
Dear PAO followers:
As we wrote in a recent update, last October Sheldan was once again zapped by a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW). It has taken months for him to heal from the DEW and move forward into a normal daily routine and a fuller re-engagement with the Galactic Federation. Until now, he has been making gradual and significant progress.

However, during his neurological recovery, Sheldan has been struggling with an enlarged benign prostate. For some time, he has required a catheter. To resolve this issue, Sheldan must have surgery in June.
The last time Sheldan had an operation, he emerged from anesthesia with major brain fog. Colleen is very concerned that, if it recurs once he returns home, she will be forced to set aside much of her monthly PAO work to be his 24/7 caregiver. The California medical system, regrettably, does not provide adequate post-op health care assistance.
The relentless routine of caring for Sheldan has gradually taken its toll on Colleen’s health and energy. Sheldan’s upcoming operation and the burden of post-op care he requires will add even more demands to Colleen’s already crushing workload.
How can you help?
By offering some financial assistance by way of donation, so that a part-time professional in-home health caregiver could be hired to give Colleen some relief. This would give her time to carry out her PAO work, as well as necessary household chores and shopping errands, and allow her a bit of personal time to recharge her batteries.
We are very hopeful that, after a few months of post-op healing, Sheldan will be ready to resume his neurological rehab and recovery.
On behalf of PAO, we send you our wholehearted thanks for your devoted and generous support.
Peace and blessings,
Miles Simons
Webmaster, PAO

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  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Short Update" -- June 9, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Short update:

    All sources have gone silent over the weekend.

    Expect massive change to occur very soon as the final phase of the transition is about to be initiated.


    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Short Update" -- June 9, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - June 9, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the worl...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Conditions" -- June 7, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    The collapse of the old fiat financial system is imminent.

    The Deep State Cabal are bankrupt and therefore lack the funding to save themselves or retaliate.

    Deutsche Bank (DB) is nearing the point of no return which will trigger a systematic implosion of the old fiat financial system.

    What is left of the old fiat financial system (such as mega corporations, companies, etc.) will be auctioned off to new owners that are working with the Earth Alliance.

    The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) will then be implemented to stabilize the global economy.

    All currencies will be revalued based on gold reserves.

    The RV is expected to occur prior to the collapse with a redemption window of 1-2 months.

    After the redemption of RV basket currencies is complete, the Earth Alliance will trigger the collapse of the old fiat financial system and initiate the final phase of the transition..

    Once the collapse is triggered, mass indictments will also begin which will complete the take down of the Deep State Cabal and also serve as a final blow to the stock markets.

    The final phase of the transition is worldwide GESARA compliance which will be achieved once these 5 conditions are met:

    1. Redemption of RV basket currencies

    2. Implementation of the QFS

    3. Mass indictments/arrests of the Deep State Cabal

    4. Dismantling of the EU

    5. Reformation of laws

    Change of incredible proportions is on the horizon.


    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Conditions" -- June 7, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - June 7, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the worl...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Overlord" -- June 6, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Today is June 6, the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

    D-Day was the the start of Operation Overlord which lasted for 2 and a half months resulting in Allied victory.

    It was the day the free world was united against a common enemy.

    The commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day with world leaders was a reminder that the free world still remains united (via GESARA) against a common enemy, the Deep State Cabal.

    Take a moment to remember those who sacrificed their lives for a war fabricated by the same enemy, the Deep State Cabal.

    We will show the fallen that they did not die in vain.

    Mass indictments are inevitable.

    The old fiat financial system is on the verge of collapse.

    The implementation of the new Quantum Financial System is imminent.

    Redemption of RV basket currencies is expected at any moment.

    Multiple triggers are being set up.

    The transition (to GESARA compliance) is nearing completion.

    D-Day is about to begin once again and will result in Earth Alliance victory.


    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Overlord" -- June 6, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - June 6, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the worl...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Phase" -- June 4, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Most Earth Alliance sources have gone quiet.

    The implosion of Deutsche Bank is expected to be the breaking point for the fiat financial system.

    Meanwhile, more nations are calling for a gold-standard currency.

    Malaysia has called to replace the Petrodollar with a gold-backed trading currency.

    Japan announced that a new currency will be issued by 2024.

    Japan's new currency will be gold-backed under the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

    Expect to see more "gold-standard" related news in the near future as the transition (GESARA) progresses.

    The purpose of the transition is about nations reclaiming their sovereignty, creating fair trade, and returning to the gold-standard via the QFS.

    GESARA is a secret treaty that was agreed upon behind closed doors during the Paris Accord in 2015.

    All nations have been working toward becoming GESARA compliant since 2015.

    The redemption phase of RV basket currencies is expected to begin before the collapse of the fiat financial system.

    The redemption phase will bypass the fiat financial system and will be transacted through the QFS operating in the background.


