but I’m sure people would like to hear this from you.

AAM: Yes, you are absolutely correct. The more these children are connected with Gaia, with the elementals, with all the kingdoms, the better. And that is true for the parents as well. Too many have forgotten that very fundamental connection to nature. It will heal you faster than anything, when you have your bare feet…. There is this trend, Earthing; it is not a trend, it is an ancient wisdom. Go back to nature. Breathe the sky. Embrace the trees. Lie on the ground and listen. This will heal, and it will leach from your very core frustrations, worry, feelings of inadequacy. Whatever has need to be restored will be.

You are absolutely correct, my friend. Go back to nature. It is where you will find peace. And it is where you will find yourself. It is where the ego will begin to shut down and your heart open. Talk to the animals and listen to their responses. Look for the fairy houses and smile. Feel yourself with the birds, soaring on the thermals. You have wings. Why wouldn’t you fly?

And do not worry, my friends. We will get to the topic of twin flames.

GW: [laugh] Well, certainly that is a question that comes up with me from time to time. When I’m out talking with people, they ask about twin flames. So I’m sure this will make for a very enlightening topic for an upcoming show. So I guess with maybe less than a minute left, would you – are there final words you’d like to share with our listeners, please?

AAM: Yes. In the coming times, there will be drama. Again, I encourage you, do not get involved in the lower vibration of justification, of revenge, of feeling that you have finally been righted. Stand back and be the observers. Send to all beings your light and your love. Never judge.

[music up]

Farewell, my beloved. Farewell.

GW: Thank you so much, Lord, Archangel Michael. And we come to the end of another Hour with an Angel. I’m Geoffrey West wishing you all a beautiful evening. May you all find something meaningful in these words this evening and carry them out as you empower your hearts and your minds in service to life. Through the coming week hopefully there will be wonderful changes taking place or coming. Hold those in your heart. Be light, be strong, and be at peace. Farewell.

Upload by CosmicMother13 On 22 Feb 2012.

inda Dillon channels Archangel Michael, interviewed by Geoffrey West, filling in for Steve Beckow. Produced by Graham Dewyea.

Click to listen to the show:

Archangel Michael tells us we are in the midst of magnificent change. The Ascension process is happening. It is important to hold the vision of the new earth: There will be room for our creative abilities, freedom of belief and desires, freedom from conflict, differences will be celebrated, work will be joyful, relationships will be valued, learning will be open and available to all, politicians will be genuine leaders, a financial system will support the collective, no one will go without. Hold on, the changes are coming. Hold the vision and the higher ground.

He speaks of love relationships and the importance of coming into our hearts. Listen to what your heart tells you. Ego looks for partnership and union, the heart looks for sacred union. The heart doesn't get needy or push.

Many are feeling unfulfilled in their work. The old paradigms are being eliminated, the global economy is depressed, people aren't feeling the satisfaction they used to with work. Bring the totality of who you are to your work. Bring the love, light up your professional relationships.

Relationships are changing, including family and friends. He tells us to hold the light and faith for those who are not awakening or interested in hearing us.

Children are arriving on the planet more aware. The role of the parent is to help them toward their destiny. Movement and time in nature is important not only for children, but for all. Nature is a great healer.

Send all beings light and love. Never judge.

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A conclusion at the end for the uninitiated is provided. The above photo was from the Manhattan Project in Almogorodo, New Mexico (07/16/45; 5:29:45 am). This 2024 alert concerns the 2024 transit of the Uranian Astrology midpoint Uranus/Vulcanus…
8 minutes ago
Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"yes Drekx, some say the BRICS meeting 22-24 Okt. in Kazan, Russia is the most important event of the year, but we all know the presidential election in the USA is more important"
9 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"BRICS meeting tomorrow in Russia and planning the next stages of de-Dollarization....
They want a gold-backed currency...This is the future of finance on planet Earth...and leads to the golden age...
If you own silver and gold, expect massive rises…"
9 hours ago
Edward posted a status
Planning to......
* A/C Biz, Embassy, Money.....etc..
* Arrest, Weapon..etc..

Have a nice week...
Thanks..take care.....
11 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"The private western central banking system, is certainly falling.....As advised before, purchase silver and gold.....
The solutions are BRICS currency and systematic alternatives, plus the west re-adopting a gold standard.....Reverse 1971, and…"
12 hours ago
Agarther Z left a comment on Comment Wall
15 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"New blog for those who are interested."
19 hours ago
Justin89636 posted a blog post
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be one of the most talked about civilizations in our Galaxy The Plejaren which as we know are the Humans Billy Meier has been in contact with for most of his life. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidles book Your…
19 hours ago

A conclusion at the end for the uninitiated is provided. The above photo was from the Manhattan Project in Almogorodo, New Mexico (07/16/45; 5:29:45 am). This 2024 alert concerns the 2024 transit of the Uranian…

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The Plejaren And The Plejaren Solar Systems

Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be one of the most talked about civilizations in our Galaxy The Plejaren which as we know are the Humans Billy Meier has been in contact with for most of his life. All info here comes from Sheldan Nidles book…

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Views: 35
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Ashtar Command Global Update!

Happy Friday to You! I have just received the new 'Position of the Fleet' AC diagram…also, the new, explosive Ashtar Command Global Update is coming up!   …

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Views: 58
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