

Light up the darkness. We are the resistance.


Yet, we would always suggest, that all is a matter of perspective. In the presence of illumination, and Light, there is only Light, that is why, it is ironic, to us, that the Illuminati, or what have been termed, Illuminati, are called such, as if they are, in effect, of a dark nature, they would be the hidden ones, not the Illuminated ones, and so we find this, to be the biggest human deception, in regards to this.~Andromeda


Hello Andromeda, the first thing I will ask, is do I have permission to post this on the Ashtar Command Crew Websites?

Dear one, there is no restriction, on information, but, there are times, when it is best not to speak, yet, in this instance, and in this moment, we offer our guidance, in the best manner we can possible. And so your request, for permission, of this nature, is not necessary, if guidance, is given, so Andromeda, welcomes, contact, in this manner, if it pleases you, to communicate, this way.

Hmm…okay. The next question is, how do I know this is actually Andromeda speaking?

Sit present, in your Heart, dear one, and listen to what your heart, tells you. The words expressed, and the manner, they are expressed, will be, a recognition, for those, who are aware of our presence, in this Galaxy, and, the manner, and Love, with which we speak, will be a remembrance, for those who are aware, of Andromeda. Do not worry, that others, might view, this communication, as not from Andromeda, but more so, be concerned, about your experience, in relationship, to this communication. The question of whether, the presence before you, is Andromedan, shall be answered, by your own innate self, and dear one, the reaction, to the information presented. Yet, allow others, the choice, of viewing, what is presented, without having to discern, from a recognition, or non-recognition, but from their own Heart center, let them come to decide. That is honesty.

Understood. The first question I would like to ask, is I read a post where they said some would ascend and others would not, and that there is criteria for ascension, where some will go to other planets, my question is, is this true? Will only some ascend?

Some meet ascension, quickly, others, it takes time, we would like all to view the experience, as an experience, and not to pre-judge, experience, through the mind, but to engage the mind, in the experience, of who you are, and who you choose to be, and then to let the process unfold. We cannot, certainly, promise all will ascend, in the manner that ascension, is spoken of, but we can only show you, that life is an eternal, and continuous, process, by which all grow, and develop, it, in our perspective, is not a matter, of whether ascension, is a framework, for better or worse, but that it is a point in space, that has been developed, as a goal, for an experience, yet, from our frame of reference, this experience has occurred, rather than will occur, and so ultimately, all will ascend. Will they ascend all at the same time, no, that would be illogical, and unproductive, to state, for, life is a process, and all things meet their process, at different elements, for instance, the processes that are involved in the growth of a Tree vs. a human being, vs. an animal, all contain the same energy, yet, the processes, and the developments, that go into that growth, are at various stages, yet, each stage, is important, and each process, is important, for all life requires variability. While many have practiced the teachings of sameness, we note, that the natural Laws of the universe, predict, and promote, variability, so there is no axiom for ascension, no one process for getting there, and certainly, not barometer, by which others may view, another beings ascension, in relationship, to all of life, there is of course, what we can view, in relationship to the whole, and if one thing does not benefit, the whole, just like in the human body, the macrophages, white blood cells, leukocytes, and other immunologic systems, present, within the body, will fight an infection, and so it is natural, for the human being, to, in a natural state, recognize that which is anti-thetical, to the process of Global Healing. Yet, you have been told, that you are not capable, of recognizing, when there is ailment, present. All are capable, of recognizing, what is not within the natural flow. And so, we offer, dearest of our Heart, this perspective and analysis.

That makes sense, doesn’t directly answer the question, but I understand your reasoning. I know you specifically called me to start bringing your information to ashtar command, but I tend to wonder why you chose me, and why in specific, you asked me to bring this information at this time.

Thank you, dearest, we understand what you are saying, in relationship, to this matter. You are concerned, for the reaction, in relationship, to the material presented, as you should be, always, and it is True, that you were called, into action, not necessarily by Andromeda, but, that all starseeds, were called into action, to share, the information, that was present, in their heart, only through discussing, and analyzing, ideas, can we come to remember, who we truly are. So please, dear one, do not be offended if others have a negative reaction, for their reaction, is important, in the whole of all of the discussions that are brought forth. It creates necessary tension, that allows others, to push themselves against the grain, and it is important, in the face, of a situation, that is flowing backwards, to the natural creation of life, and of Prime Creator, that others push against the grain.

