All must be brought to the light of justice for there to be completion, and so until that end, let justice preserve.~Andromedan Council
Hello Andromeda, I will start off our conversation as I always do by asking, but a little bit different this time, where would you like this information posted? We would most specifically like this information to be posted on Ashtar Command Crew, as was requested as this time.
Okay, that is not a problem. I guess I wished to make a statement before we begin again, you contacted me to produce this information, is this correct? Yes, dear one, you could bright up just a little bit, but we understand your reasoning, yes, we contacted you, yet, you did requested contact did you not?
Absolutely, I am so grateful for this, I just wished others to know that, because I am very humbled by just be chosen to communicate this information. Laughs, we know dear one, be happy, all is as it should be, none are less or more, and so all at this time are communicating freely, you are no less special than another, maybe in some areas more willing than some, but we are here communicating with you because you asked, and because you are willing, that is, we would expect, enough for anyone, as far as credibility to your communications, but for those who need a stamp of approval, or any approval at all, we Andromeda bless these communications with you, and so you have our stamp of approval, from the Galactic Federation of Light.
Okay, thank you so much. Just being in your presence is a miracle for me, but I promised and committed to you that I would bring this information for you, and I am grateful for it, so this is your ball game, as I say, what would you like people to know at this time?
Ah, thank you dear one for stepping out of the way a moment, we do have much to say, yet, it is not the frequency of communications that is important, but that all those out there are able to receive the message, The First Time.So Andromeda, especially in this time, will not be in the habit of repeating, and we mean that with the most sincere of love.
I understand.
Andromeda is a star system and cluster that is very close to your Earth at this time, our energy is the most direct that you are experiencing in this moment, now, all things move, and so where the stars are aligned at any given time will change, all moments in your Galaxy are windows of opportunity, accepted or not, and so our first statement to all is this: Be Prepared for a Grand Window of Opportunity.
That is a grand statement, but how can we know that this is actually True, and not just another promise without fulfillment, and I am just bringing up issues I know others will mention, I love you with all my heart, but we get tired in this human experience, we are ready, what do we have to do to make this real?
That is a grand question, but you have deferred this conversation to us, remember dear one, so step out of the way for a moment, and let us speak on these Galactic Issues, but we will make a statement to what you have said, because it is important. All is in yours and the worlds’ manifestation. What you intend, you will create. Intend it, and it shall be.
Now moving on to the grander topics as scale, there is much discussion going on not just on the changes in the environment, but in the Global, Economic, Experimental, and Scientific fields, and especially, medicine, a great deal would like to know what the Andromedan Council is doing in this.
We the Andromedan Council, as a facilitator of many worlds, and communications with other worlds, stand here, now to speak to you on the Galactic Ascension of a Cosmic Being we have come to call Gaia, but we call her our Beloved One, the first beautiful project that we as Galactic Beings brought forth from sheer love, and it is this sheer love that we stand at this Cosmic event of her ascension, especially, and on, December 21, 2012. We the Andromedan Council say to you that as Diplomats, Family, and Inter-Galactic Beings of Light, we are with you in these coming changes, as you are our family, as Gaia is our beautiful One, and so she has never been alone and will never be alone. The moment we seeded Gaia with life, our contract to fulfill to her was that one day, when she was ready, we would come back to fulfill the completion out of Divine Love, and so we are here to do so. This is a magnificent event that is taking place with Gaia, and within the entire Universe, as Gaia moves into Oneness and Alignment with the Galactic whole. We would like you to see this beautiful process, and to see it especially, as we do. We are making an Official Statement to the Website known as Ashtar Command Crew, and all its affiliates, on this day, that we support you as you have requested, calling our presence here now, at most in this coming process, and Andromeda says here, now, through this blog that the answer to your question is yes. This is specifically in reference to certain key members on this website, and no more, my dear ones, can be said at this time, yet, they will know what this means in regard to Diplomatic Relations. Andromeda Stands Readied, with Love. Our Official Statement on the changes of the Governmental System that you are now currently inhabiting, is that the changes that will occur will cause a great shift in the mental attitudes of those involved, as the power has shifted from one area of Gaia to another. Know, dear ones, from the Galactic Heart, to yours, that this process is not complete, until, all are brought justice. All must be brought to the light of justice for there to be completion, and so until that end, let justice preserve. We the Andromedan Council stand in assistance of all earth projects, save one, that of the old ones of the past. To that end, we no longer support the energy of destruction, and shall not be party or participant to those involved in areas of destruction. There shall be no more excuses for war beloved Hearts, it means many of you now, with love and compassion, will have to change jobs. This cannot be avoided. For you must lay down your arms, and pick up your Sacred Heart, now is the time. The Andromedan Council Leaves dated 4-17-2012.
Andromeda comes, continued…
We are always here to facilitate the changes that are involved in your planet, and we love each and every one of you, from this day forth we would love that each of you experience the consciousness of knowing you are never alone.
All of that which you do is noticed, and all of that which you do is recorded,do you understand this, dear ones?
For even if you have to live another life, all that you have done here is not forgotten by that which you call your akash.
Andromeda Leaves.
Thank you Andromeda for your communication on this day. Copyright @ Andraste 2012
nice post! Hope to see an update.
Thank you for sharing this loving message, very comforting
love & light
Thank you for passing on this message.
Thank you for the message! I humbly await our first meeting with no expectations. Love and Light! See you at the afterpartayyy :D
Thank You for sharing this andraste, wonderful message.
Love and Light
Very good of the Andromedans....
I have confirmed this to be true....and we all seek an end to wars on earth.
Wow! I didn't know that ACC is that popular that even our cosmic brothers are aware of this website. :-)
Thank you! Namaste!
Beautiful family. My heart is bursting with love. I am always here willing and ready. Thank you for your love to Beautiful Gaia and all her life.