Many of you are writing PAO inquiring why there have been no recent updates. Sheldan has provided us regular updates from the Galactic Federation for more than 20 years. Why, you ask, have they stopped?

To recap: For just over a year, Sheldan has been recovering from back surgery to help him walk again. He has been doing rehab ever since and now can walk normally again. Unfortunately, the operation triggered the recurrence of a neurological condition caused some time ago by a Dew Weapon.

Sheldan was well on his way to working through those issues when, this past October, he was zapped once again by the DEW weapon. This time, the weapon damaged his Galactic contact implant. Reactivation of this implant requires a neurological upgrade, and this takes time. It must be done slowly, in minute increments, to allow his 3D vibrations to be linked very carefully to the Galactics’ 5D vibrations. Although Sheldan remains in direct contact with the Galactic Federation, the effort required for him to receive updates and Webinars demands tremendous energy. The healing process needed to repair the DEW Weapon damage and allow him to be fully engaged with the Galactic Federation will take time. It may take a while yet before Sheldan is able to provide us with updates.

I have already mentioned how hard Colleen has been working during Sheldan’s recovery. Even while she strives, with me, to keep PAO active, she also takes care of Sheldan, battles the medical system, pays rehab bills, and maintains their home life. But the relentless routine is gradually taking its toll on Colleen’s health and energy.

What can you do to help?

The Galactics would like Lightworkers and starseeds to become more involved in helping them bring about disclosure leading to full consciousness. Each month, Colleen and I are given insights as to the special guests and topics that would be most activational for the PAO’s live monthly Webinars. Our collective energy is vital in setting the stage for abundance, disclosure and landings − all leading to full consciousness. Your attendance at Webinars and timely donations greatly help us to spread the word and expand PAO’s mission.

We are so very grateful for all your support. We encourage you to attend the PAO’s monthly Webinars. Galactic Federation teams and some Ascended Masters will be in attendance during the Webinar to activate and uplift our energies.

Please join us!

Miles (Webmaster, PAO)

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  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Restoration" -- January 19, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    According to rumors, restoration of the Republic of the united States of America begins on Sunday at midnight.

    Final preparations are being made at this time and throughout the weekend.

    Trump's emergency text alert system is on standby.

    The US military has been put on notice in the event of Cabal retaliatory attacks or public chaos.

    Once the transition begins, the Earth Alliance will no longer need to use the RV as leverage for negotiations.

    Therefore, the RV will be released.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Irreversible" -- January 18, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    POTUS will be able to declare a national emergency by January 21st (3 days remaining).

    POTUS is attempting to provoke the democrats into "shooting first" prior to declaring a national emergency.

    Also, the US delegation trip to Davos was canceled.

    The US won't be needed at Davos as many changes will occur in the country once the transition begins.

    Once POTUS declares a national emergency, the Earth Alliance will make its move globally to destroy the Cabal once and for all.

    Declaration of a national emergency in the US is the cue for the rest of the world to initiate 'the plan'.

    The US-China Trade War, Brexit, and the Border Wall are all distractions to hide 'the plan' (the transition).

    Brexit is inevitable and irreversible as the Queen officially signed the bill last year under Earth Alliance demands for GESARA compliance.

    Meanwhile, things are heating up in France as Macron refuses to step down.

    Ironically, it all boils down to the US and the UK to change the world.

    Blood Moon (January 20-21)
    Davos (January 22-25)

    The RV remains to be expected literally at anytime.

    The transition would not be possible without the RV.

    The RV has been an effective diplomatic tool to negotiate with nations worldwide.



    Trump cancels US delegation’s trip to Davos summit, Sanders says
    President Trump has canceled the U.S. delegation’s upcoming trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, “out of consideration” for furlou…
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Factors" -- January 17, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Brexit is inevitable despite the no confidence vote.

    The UK government will be replaced.

    London has controlled the global financial system for approximately 4 centuries.

    London and all Central Banks worldwide (including the US Federal Reserve Bank) is the source of Cabal funding.

    3 factors are needed for the financial reset.

    1. Brexit succeeds, London loses it's status as the financial capital of the world (Cabal loses control over the global financial system).

    2. The US Federal Reserve Bank is abolished/usurped (Cabal loses financial control over the US government).

    3. Ivanka Trump is selected to lead the World Bank (Cabal loses control over all Central Banks worldwide).

    Once these 3 factors have been fulfilled, the financial reset will proceed effortlessly without resistance.

    Once all reforms for the financial reset have been accomplished, GESARA will be announced.

    Once GESARA is announced, the new quantum financial system (QFS) will be officially activated.

    The private currency redemption event (RV) may begin at any time between the 3 factors mentioned above.

    Ultimately, the release of the RV is in the hands of the Earth Alliance as it continues to be used as leverage during negotiations.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Dismantled" -- January 15, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    All countries are playing their part geopolitically.

    Brexit is being used as a way to remove London as the financial capital of the world.

    Brexit is also the UK's GESARA compliance.

    The European Union has been checkmated by the BRICS.