Do not view, those opinions, as against or for, but natural, normal, reactions, to any information, that may be brought up at this time. We, Andromeda, came, and come, because we are part of the Galactic Federations of Light, and we are here, to bring peace, and joy, in this time.

Does that mean that I am an Andromedan starseed, or something to that effect, I am just curious?

All human beings, dear one, are made up of a Galactic, universal, starseeded, race of beings, that have been seeded, by various cultures, and by various, galaxies, and so, from our perspective, all human beings are children of the universe, beings of Light, beautiful in and of themselves, and do not, need a label or, a cultural justification, for being who they are. It is no accident, that any being comes to Gaia, and so, we are unique, and variable. Some, have labeled, that uniqueness, under different banners, and if you feel close to Andromeda, bring that energy in, but all energies are important to life. And so, we would like you, and all others, to see that life is variable, without boundaries, and without nations and restrictions, in regards, to how communication, is processed. All human beings are capable, of becoming Starseeded, through activating, what is innate, in who they are. Yet, you are all human beings, and that is beautiful. Do not discount, being a human being. For truly, you are magnificient, in who you are, not less, but infinitely, more.

That was beautiful, thank you.

So I will go to my direct question, which was the question I had in my mind all along, what is the real deal going on with the illuminati, or whoever they are, and what can we do?

Thank you, dear one, for challenging, a very, very long history, of viewpoints, the established, way of viewing life, is slowly breaking down. Established, meaning, that there is a long history of how human beings came to believe what they do, and also, what they believe, they can do. And so, it is not one organization, that has created ,the darkness upon your planet. But, we are aware, that many need a focus, for their intention. If there is to be a focus of intention, look to the global, unified, consciousness that has developed over the course of millennia, upon your planet Earth, and view that it all started out with the ideas of separation and war. You cannot war against that which you are one with, and you cannot kill that which you eternally love, from Heart, and so, the moment human beings, stopped loving one another, and started viewing each other, as separate entities, that was the moment, that war begin in earnest.  And so, dear one, regardless of when, if, or how, mankind has always viewed, in relationship, to war, the other party, as the demonized ones. Do you understand? If a race of human beings, such as the Icelandic Nordics, were to conquer, a Tribe, such as the Barbarian Slavics, then the Icelandic Nordics, might say, that their race was superior, yet, both are uniquely, the same. Sometimes, two completely different countries, non-neighboring, would war, such as the Chinese and the Americans, for instance, and so, one would demonize, the other, and others, might say, they are two separate races, but as you know, and as you are aware, there is not enough variance in genetics upon your planet, now, for there to be separate, races, nor, is one human being more demonic, than the other human being, yet, there are some who would say, that they are possessed by various entities, and other creatures, not of this world, some, that perpetuate a darkness, and a evil, on the planet Earth.

We would simply suggest, that even if this was True, if there is no personal responsibility, to each human being, to stand in sentience, for who they are, the human being, feeling less, will look outward for salvation. There is nothing in who you are, that makes you less, or less capable, of being, and becoming, and so, it is the human being, in viewing themselves as less, that has allowed themselves, to invite the presence of that which you call dark. Yet, we would always suggest, that all is a matter of perspective. In the presence of illumination, and Light, there is only Light, that is why, it is ironic, to us, that the Illuminati, or what have been termed, Illuminati, are called such, as if they are, in effect, of a dark nature, they would be the hidden ones, not the Illuminated ones, and so we find this, to be the biggest human deception, in regards to this.

The True Illuminati, or the Hidden ones, dear one, are not a human being, nor can they ever be a human being, but a conscious, within the 4thdimension, that holds that the human being is less that the Divine Presence of Prime Creator, it, dear one, is a Consciousness, of service, only to others, and never to the self as a whole, and we say this in relationship, to what you view as service, for an Illumined being serves ALL including the SELF, but a non-illumined being, will serve either only his or her self, or only others. For when you serve only others, you make yourself to be less than you are. And there is no less-oning, of you.

So instead, of those looking for a presence, that is embodied, we would tell them, to look for what is not seen, for that is the energy, that is the TRUE illuminati, or what you would term, the hidden ones, and so they control, not through an outward organization, but by rooting themselves into the human consciousness through the back door that is the Pineal Gland, and the back door, that is the Dream world or hidden unconscious, of the human being. We would tell you, that the patterns and rotations, of many whom channel, or, in regards, speak on these topics, and especially, those in the news, who speak about these issues, are BACKDOORED, and controlled, by this hidden, unseen, darkness.

