
  • Thanks for sharing! Definitely worth reading, love its length. :P
    Gonna read the other NDEs too, may found something nice to read as well.
  • I would have to agree on most of it. After having 2 NDE's myself. One thing i have experienced after them is that because of the way it changes you, there is a verry long period of knowing but not being able to apply. Also the reaction of people or family around you does not realy help, my life turned around 180 and i lost most of my friends and family. This seems to be more of a problem to them than to myself. Nevertheless it does bring some amount of presion on ones daily life when family and friends keep pushing you to be or stay the way you were before the event. I have read a lot of casses of NDE,s but i have never actually met in real life anny persons who has been trough one. I am shure it would be positive to do so, not to belong to a club but to have more understanding and help to integrate this in ones life. I see my NDE,s as a lesson or at least a jump into reality that can benefit manny. I also got into a depression after it because of the lack of understanding from people around me, this made me wish i had not come back. And because there is no medical proof on them people do not take them seriously. It has been over 25 years sinds i had them and i still struglle with the outcome on some levels. And i will not even get into all the stuff that has hapened after i had them, out of body experiences, Mystical Marriage, Orbs, hearing and seeing entities, higher alertness, more sensitivity, even being helped to stop a third NDE(i think this one was because i was not alone in the car) It was weird because i had the accident, the car turned over i saw my wife and daughter dead, all of a sudden i saw 2 licht orbs and everything went back to normal. Like nothing hapened, this was in Sweden on a back road in the midlle of the night. And another problem i have is black outs, it seems i come in and out of life al the time. When at home i do not care but it happens anywhere in the car at work, there seems to be a void and i am always surprised when it happens because i do not remember it unless someone saw me just colaps in front of them. The positive thing about the black outs is that i always come back full with information wether it is about my life or life in general.
    • It seems like you've made some kind of direct link to the after-world or the astral...
  • thanks Peekay, interesting stuff. Now, how to put it into practise..... ; )
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