    NATO is irrelevant and is being dismantled as there is no longer a "Russian threat".

    The Cold War was Cabal fabricated.

    All registered nuclear weapons in arsenal are disabled.

    The gold-backed Chinese Renminbi has already unofficially replaced the fiat US Dollar.

    The World Bank will soon be under Earth Alliance control as Ivanka Trump is selected as president.

    You are watching GESARA happen before your very eyes.

    Meanwhile, Cabalists are attempting to shutdown GITMO out of fear and desperation.

    High expectations are being set for the financial reset to begin at Davos.

    The RV may begin at any time between now and Davos.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Conformation" -- January 14, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Zimbabwe's President will be heading to Davos and will be playing a leading role in the financial reset.

    A series of significant worldwide economical events is expected throughout January.

    All countries that refuse to conform to GESARA compliance will collapse as fiat currency will no longer be accepted.

    Brexit is the UK's conformation to GESARA compliance.

    Ivanka Trump has been selected by the Earth Alliance to lead the World Bank in preparation for the financial reset.

    All the puzzle pieces are now coming together to reveal the big picture.

    The RV is expected to begin at any moment.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Circumstances" -- January 13, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Very significant events are expected to occur this month which will pave the way for the financial reset.

    The current back wall date for the RV is the same as the date for Davos

    The need for a 'financial reset' will be discussed at Davos.

    The heat is ramping up as the government shutdown continues and the possibility of declaring a national emergency is on the table.

    The RV is on the precipice of occurring as sources claim it could begin as soon as Trump declares a national emergency.

    However, if a deal is made prior then the RV will occur under different circumstances but still prior to Davos.



  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Convenient" -- January 12, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    The government shutdown is being used as an effective method to expose the Deep State and its followers.

    News of a new Zimbabwe currency is timely surfacing prior to the Davos forum scheduled for this month.

    There are no coincidences.

    Significant steps will be taken this month to initiate the financial reset.

    According to sources, remarks or references to GESARA may be discussed/announced at the Davos forum.

    Sources also suggest that the RV could begin once Trump declares a national emergency to build the border wall.

    The national emergency will be a convenient distraction for the private currency redemption event (RV) to begin.

    Currency holders could be contacted at any moment to set up appointments in advance.

    Only HSBC and selected banks will redeem your currencies.

    Please follow the instructions that will be given to you upon being contacted (via phone and/or email).



    Cruz: 'Schumer-Pelosi response was one of the most frightening things I've seen'
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Unfathomably" -- January 11, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    All efforts to reopen the government are being blocked.

    The government shutdown will continue indefinitely until the transition is complete as previously reported.

    Trump will be staying throughout the whole duration of the government shutdown as his presence will be required once the transition begins.

    The World Bank/IMF will be announcing the financial reset at Davos along with the rest of the world.

    The UST might also be present at Davos during the announcement.

    News of the Renminbi rivaling the Dollar is already surfacing.

    Gold will dominate this year which will set the tone for all currencies to become gold-backed.

    The global roll out for the transition is geopolitically occurring worldwide in real time.

    Zimbabwe's mineral reserves are unfathomably immense and will be collaterally backing the financial reset and new quantum financial reset (QFS).

    Zimbabwe's immense mineral reserves is the reason why they were crippled with sanctions by the (Cabal influenced) West.

    You will be able to negotiate any rate you wish for your Historic Bonds (ZIM) at your currency redemption appointment.

    Depending on the rate you choose, the staff at your currency redemption appointment will determine whether that rate can be collaterally backed or not.

    Approval of your chosen rate also depends on whether or not you have humanitarian projects in mind.

    According to sources, the currency redemption event (RV) is expected to begin anytime before the Davos forum.



    McConnell blocks House bills to reopen government
    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday blocked two House-passed funding bills that would reopen the federal government.
  • RV/Intelligence Alert: "Indefinitely" -- January 10, 2019

    (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

    Earth Alliance representatives met with Trump prior to his oval office speech yesterday.

    It was agreed that the transition must now begin without any further negotiations or delay.

    The government shutdown will continue indefinitely until the transition is complete or a deal has been reached.

    The government shutdown is the finale, the last stretch to the transition.

    China is expected to announce a trade deal with the US thus ending the trade war between the two nations.

    The gold-backed Renminbi (Chinese Yuan) will replace the USD as the world reserve currency.

    Iraq will be pressured by the US to internationally recognize their (already) gold-backed currency.

    GESARA will be announced shortly after.

    The World Bank/IMF will then be forced by the Earth Alliance to publicly announce a financial reset.

    The financial reset will result in the official activation of the new quantum financial system (QFS).

    The QFS will provide a fair monetary system for all.

    Indictments and military tribunals will also begin as per GESARA (timely with the government shutdown).

    GESARA contains many other reforms/enactments which can be read here:

    The private currency redemption event (RV) is expected to begin before these events.



    "20 Answers" - GESARA Update - Thursday - November 3, 2016
    The Official Dinar Chronicles Blog Page containing your daily Iraqi Dinar intel, rumors and news updates.
  • he need some milk

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