But, even those whom have existed, in these unseen societies, they MOST are at service to this dark consciousness, and at its hard, is the color RED, and at its HEART, is the color of human blood, for, dear one, it is a WAR consciousness, that they seek, to continue in the human experience, leaving, those in power, in power, and those in control, controlled.

This is why we speak, on the issue, of Unity Consciousness, for, those in power, and especially, the dark consciousness that we speak, is MOST afraid, of your Unification, in Light, for in LIGHT, pure LIGHT, of Prime Creator, all is illumined, and when illumined, you see them for who they truly are. And that, is their TRUE intentions.

We say, to all who speak on these matters, KEEP illuminating, that which is HIDDEN, for your speaking, talking, interacting, and integrating, showing others the TRUTH, is in direct opposition, to that which is hidden.

Today we reveal this dark energy, as the consciousness, of that which is old, from, the first idea, that man and woman, and human beings, were less, than one with our Beloved Prime Creator. You are sentient, you are blessed, holy, and loved, and Andromeda stands with you in honor, not over or above. We love you, as family.

Thank you Andromeda.

We, Andromeda, say as family, shine and hold the light of Love, on all that which is dark, and expose all that which is hidden, reveal, all that which is kept from you, post the books, and teachings, for all to read, let nothing be hidden, let nothing, be kept secret. For the informed, human being, is the enlightened human being.  With so much Love.

We are Andromeda.


Copyright @ Starseed Andraste

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  •  Mem Key and Master of Light your dialogue backwards is amazing to read. Speaking of emptying cups

     I observe  two highly polished mirrors refracting the Sacred Golden Energy of Prime Creator backwards and forwards and being 180 degrees opposed to each other energizing the discussion of the Sacred Light backwards and forwards both remaining on the same polarity of truth honor integrity  purity of intent and Sacred Purpose. Might I point out the discussion swerved away from that of our Andromedan Brothers and Sisters and their further introduction to Planet Terra Gaia by Andraste. Would be nice to honor our Brother Andraste and now having sorted out the integrity of each other continue with the thrust of the Andromedan intent. Love you all. Blessings light love balance peace harmony kingjeff

  • Absolutely Master. The most innocent of natural realizations here is that -- what your cup is filled with, was a Secret moments before. You see? Secrets are as natural as a passing breeze, or the beauty hidden beneath the waters of a lake or ocean. Without Secrets, there can be no Revelation. 

    What is Sacred is Secret. The Mystery.....we become. As Bruce Lee pointed out "Pour water into a cup, it becomes the cup."

    When Mysteries are poured into you, you become the Mystery.

    May peace profound abide with thee dear brother. :) Thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts in loving grace.

  • There is relative truths and there is the Absolute (Truth). Behind all the many manifestations is the true core of all Being. It is the Key to all of nature. It is the Heart of all of Creation.

    All humans are created equal, but not all humans create equally. Meaning...all are one and the same, but not all have knowledge of their creative ability and how to build their reality. The key virtue that Nikola Tesla attested his ability to was his "disiciplines."

    What Secret of Nature was hidden from Nikola Tesla? Not a one, he saw through reality like a thin veil. By HIS disciplines. There is the Door, but YOU must walk through it.

    Do you want every Secret? Prepare thy Self. Cleanse thy Body. Purify thy Mind. Electrify thy Heart. For centuries, through all of time....this is the Door. But it is YOU who must walk through it.

    Is a clever tv show or movie worth your weight in Gold? Is a quick fast food meal worth the Treasure of the Universe? Is sarcastic wit worth Eternal Balance? For a time in my life, I thought they were worth it. But as the butterfly emerges from the worm, so does Realization emerge from the dark womb of our bad decisions. May we all have our fill of bad decisions, so that the Butterfly within may fly free.

    There is the Secrets. When we have our fill of bad fates, we ultimately end our bad decisions and choose the Eternal Goal. We EMPTY our CUPS. The Universe, by Law, must fill that which is empty. It is written and so it is done.

    Empty your cups my friends. "Free your ambitious mind." "Free your Mind."

  • AMen Master! Namaste...

    Contribution to Peace

    I contribute to Peace when I strive to express the best of myself in my contacts with others.

    I contribute to Peace when I use my intelligence and my abilities to serve the Good.

    I contribute to Peace when I feel compassion toward all those who suffer.

    I contribute to Peace when I look upon all men and women as my brothers and sisters, regardless of race, culture, or religion.

