An Archeologist has discovered an enigmatic ancient medallion that may prove the existance of Atlantis?
The archeologists made the discovery at an ancient site in Egypt, but until the discoery has been shared with the world he will not give the location of where he found the medallion.
H. Schliemann claimed he had found certain artefacts around the world, which seemed quite convincingly point to an advanced civilisation...and specifically Atlantis!
He left secret instructions of his work and findings in sealed envelopes hours before his death. These were only to be opened by someone from his family who would devote himself for the rest of his life to completing what he had started.
Finally his grandson Dr. Paul Schliemann was willing to do that, received and opened the envelope and followed his grandfather's instructions...
Very interesting !! Just Google Dr. Paul Schliemann...:)..
Also interesting is the story's description that the medallion stirred long lost collective memory -- funny that we picked up on this idea before knowing about the book:
"A mysterious crystal-domed medallion has been discovered at a secret military base in Antarctica. Five years previously, several identical medallions had been unearthed at unrelated ancient sites throughout the world. People were deeply affected by the symbols, stirred by a long lost collective memory of humanities distant past. It was claimed the medallions were over 13,000 years old and contained knowledge about celestial transits, indicating the ending of a 26,664-year galactic cycle that will conclude in the year 2012."
Still somehow I can't dismiss my first impression of it. I also thought about Seth's mention of a device he said would be found that was used to build the pyramids through the use of sound. He said that one of the devices would be found near the Pyrenees Mountains in Spain but that we wouldn't know how to use it.
Oh well, Sashia -- never mind. It was a good exercise in imagination anyway.
All to promote a book?
That really pisses me off!?
Sorry guys..........I thought finally something to prove that Atlantis existed and now this!?
Sorry guys I'm really pissed now.....I got to go calm down!?~_~
There are also some old saying in some asia pacific country when some oldies told their young that their country was once part of the lost continent. That place is also very popular for being mystic, the sorcerers (those who practice black magick), and its healers (white magick practictioners) - who can heal and do operation just by using their hand, both open and close surgery. The healers then said they were guided by a spirit. It is also embedded on their culture about a fragment of their long lost heritage. That country was originally an animist with warrior priestesses leading tribal spiritual affairs before it was colonized.
I love ancient histories. :)