    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Phase" -- June 4, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - June 4, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the worl...
  • Sheldan and I returned home from our 4th set of Tachyon chamber sessions late Thursday night. Today is our third day home and we are still integrating the divine healing energies. Last month when I returned home from the Tachyon sessions I went right to work and did not take the time to integrate. Around the third-fourth day, I was flattened. So I learned my lesson and made sure that this time I took time to integrate.
    Many want to know about our experience with the Tachyon chamber. The first sessions we noticed and reported the visible healing that occurred. Each person's experience is different. Sheldan was introduced to a Pleiadean healer, E-Lan. He has been helping Sheldan ever since. During the first two sets of sessions, I was visited (telepathically and energetically ~ I did not physically see them) by three (and four) Pleiadean Light Beings. They worked on my heart, my digestive system and my eyesight. I actually felt them attending to these areas of my body. They gave me some suggestions for healing.
    The third and fourth sessions I did not have quite the same impactful visitation and yet the divine, peaceful energy was doing its thing and I was open to receive.
    There is more I could share but not right now. I need to honor my third day of integrating. I promised myself three days.
    Once again, Sheldan and I want to thank everyone who has sent their support whether it was financial, healing suggestions and/or your Loving, healing energies ~ seeing Sheldan (and me) whole and thriving. And so it is so...
    From the fullness of our hearts, we send our gratitude,
    Colleen and Sheldan

  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Replenish" -- June 1, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    Many Earth Alliance secret meetings held in the past were hosted in Monaco.

    The plan to dismantle the Federal Reserve and fabricate a trade war between the US and China was created in 2010 by the Earth Alliance.

    The purpose of the US-China Trade War is to reset trade terms between nations and create fair trade.

    The concept of NESARA originated from a farm claims case won in 2000.

    Bill Clinton refused to sign NESARA into law and a covert operation occurred shortly after to force him to secretly sign it into law.

    NESARA evolved into GESARA overtime which is now a secret global treaty that all countries must comply with.

    Multiple events are expected to occur creating a domino effect that will complete the transition to worldwide GESARA compliance.

    Brexit will set an example for all European countries to return their sovereignty from the EU thus dismantling the EU.

    The implosion of Deutsche Bank will cause the European stocks to collapse.

    The declaration of martial law and the enactment of the Insurrection Act to begin mass indictments will cause US stocks to collapse.

    These events will cause the global [fiat] financial system to crash and give reason to implement the new [quantum] financial system (QFS).

    The QFS will replenish all necessary liquidity with gold-backed bonds.

    All countries will be forced to use a gold-standard currency.

    All currency rates will revalue based on each country's amount of physical gold.

    The RV is expected to begin before the collapse begins.

    The redemption of RV basket currencies will be transacted through the dormant QFS.


    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Replenish" -- June 1, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - June 1, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the worl...
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Crumble" -- May 30, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    The US-China Trade War is currently at a standstill.

    The plan to expose and mass indict Deep State players is nearing completion.

    FISA is key.

    The declaration of Martial Law and the Insurrection Act to mass indict Deep State players will cause the stock market to crumble.

    Another event is expected to occur simultaneously with the mass indictments that will be related to the US-China Trade War.

    A deal is expected to be reached with the US-China Trade War that will be key to the implementation of the new quantum gold-standard based financial system (QFS).

    Both events will completely dismantle the fiat financial system and make way for the QFS.

    Dismantling of the Federal Reserve is also key.

    Meanwhile, Cabal corporations and Cabal-installed governments are crumbling.

    Brexit will cause a domino effect on the EU which will result in its collapse.

    A huge celebration is being prepared at Mount Rushmore for the 4th of July.

    Sources expect the RV to begin at anytime between now and July as the transition progresses.


    RV/Intelligence Alert: "Crumble" -- May 30, 2019
    Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - May 30, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the worl...
  • First, Sheldan, Miles and I want to thank everyone for responding to our request letter. Your donations, purchasing of our Special (Back to being Galactic Humans video), healing suggestions and your visions of Sheldan (and me) thriving as our Creator intended have blessed us with incredible Loving energy. We are forever grateful. Just the boost we needed. The letters you wrote explaining why Sheldan means so much to you touched our hearts. Often Sheldan's teachings were the ones you trusted most. We are blessed to be on this Earth journey/mission with each and every one of you.

    Sunday, Sheldan and I listened to Back to being Galactic Humans. Oh my, Sheldan at his best. We laughed, cried and rejoiced for it touched our hearts in so many ways. We remembered the day we created the video with our dear, beloved, departed Miriam as our videographer. It was prior to launching the webinar platform. If you want to remember why you came to this "crazy" planet, we definitely recommend this video. I found it exhilarating, inspirational and fun. Yes, I'm ready to return to Being a Galactic Human.

    Today we are traveling to Petaluma for another Tachyon chamber set of sessions. We will return tomorrow (Thursday). We want to thank the anonymous group of people who funded our next two trips to the Tachyon chamber. A beautiful gift from people in Singapore. As the Sirians say, ZaZuMa! (Heartfelt Gratitude).

    Keep shining your Lights bright!
    Selamat Ja!

    PS Please understand that I received so many emails with healing suggestions and well wishes that it is impossible for me to answer them all individually. I will do my best. Know that we appreciate everyone's loving input. ZaZuMa!

    • That's so sweet ♡♡♡ 

  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Undergoing" -- May 28, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

    All nations are undergoing reforms to complete their compliance with GESARA.

    Disclosure is already seeping into mainstream media outlets.


    Trump is showing the world that globalism is dying and nations are in favor of global economic change.

    Meanwhile, faux RV movements and false starts continue to purposefully bring out hidden Deep State Cabal players.

    The RV is expected to begin once the fiat financial system transitions to the new quantum financial system (QFS).

    We're in the final stages of the transition.


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