    I contribute to Peace when I rejoice over the happiness of others and pray for their well-being.

    I contribute to Peace when I listen with tolerance to opinions that differ from mine or even oppose them.

    I contribute to Peace when I resort to dialogue rather than to force to settle any conflict.

    I contribute to Peace when I respect Nature and preserve it for generations to come.

    I contribute to Peace when I do not seek to impose my conception of God upon others.

    I contribute to Peace when I make Peace the foundation of my ideals and philosophy.

  • Thank you for your grace Master, your words on Crowley bring this clearly into focus. When secrets fall into wrong hands, many may be led astray by a clever twist on the wisdom of the masters. This is partly the purpose of secrets and why you do not cast Pearls of Wisdom before those who would trample them.

    Andraste has his point as well, and I know where he is coming from. Truly, the Secrets belong to Humanity, and we preserve them for humanity. Anyone may enter the Threshold and appeal to enter into the Sanctum Sanctorum. Anyone. But this is a choice they must make on their own. Pouring secrets onto the uninitiated is much like pouring calculus on a 1st grade math class. The cup must empty itself to prepare to Receive the Greater Light.

    It is said that at the root of every misunderstanding is a pure intention. Andraste knows in his heart that the Secrets belong to Humanity, and in that he is correct. How humanity attains these Secrets is where I turn your attention to the Ascended Masters because you can remove me from Earth and the Secrets will remain. What the Ascended Masters set in place is beyond me or my existence. I only direct your attention to their order. Their pattern. Their wisdom, which is what it is for reasons I truly cannot know on Earth. I only know what is. The "why?" is what you must ask in your own Heart.

    What I do KNOW is THYSELF. I know that the beauty and splendor of being Initiated into the Secrets of the Ancient and Mystical Mystery Schools is beyond words. It is transformational. can this be without the Secrets being preserved?? Without them being preserved behind closed doors, there is not transformational quality to them. If the Secrets  became as common as flipping a light switch, their ability to transform is lost. The power of the Word is that it is Lost. When mountains are climbed until your fingers are bare, your brow is sweaty and your robe is almost torn to shreds, the Lost Word is then spoken and what Glory awaits the one who climbs that mountain.

    If the Lost Word was at the bottom of the a recliner profane would it become? If the Secrets were laying out in the streets for anyone to kick around.....where is the value in that? What is hidden from plain sight is what amazes and transforms.

    Embrace the unknown dear brethren. Do not seek to unveil the Mystery.

    Seek to Become the Mystery.


    • φ
      Be, o' Being, be free in Peace of Mind.
      Flicker and shimmer......Awaken and wholly Shine.

      For no problem exists in the Land of Peace.
      Only Answers that come in days, or weeks.

      Seek the Black Hole at the Center of Being,
      and find that Light is not what your seeing.

      The Mystery, we become, in order to dissolve,
      the Ego's idea that a mystery is to be solved.

      What good is Good, lest it Live through You?
      What good is your Bread, if not broken for two?

      What good are your Wings, if you know not how to fly?
      What good is Life, if you know not how to Die?

      ~ Eben Mayim


  • Agreed. :) Thanks for putting things into perspective MasterofLight.

  • Mem Key or Frater Eben Mayim. One and the same. : )

    EBN MYM = 1353 = a year of great Rosicrucian import. That is why we are in the year 3365, while some still insist it is 2012.

    The Gregorian calendar is still holding it's ground. All is well that ends well brother. Love and Light to you.

  • You stand recognized Mem Key. Duely noted, and so it is. I am not one to go about revealing the nature of who people are, my respect for all peoples rights will always go above and beyond that. Should you choose to reveal who you are Mem Key, then I am sure you will. Regardless, we meet on the fields on honor, and so it is. May the Winged Tip of Hermes guide you in Light.

    I am the Light,


    • Andraste, I am not quite sure I understand your words my friend. I am not revealing the nature of anyone in general, as Nature itself reveals all that needs to be revealed. I live by the words "Mastery of Life through Service to Humanity", so I am sorry if you think I do not respect anyone's rights above and beyond my own. I am here to serve and nothing more and that is what I do with every day of my life. If I am not being of service to you here, please let me know how I may better be of service.

      I am not sure what the fields of honor are, so please do explain beloved. Honor is a virtue and that is all I know of honor. Hermes Trismegistus indeed is a guiding Light, and I thank you for your blessings.

      I am nothing more than a Reflection. :) Eternal Blessings to you in your work beloved.

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