

An Important Update on Ronna Herman's Health

Ronna Herman Channels Archangel Michael


Ronna has asked me to send out this message of update to her soul family, along with the love that she holds for each of you, which is profound and enduring.


On March 14th, Ronna had a stroke, which both incapacitated and hospitalized her for a time. Fortuitously, she was on the phone with Rebecca, friend and confidant, who works with Ronna when this occurred. Rebecca phoned Faith, another good friend, and 911, and within 10 minutes she was being whisked away to a medical facility. She experienced paralysis in her right arm, and a slurring of her speech, both of which are returning. Ronna never experienced pain or fear for she knew that this was divinely ordained and that her work here has not been completed.


Ronna prefers to call this an “event” or a “Rite of Passage” because she has emerged from this experience deeply changed in heart and spirit. It was a moment of epiphany, you might say, where outstanding issues rose to the fore so that she could release them once and for all. While she could sense her Divine Council around her it was Ascended Master Djwal Khul who was with her on this segment of her journey. She has been with him in many lifetimes and through this “event” he told her that she needed to go through this experience so that her 1st – 4th level hologram could be sealed. He went through the same experience in the Eastern world. She has successfully moved through the null zone and is now holding light for the rest of us as we make this final ascent into the 5th dimension.


As she went through this time close to the Easter period, she uses terms like “crucifixion” and “Ascension” to describe her experience. But she interprets those words to mean that she needed to bring all the pain that she was still holding in the 6th level of her 4th dimension, back into the Light. She needed to own this pain, acknowledge, and honor it, and then release it. She “Let Go and Let God”, completely.


Staying with the language of the Easter period, she also used words like “denial” and “betrayal”, and “Judased” in reference to those in her immediate circle.

As she stated: “There are things that happened at that time with people I loved, it’s like my Judas. I had to experience betrayal by a few that were close to me, it was part of the rite of passage. I love them no less and we are still intimately connected but their journey was in a different direction. It is everybody’s responsibility to step up to their final gift and the conclusion of their rite of passage to the next level. We will be together again, in a different space and time.”


As she has been designated by the Council as the Overlighting soul for her hologram and soul family, she needed to make this transit so that ours can be softened and “gentled” as a result. She now sees us as souls not as bodies, and she can see us clearly.


It must be said that in no way does her transit obviate the need for us to do our own work. But we are not complete, nor will we make the same transition until we face our own emotional pain. This transit does not come from reading the messages or words of wisdom that have been presented to us in great abundance and over many years. One cannot Ascend from this alone. We need to practice, daily, the tools of Ascension, like the Infinity Breath, the Accordion Breath, daily meditation, chakra toning and the use of affirmations.


As Djwal Kuhl said to Ronna, Ascension on the Earth plane is a difficult process, but we are nevertheless all personally responsible for that climb into the Light, no one can do this for us. Archangel Michael has stated through Ronna that this is not a time for the faint of heart. We must be relentless in our practice so that we can raise our vibrational level to meet and absorb the ever-increasing vibrations of Cosmic Light force energy successfully.


As Lord Michael has stated, we must become a “living meditation” and an example, a Wayshower, for others to follow. As Wayshowers, we hold the Light for all, including the Earth. Every person within the group has an individual blueprint that is waiting to be initiated and there are no shortcuts.


From her new perspective Ronna now understands that when we arrive into the 5th dimension, we do not engage with the world in the same manner, but we do hold great Love and Light. That lower dimensional world is no longer our reality at this point and cannot affect us. Our holograms become sealed as well and we enter a completely different reality.


She stressed that the only path upward is through the purification of the soul and through looking at those things, and people, in one’s life that have been holding us back. Forgiving them and then releasing them. In the case of negative energies from within, we either let them go or transmute them back into Light for higher service within one’s Being.


“There comes a time when even within our intimate soul family, the gifts, opportunities and challenges and tests have to change, and each person needs to make choices for themselves. In other words, you can’t always stay together and rise to the occasion. We can’t always be there for each other, that’s not the way it works. There are going to be times when you must take your own path and that we will meet again. You know you will be together again but until that time, you must move forward if you are true to yourself and your mission.


Many people in our group at different levels may feel that they cannot continue on the path with the rest of the group that they thought they would. It’s not possible. It’s not meant to be. And so now we must take up the shield, the chalice and the sword and move forward ourselves. We know we will be re-united, but nothing remains static and there were no promises that we would always go through it together.”


We cannot “trick the system”. There are no shortcuts as we face the residual issues that confront each of us. But it is in the facing of these issues, and then loving them into Light, that we move into the 5th dimension, as purified Beings. It is at this point that our own Rite of Passage is also complete.


She is now existing in the threshold of her entry level 5th Dimensional Hologram within her Sacred Triad. She spends more and more time within her Sacred Triad, which is rapidly becoming more definitive. There is no longer a crystal table, and her communication center is in place and fully active. She is a shining sphere, which is her oversoul higher self. She feels her higher self and her Sacred Triad merge as one; a melting and merging of her higher frequencies of light.


Ronna received downloads of new information when she was in the medical facility that are waiting to be transcribed. Plus, there is an intention to have a series of video conversations with her team that will be posted online. Her courage and tenacity touches us, and her work continues.


I will leave you with this mantra that helped Ronna through her hospital stay, and sustained her: “I am a Being of Sacred Fire. I am the Purity of God’s desire. I am the mighty I AM I AM. I AM a Light of God.”


With Love and Light,



Video Link: Life Always Gives Us The Teacher We Need




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